Regulatory corruption. Price fixing. Fake sales reporting. IC fraud. Really goes all the way up. What else do you expect from a company that tries to screw their employees by manipulating stock prices? They have a slush fund for law suits and fines that goes over budget every year. More class action suits ahead. They forgot to include black and Latino patients in their cancer trials while touting diversity of their black and Latino employees.
Poor executive management - all new, older white guys from Thermo Fisher. Dictator- management style, only promote other white, 'yes" men. Supply issues yes sales is blamed for low growth.
Syneos Health/Idorsia. Management are lairs and the culture is far from what they intended! Stay away from this contract. No personal development or opportunities
Terrible leadership. No products. Poor Commision structure. Revolving door of senior leaders that went from fantastic to ignorant to lying bullies to micromanagement to clueless. Terrible product pipeline. Abbott has also become a place this gets rid of middle managers and directors prior to them being able to hit age 50 so the pension value is suppressed.
The work is cool but sales management do not know what they are doing. We haven't been able to make ANY out reaches in 5 weeks. Last end of quarter, they changed bonus standards and applied retro on work already done, lots lost lots of bonus and several got none because of it.
Acctually my job is meaningful but the work enviroment sucks! People at all levels are mostly malicious and condescending in order to advance. People are getting hired and promoted especially the managerial roles without the right skillsets as long as the hiring manangers and they are of the same breed. Most superiors are only confident professional speakers that many of the gullible people mistake it as real talent and thus being taken advantage of.
Before everyone had to merge into ABA site (south SF), it wasn't so bad. But the new employees started coming from other toxic companies; they brought over their toxicity! However they operated at their former company, they brought their laziness, sneakiness, backstabbing and brown nosing behaviours.