Layoffs Coming?

. . . and then you hire them and throw them into an oldfashioned Pharma POD environment and micromanage them to death - makes perfect sense to me. I am so out of here. AZ management is absolutely nuts and so backwards and clueless that no product is going to ever do well.

It's all too simple to fix. 2 reps per territory selling every major drug. Some territories with little to no access, should go down to one rep. Hospitals have virtually cut off reps entirely. There is so much lying going on in that division about calls, that it has gotten way out of hand.

Give DM's a minimum of 15 reps. Cut back on management all the way around. Field sales is WAAAYYY over bloated. It's cutting time folks. Get ready!

It's all too simple to fix. 2 reps per territory selling every major drug. Some territories with little to no access, should go down to one rep. Hospitals have virtually cut off reps entirely. There is so much lying going on in that division about calls, that it has gotten way out of hand.

Give DM's a minimum of 15 reps. Cut back on management all the way around. Field sales is WAAAYYY over bloated. It's cutting time folks. Get ready!

Finally someone gets it! An almost perfect solution to a huge problem Pascal, you listening?

DSM here. When we have openings, they want us NOT to interview pharma people. Why?

Figure it out.

and then you are forced to hire those without experience who think it is a "glamourous" job with $ signs in their eyes not realizing to be good you have to work and work hard. 100K invested on these folks who I am guessing fail 75% of the time which probably explains why there are consistently in my state (IN) the same job openings in the same cities of solid reps who were downsized over a year ago! AZ is the biggest offender of laying off good reps who unfortunately were employeed 10 plus years and making decent money. AZ gets rid of them, rolls the dice and keeps hiring people who aren't working out. Can you imagine the $ wasted!
I see so many openings in the same places consistently I figure the dsm's are never in the field with the reps as they are always interviewing. Christ fill the positions with solid experienced reps who will work their asses off if given a job.

Finally someone gets it! An almost perfect solution to a huge problem Pascal, you listening?

I'll tell you what the problem is. AZ is not a leader but a follower of how things are done in big pharma. This idea is excellant and been offered up many times but AZ is so conservative they wait to see a company like Pfizer or Janssen or some powerhouse decide they are going to put a plan like this in place. Then AZ, ever the late person to the party will tentatively pursue after a million meetings of the minds and focus groups!

I'll tell you what the problem is. AZ is not a leader but a follower of how things are done in big pharma. This idea is excellant and been offered up many times but AZ is so conservative they wait to see a company like Pfizer or Janssen or some powerhouse decide they are going to put a plan like this in place. Then AZ, ever the late person to the party will tentatively pursue after a million meetings of the minds and focus groups!

in layman's terms AZ needs to grow some BALLS!

DSM here. When we have openings, they want us NOT to interview pharma people. Why?

Figure it out.

As a DSM the reason why is there are thousands of Displaced Pharma reps out there. Salary costs are high and they know we can hire a new person with 1 to 3 years experience for around 50k. About 20 years ago this is what we did at Zeneca and Astra and Astra Merck. It makes perfect sense that we can hire 3 to 4 reps for every one or 2 old timers. I am so glad we are given this direction. It is time for new blood. If they would let me hire a recent college graduate I would do that as well.

As a DSM the reason why is there are thousands of Displaced Pharma reps out there. Salary costs are high and they know we can hire a new person with 1 to 3 years experience for around 50k. About 20 years ago this is what we did at Zeneca and Astra and Astra Merck. It makes perfect sense that we can hire 3 to 4 reps for every one or 2 old timers. I am so glad we are given this direction. It is time for new blood. If they would let me hire a recent college graduate I would do that as well.

Some day you will be old. I think we should hire college graduates like the Csa's. They are awesome calling dead people, sampling products that docs don't use and creating profiles in touchstone for janitors and valet attendants.

As a DSM the reason why is there are thousands of Displaced Pharma reps out there. Salary costs are high and they know we can hire a new person with 1 to 3 years experience for around 50k. About 20 years ago this is what we did at Zeneca and Astra and Astra Merck. It makes perfect sense that we can hire 3 to 4 reps for every one or 2 old timers. I am so glad we are given this direction. It is time for new blood. If they would let me hire a recent college graduate I would do that as well.

...hmm, so what replacing expensive old DSM's who have been in the field for years?

