If you enjoy being beaten down daily as a motivator, this place is for you! "Work life balance" is a joke - management expresses how important this is, as they assign four new projects for you to control.
Toxic culture with loads of sycophants and rampant nepotism. Not a place for fair treatment regardless of what they say. If you’re not one of the “family” then be careful about how and what you say.
glad I quit, what a life sucking place that was. highly competitive atmosphere and people who do hard work but have suggestions for improvement are seen as complainers and are reprimanded for it. promoting a "yes" culture without promoting a culture of change and evolution. silos. silos. silos. everywhere.
The work is meaningful and rewarding. I work with a fantastic team of people. Most importantly, I feel fortunate to have a great paying job with benefits after being a contractor for a very long time.
Manager encourages off-label promotion to treat EOS diseases for which the drug is not indicated. Manager is clueless on field calls, hanging in the background with face in phone the whole time. No feedback, no coaching, unable to answer basic questions, sucks the life out of reps and never gives anything back.
There is no perfect company - but at least BMS is empowering you, and there is less politics than in many other companies. You can take initiatives, build teams, innovate...
Great people but every admin task is 10 steps longer and more complicated then other companies using the same platforms. Also, there is a lack of work/life balance. Meetings are frequent and often scheduled with little to no notice.