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Since 2001, has been the premier website for pharmaceutical reps, med device reps, and others in the pharma and medical sales industries. We have news, research links, message boards, articles, and more. We currently receive approximately 10,000 unique visitors per day, with traffic from behind the firewalls of most major and smaller pharmaceutical and biotech companies. In addition, we have a strong base of pharmaceutical job seekers and industry investors.
Visitors to our site view an average of over 4 pages per visit, with the most popular areas being our front page (with a hand-selected newsfeed updated 7 days per week) and the message boards.
An ongoing voluntary demographic survey of our site visitors shows the demographic attractiveness of our users:
* 94% have at least an undergraduate degree
* 38% have some graduate work or a graduate degree
* 48% have an annual hh income of $100K or more
* 56% male, 42% female
* 30% are 25-34 years old
* 35% are 35-44 years old
In addition, the survey indicated that 51% had bookmarked our site, 18% visit on a daily basis, and 26% visit several times a week.
We currently have several advertising opportunities on
Banner ads:
Banner ads are sold by impressions, with one impression counted every time an ad is loaded. Cost is $10 CPM for specific locations, and $8 CPM for run of site. Minimum buy is $600 per month. For example, if you purchased 60,000 impressions to run on the front page only, the total cost would be $600 (60,000/1000 = 60 lots of 1000 impressions, at the cost of $10 per 1000 = 60 X $10 = $600). Bulk discounts are available for purchases of 100,000 impressions or more.
Static Front Page Ads:
A limited number of static front page ads are also available. These ads will be shown each and every time the front page loads during the buy period (instead of rotating like banner ads). Discounts are given for quantity purchases:
per month: $4,200
per quarter: $12,000 ($4,000 monthly cost)
In some cases we will allow the purchase of exclusive rights to advertise specific products or services. If you are interested in an exclusive advertising agreement, please let us know via our contact form.
Front Page Newsfeed Sponsorship:
A front page newsfeed sponsorship may also be available. Advertisers will be able to place an ad directly under the heading of our newsfeed. This newsfeed is updated 7 days per week. Discounts are given for quantity purchases:
per month: $1,200
per quarter: $3,200 ($1,800 monthly cost)
Sponsored Article on CP Wire:
Sponsored articles appear on the CP Wire section. Articles must be relevant to our website scope and include useful information for users. Articles are permanent and article headlines are fed to our front page and our social media feeds.
per article: $250
Text ads:
Please click here to get information on our new text ads, where you can place geographically-targeted text ads for as low as $100 per month per geographic location.
All rates are net as listed. Rates are subject to change without notice. All advertising must be paid for in advance, unless prior arrangements are made.
We can also work with you to develop other advertising solutions. Please let us know if you would like an account rep to call you.
For further information or to place an ad, please send e-mail to:
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