Pharma sales is a beginner step on the career ladder..yep, hire a new college grad, thrilled to have a car and decent money, this job is not hard or technical in any saves $$$ , they get happy newbie worker, and company is just as thrilled to see them leave after 4-5 years (when they start reproducing and kicking in huge health care costs and time out of field)

Yes, Mr. DSM, the above poster is right: Someday you will be old, "overpaid", and have an even harder time than a PSS finding employment when you are laid off for the above reasons. I get the bottom line concept, but it is a scary, crappy mindset to have. Unfortunately, this is what America is valuing--only cheap, young employees. God help anyone who gets laid off after 45!!!

P.S. The naive excitement of a young new rep only lasts so long. We were all new young reps at one time. Remember that??????

As a DSM the reason why is there are thousands of Displaced Pharma reps out there. Salary costs are high and they know we can hire a new person with 1 to 3 years experience for around 50k. About 20 years ago this is what we did at Zeneca and Astra and Astra Merck. It makes perfect sense that we can hire 3 to 4 reps for every one or 2 old timers. I am so glad we are given this direction. It is time for new blood. If they would let me hire a recent college graduate I would do that as well.

What a toxic environment. It did not use to be this way. Being a pharmaceutical rep was a great job, well respected, it wasn't difficult to see doctors, no scripted selling. Then the consultants came in, ZS with their share of voice and Price, Waterhouse among others with the vitality curve otherwise known as rank and yank. No one wanted to be accountable, even Dave Brennan and the Corporate Integrity Agreements continued because AZ was such a fine and upstanding organization. Think sleeze.

Mr. DSM for life, where will you be in 5 years? Most of the DSM's I ever worked with never moved up, couldn't sell but were responsible for training how to do it, and are as expendable as any middle manager know nothing who sucks up to their boss for handouts.

I'm glad I got out before the job was dumbed down to the point of scripted selling. It's time for new management blood. A college graduate or McKinsey consultant could do better than most of you. Why are you still here?

I'm glad I got out as well. buckle up for a bad ride AZ. I am so glad I left- there are better opportunities out there believe me! just open your eyes and attitude and look for them. p.s. my old manager was a complete douche. just sayin

What a toxic environment. It did not use to be this way. Being a pharmaceutical rep was a great job, well respected, it wasn't difficult to see doctors, no scripted selling. Then the consultants came in, ZS with their share of voice and Price, Waterhouse among others with the vitality curve otherwise known as rank and yank. No one wanted to be accountable, even Dave Brennan and the Corporate Integrity Agreements continued because AZ was such a fine and upstanding organization. Think sleeze.

Mr. DSM for life, where will you be in 5 years? Most of the DSM's I ever worked with never moved up, couldn't sell but were responsible for training how to do it, and are as expendable as any middle manager know nothing who sucks up to their boss for handouts.

I'm glad I got out before the job was dumbed down to the point of scripted selling. It's time for new management blood. A college graduate or McKinsey consultant could do better than most of you. Why are you still here?

I'm recently retired from AZ and have seen the changes in the industry, and specifically AZ over the years. Although AZ was hit harder than most companies (due to the creeps from Astra taking over after the merger), the reason for the downfall is really the future that faces the industry, and that future is what is now the rule in the rest of the westernized world, and that is a nationalized medical it Obamacare if you wish, A plan that I fully support after being in big pharma for over thirty years, and realizing the fraud and BS that I have experienced and actually to my horrors, been a part of.
All of pharma management knew what was coming many years ago. The depletion and de-valuing of the sales forces took place due to the realization that a nationalized plan was eventually going to happen and me-too products and non-negotiated federal contracts would be a thing of the past. Even now, the future will require tremendous scaling back in order to meet the future industry which includes the need for new and better drugs, and requires base research and lot more than marketing or sales .... as well as a greater degree of honesty with the public and the government (FDA).
There is no question that the American medical structure is failing when compared to the rest of the industrial world, and the time for change and improvement is now. Some of us still in big pharma will not like the change, but change, due to cause is inevitable.

retired or still in big pharma?

Dude, you screwed your credibility, if you said it was dark I would go outside to check.

Hey moron, if you only actually knew how to read. I'm retired out of AZ for three years now. It was lousy there when I left....they were hiring compound idiots like you. I could have stayed longer, but had no desire to have people like yourself work with me, on my team or, heavens forbid, to be branded by them.
By the way, I was in management most of my career, but always in sales. The sales people I worked with in the "early years", even the worst of us, were far better and more qualified than the likes of you.

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