Good company mission and change is usually good, but…no access/feedback from field leader until review. 1 boss encouraged divisiveness. Sales is appreciated. High turnover. Half of 1 field team left in <6 months.
Technical associates are not valued as much as management people and having to report to this superiors who lack the right technical skillsets means your chances of advancing are slim unless you curry favor and prioritise their agendas else they are influential to make your life at NVS miserable since NVS promotes and employs superiors of only the same breed so their own group of people grow bigger and stronger to control by taking advantage of the powerless, gullible, blind and deaf associates.
Severely underpaid. Lifeless culture. Lack of true innovation, just buying out innovative companies. Company claims quality is a top priority but doesn't put its funds there.
The people I work with make the job so much better though!
Only the kiss assers thrive here. People get promoted and hired based on gift of the gab despite lacking the right skillsets and experience because people are so gullible and blind to question and uncover the fact and truth. Gaslighting, backstabbing, sugarcoating and throwing one under the bus are not uncommon here in order to advance.
No faith in site or corporate leadership to do the right thing anymore. Nowadays it's all about profits, driven by cutting costs (usually headcount) and finding ways to do more tasks with less people. Burnout has been gradually whittling away at the experienced technicians; when one leaves to another company or position, it's a coin toss as to whether or not their position will be backfilled.
Complete silos with incompetent leadership, price gauging, and lack of resources for driving product through an effective launch. Unrealistic expectations with sales goals that are not inline with market trends leading to employee burnout and job dissatisfaction.
Leadership is a Boy's club - everyone is in a click - CEO is well intended but a total newbie and spends most company meetings lecturing on COVID precautions and bragging about his travels. JS hates women with an opinion and no one is held accountable - they keep people around way too long and dont promote young talent.
One will be hired and promoted even lacking the function-domain-specific competency or work ethic as long as having the gift of gab because it is the only one single skill that is required and regarded as the most valuable skill for leads here.