
AZ needs to wipe out clean the whole senior leadership team & get new leaders in. VP of HR in Wilmington HQ doesn't do anything & lives in isolation. Very ineffective, just a follower and very political
We don’t listen to adults that use intensifiers to state a point. Expand your lexis and get back to us.



As we suspected, dumb asses at the top too. The whole purpose of intensifiers is to state a point.

“‘Very’ is the most useless word in the English language and can always come out. More than useless, it is treacherous because it invariably weakens what it is intended to strengthen.

“So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy.”

Here are a few more words and phrases to use sparingly:
  • very
While we appreciate your public-school-educated input, it is unnecessary. We’ll reach out when we need an assist with the best biodegradable meal carriers.



AZ needs to replace the entire senior leadership team. The VP of HR in Wilmington HQ does nothing, lives in isolation, is ineffectual, obsequious, and political.
We are grateful for the opportunity to aid in your mastery of effective communication. Please do not refrain from contacting us for more assistance or feedback.

With hugs and smiles,

Your Friendly and Erudite Leadership Team

Relax AZ only fires US Sales Force at Christmas time. You’re safe until Thanksgiving.

2020 received an email thanking the sales force for staying tried & true through the wuhan sheet-show. Gave us an extra day off. A few days later, don't go to work until your in-line manager speaks with you as to your "status". Good times!

I don’t know who made up that crap about 1 live call + 1 email + 1 virtual call = 75% increase in rx . Seriously when did anyone ever seal a deal with a formatted email and customers won’t do veeva remotes anymore without a ton of manipulation which is a waste of time and energy!
Leaders are panicking and trying the Old pull a rabbit out if a hat trick to justify their being here and breathing our Air.
Yes, restructuring and layoffs must be around the corner.

Oncology will be one of the first to have layoffs. Of all medical specialties, a recent Fierce Pharma survey indicated oncologists are the least influenced by sales reps activities. In fact, most cancer clinics have banned pharma reps from their premises. What do the oncology reps do during the business week?

Oncology will be one of the first to have layoffs. Of all medical specialties, a recent Fierce Pharma survey indicated oncologists are the least influenced by sales reps activities. In fact, most cancer clinics have banned pharma reps from their premises. What do the oncology reps do during the business week?

What do we do during the week you ask? As an ONC rep for quite awhile, I can tell you that access has hit the bottom, and is worse than I have seen for years, and it’s showing no signs of getting any better. Last week, I actually “talked” with 4 physicians. The interactions could not be described as a true detail. That’s not a lie. There is a ton, and I mean a ton, of call lying taking place just like in PC. The days drag on. I am always done no later than 2 pm, and sometimes earlier. The Fierce Pharma survey is accurate.

The question is, what will ONC look like after a reorg?

With the proposed Med D pricing negotiation we are doomed. Our brands are old, rebates are high and even Sarah Walters can’t fix this cluster!

Here’s whats about to happen based on the past.
  • Budget cuts. Oh it will be Mansplained as the smart thing but it’s step 1
  • Step 2. We want you to take this role as developmental opportunity. We’ll make a decision in Q4.
  • Step 3 - we are going to hold off filling any vacancies If there is more than 1 rep in the territory. Save money to invest in Q4
  • Step 4 - we need to look at all reps who are not at goal. We can’t afford to have dead weight
  • Step 5. EBDs in week long meetings and unavailable
  • Step 6 - enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday, we have a busy 45 days left in the year!
  • Step 7 - November 28th - all sales zoom meeting. - stay at home we are going to roll out a new customer centered, patient focused operating model and need to adjust our structure to prepare for the future.
  • Step 8 - November 29th - sorry but 1000 people were let go today. Now let’s get back to work.
  • Step 9 - Bend over and take it again from your DSM and CBD you stupid rep! Your lucky to have a job! God I Love AZ!!
Update on my intel

About 15%. We are now in the 45 day window for the planned holiday layoff.

The EBDs have been in continuous meetings and are getting aligned with HR on people and process.

As of yesterday morning, December 1 notifications will be made.

Remember the last notifications were given for Dec. 1 2020. Before that, late November of 2018.

My CBD and EBD have been very quiet lately. Goals were crazy in Q3 and better now in Q4.

I guess they are lower in Q4 to account for the layoff and lack of engagement they see in us.

Buckle up! I have been interviewing lately in hopes I get laid off. I can accept the package and start a new role within weeks!

I hope the rest of you are not just sitting around drinking the AZ kool-aid! It's layoff season folks!

Back in my day we never worried about this type of stuff, let alone spent time interviewing with other companies while hoping to get displaced just to collect a big severance. Such a shame that this industry has ruined what was such a wonderful place to work. AZ was always good to me.

My CBD and EBD have been very quiet lately. Goals were crazy in Q3 and better now in Q4.

I guess they are lower in Q4 to account for the layoff and lack of engagement they see in us.

Buckle up! I have been interviewing lately in hopes I get laid off. I can accept the package and start a new role within weeks!

I hope the rest of you are not just sitting around drinking the AZ kool-aid! It's layoff season folks!
Tell me more, tell me more
But you don't gotta brag
Tell me more, tell me more
'Cause he sounds like a drag

Back in my day we never worried about this type of stuff, let alone spent time interviewing with other companies while hoping to get displaced just to collect a big severance. Such a shame that this industry has ruined what was such a wonderful place to work. AZ was always good to me.
It is a Shame what has happened to the pharma industry. Just read today’s article regarding no see doctors on this site’s home page. The author states 2/3 of US docs don’t see reps!! I remember when only a handful of docs were regarded as no sees. What do today’s reps actually accomplish during the business day? I remember the days of actually selling our products’ merits to at least 7 physicians per day! It was fun and rewarding!

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