Layoffs Coming No Doubt

I don't get it. Why do we have to live in dread every year due to layoffs. Everyone with a week of tenure in the sales force knows our numbers are bloated as hell. We could easily lay off 50% of the sales force and not miss a script of sales. This would also mean 50% lay offs of DM's and their bosses. For those reps remaining basically your territory would double in size. Do this and get it over with!!!! If we were right sized I believe motivation would improve and that would increase sales. We wouldn't have to live in fear every year for the 500 cut AZ tradition. Any other opinions on this suggestion?

I don't get it. Why do we have to live in dread every year due to layoffs. Everyone with a week of tenure in the sales force knows our numbers are bloated as hell. We could easily lay off 50% of the sales force and not miss a script of sales. This would also mean 50% lay offs of DM's and their bosses. For those reps remaining basically your territory would double in size. Do this and get it over with!!!! If we were right sized I believe motivation would improve and that would increase sales. We wouldn't have to live in fear every year for the 500 cut AZ tradition. Any other opinions on this suggestion?

Your suggestion is logical and to me makes great business sense. So it will never happen. Sales force will shrink by 500 reps per year.

Your suggestion is logical and to me makes great business sense. So it will never happen. Sales force will shrink by 500 reps per year.
If you get severed, it will suck to have to look for work but at least you won’t work for this shitty company anymore. It’s not like any of us will ever look back at our time at AZ with pride. Pharma gigs are just a way to make a decent enough living without having to use your brain or get overly stressed out. The worst part about these jobs is the likelihood that you work for a moron. Roll with it and maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find meaningful work before it’s all said and done.

These aren't layoffs, they are thinning the herd. Lowest performers bye-bye. Word is PCx will expand next year in prep for PT-027. Market for that drug is huge, or so we are told.

These aren't layoffs, they are thinning the herd. Lowest performers bye-bye. Word is PCx will expand next year in prep for PT-027. Market for that drug is huge, or so we are told.

AZ way is to alternate between massive sales force downsizings and more targeted performance based firings that don't cost the company WARN notice and give only half the normal severance package.

And it was just last Thanksgiving they did the large sales reorganization so next up low performers gone.

Can personally attest that 2 algorithms picked who was displaced last December. True that Dsm, Rsd had no say so. Behavior, performance ratings, skills meant nothing. I lived too far away from newly drawn territory. With AZ over 10 years. It's very difficult STILL trying to get back into pharma. MOST companies are hiring those that are younger with less exp, so can pay less. OR, if you aren't currently working within the therapeutic area that is hiring, beware. In other words, if you are in respiratory and seek a neuroscience job, don't be surprised if you get rejected.THIS is the new norm.

With another terrible jobs report and suicide bomber today, doesn’t it feel inevitable many will be let go over the Holidays as our Country continues to spiral down the drain.

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