Layoffs Coming No Doubt

No. What will save my butt is my sales performance numbers. My creed is work hard and play hard. naive you are! You would think in a sales organization that must reduce headcount they would get rid of the low performers. Of course if you are on a PIP you're toast. Let's say you and a counterpart share a territory. You're the star hard worker never cheat. Your counterpart is a lazy sloth. However he is a minority. You could be the one let go. Another example you live 20 miles from the center of the territory. Another rep lives 3 miles from the center. You're toast! These are just two examples of what you write is generally not true. ZS associates uses an algorithm for layoffs designed to protect the company against any lawsuits Creed and hard work are never part of the algorithm. Welcome to the f*cked up business logic of the pharmaceutical industry! Over the years I've seen some great reps let go and the worst of the worst stay. If in any way you think you are're wrong and the smart reps have a plan if they are selected for the annual December slaughter.

I can attest to that. I was in the running for COE last year and finished top 20% the year before and was let go in December. The difference is I had a lot of years with AZ and the ones they kept has less than 5. Good luck with that work hard mentality. It doesn’t work with AZ. In the end you will get screwed and become a lot more bitter because if it. naive you are! You would think in a sales organization that must reduce headcount they would get rid of the low performers. Of course if you are on a PIP you're toast. Let's say you and a counterpart share a territory. You're the star hard worker never cheat. Your counterpart is a lazy sloth. However he is a minority. You could be the one let go. Another example you live 20 miles from the center of the territory. Another rep lives 3 miles from the center. You're toast! These are just two examples of what you write is generally not true. ZS associates uses an algorithm for layoffs designed to protect the company against any lawsuits Creed and hard work are never part of the algorithm. Welcome to the f*cked up business logic of the pharmaceutical industry! Over the years I've seen some great reps let go and the worst of the worst stay. If in any way you think you are're wrong and the smart reps have a plan if they are selected for the annual December slaughter.
I hope it’s you.

Thank you for the good wishes! Your post is VERY VERY bad Karma. It sure might be me who knows? However it also could be you and you have some bad Karma in your pocket. Sleep well tonight.
The Karma is you putting energy out there that projects your own laziness onto someone else. God forbid that a white be laid off and a minority be retained.

No one ever offers proof of work effort differences, just dim witted, unquestioned stereotyping. Or better yet, if a white is laid off, the managers are so cowardly, they never say out right to the white displaced—yes, the minority was in fact better than you. Can’t bruise fragile white egos. And frankly, a white manager is more likely to keep a poor performing white than a highly performing minority. I’ve seen it too many times.

But in private conversations, meant to sooth your fragility—They let the big lie stand—we had to keep the minorities, because they are minorities; my hands were tied. I have a buddy at another company, let me see if he will interview you.

White men get new jobs faster than anyone.

The Karma is you putting energy out there that projects your own laziness onto someone else. God forbid that a white be laid off and a minority be retained.

No one ever offers proof of work effort differences, just dim witted, unquestioned stereotyping. Or better yet, if a white is laid off, the managers are so cowardly, they never say out right to the white displaced—yes, the minority was in fact better than you. Can’t bruise fragile white egos. And frankly, a white manager is more likely to keep a poor performing white than a highly performing minority. I’ve seen it too many times.

But in private conversations, meant to sooth your fragility—They let the big lie stand—we had to keep the minorities, because they are minorities; my hands were tied. I have a buddy at another company, let me see if he will interview you.

White men get new jobs faster than anyone.

Horsesh*t! White males are the new minority.

The Karma is you putting energy out there that projects your own laziness onto someone else. God forbid that a white be laid off and a minority be retained.

No one ever offers proof of work effort differences, just dim witted, unquestioned stereotyping. Or better yet, if a white is laid off, the managers are so cowardly, they never say out right to the white displaced—yes, the minority was in fact better than you. Can’t bruise fragile white egos. And frankly, a white manager is more likely to keep a poor performing white than a highly performing minority. I’ve seen it too many times.

But in private conversations, meant to sooth your fragility—They let the big lie stand—we had to keep the minorities, because they are minorities; my hands were tied. I have a buddy at another company, let me see if he will interview you.

White men get new jobs faster than anyone.
White Female Here. Sadly? Much of what you write is true. Everyone in the Jewish Foundation thinks they’re exempt. I say NOT! Anyone’s ever watched the show “Black Monday “ on Showtime?? Excellent representation of ZS Associates, LLC.

Do I earn my paycheck?
I know I do, but my territory partner does not. I think he won’t be let go, although is mediocre at best.
Sound familiar?

Will there be layoffs in December?
I think so but who they keep will not be based on merit because we have the same ranking. It will be some other criteria. Territory 2 and 3 get ready to stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.

Let's be honest folks. Greater than 50% of our targeted doctors do NOT see reps. The remaining half are inundated with pharma rep calls that basically consist of scheduling a lunch for the office fatsos and getting a sig for samples. The work day is a stretch at 4 hours. Not even fat pharma can keep a sales force model that is all but antiquated and ROI diminishing. For my sanity and financial future, I am going back to school and getting a degree in accounting. Sorry for the wake up post but the truth is sobering. Imagine when Medicare prices are negotiated! Sales reps will definitely be on the chopping block. Good luck to all.

I also agree the December layoffs are coming. True to AZ tradition I'm guessing about 500 people. To counter some of the above posts---DM's have ZERO say who goes. Years ago DM's would force rate their district and this was part of the algorithm. I'm of the opinion this is not used anymore but of course I could be wrong. Of course if you are on a are gone. You will never find out the algorithm ZS uses. The algorithm is fed into a computer with the sales force and the computer spits out who goes. ZS is hired to shield the company from law suits. This would include firing too many reps over 40 years of age and too many minorities fired. You live too far from the center of the territory compared to someone else I don't care if you are a ten time coe're gone. It has ZERO to do with your performance or how much your manager hates you or loves you. There is nothing you can do to shield yourself from this. All this reminds me of the short story...The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. If you never read it...I suggest you do to see what I mean.

I also agree the December layoffs are coming. True to AZ tradition I'm guessing about 500 people. To counter some of the above posts---DM's have ZERO say who goes. Years ago DM's would force rate their district and this was part of the algorithm. I'm of the opinion this is not used anymore but of course I could be wrong. Of course if you are on a are gone. You will never find out the algorithm ZS uses. The algorithm is fed into a computer with the sales force and the computer spits out who goes. ZS is hired to shield the company from law suits. This would include firing too many reps over 40 years of age and too many minorities fired. You live too far from the center of the territory compared to someone else I don't care if you are a ten time coe're gone. It has ZERO to do with your performance or how much your manager hates you or loves you. There is nothing you can do to shield yourself from this. All this reminds me of the short story...The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. If you never read it...I suggest you do to see what I mean.

DSM here. Pretty much spot on "if" this comes to fruition. We were ll shell shocked last December when these lay offs were announced. Was pissed I didn't have a say as some were gone that should not have been. Other's kept that should not have been.

Let's be honest folks. Greater than 50% of our targeted doctors do NOT see reps. The remaining half are inundated with pharma rep calls that basically consist of scheduling a lunch for the office fatsos and getting a sig for samples. The work day is a stretch at 4 hours. Not even fat pharma can keep a sales force model that is all but antiquated and ROI diminishing. For my sanity and financial future, I am going back to school and getting a degree in accounting. Sorry for the wake up post but the truth is sobering. Imagine when Medicare prices are negotiated! Sales reps will definitely be on the chopping block. Good luck to all.
110% On Point.

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