Amgen works like a training ground to certain foreign individuals. Their own people who are already in hire them and since they are incapable they may be pushed out after some stay, but be able to use Amgen name to obtain a position in a smaller company. Many such examples exist. The industry penetration scheme.
As many know and some experienced personally Amgen has a continuous improvement policy, but unfortunately it also involves personnel replacement. This is not necessarily "dead wood" cleaning, but a matter of policy. This brings mistrust, fear, uncertainty and volatility. Not to mention negative internal networking. Has additional effects like that some good people leave, and others avoid to join Amgen.
Amgen is planning a periodic purge for personnel replacement. May be different than usual dead wood cleansing. This time it will be in 2 stages. First will be some dead wood removal and second, some time later will be embracing the DEI pruning depending how the other pharma companies handle this issue. DEI word may not be used in that process. Later Amgen would have openings announcement, pretending to be a growing company. As usual.
Amgen denies opportunities for American citizens by actively sponsoring H1B visas, mostly from India and China. Amgen could claim they hire the "best", but they really mean they want to control scared and obedient people and pay low salaries. But there is no loyalty and often the American know how is transferred to other countries as well.
MariTide and bone loss:
Get ready for purge, there is additional excuse.
Although it was "only" Level 1 trials.
Amgen never misses opportunity to purge ranks, though.
Amgen is ran by a bunch of blowhards that need to hear the loudest voice rather than anything of merit.
Anthony in leadership of CDNA has created an environment of that if you dont suck up, youll be ostracized and want to quit.
If you manage a project beware of too many stakeholders. This is like a project in a project, managing stakeholders that may have opposite agendas and expectations. Some are more important than others. Some want to be important and try to impose their demands upon project manager. You cannot ignore any, since they can have connections and try to hurt you later. This stakeholder management adds unnecessary workload and causes a lot of stress. Not to mention it could negatively affect the main project. Thousand Oaks is a nice location, but not the people.