The co-founder, Scotty, is very unprofessional, uses foul language, threatens you. Unrealistic goals. Nobody I see at this company is happy. The pressure for growth is unrealistic and the condescending ways of which he presents himself is not motivating. Working 12 hours a day + weekends. They are asking us to speak ‘clinically’ to doctors, which we have not been trained. We are asked to ‘self’ train medically on google!
There is always a reason to not pay reps their full commissions. Your self esteem as a rep goes down if you stay and you loose commissions if you leave. Lose / Lose here. You feel very stuck.
If you can love your job but hate the company you work for, come to Quest Diagnostics. I have a great customer base, but mgmt fails to recognize and reward success. Top heavy company where Sr Mgmt has no clue how to market products. Promote only those who kiss a**.