Happy 2017! hang on...more layoffs coming

look, deep throat from HQ called the last slaying in December so there is definitely credible intel to be found here. If there is chatter or rumble regarding layoffs at any given moment, I'd run with it and consider it TRUTH!

Trump sure sounded this morning like he wants direct negotiation on drug prices. Something both pharma and our supporters in Congress have resisted. Were it to happen revenue would certainly fall even more. Would Trump then save our jobs?

This is what happens when you have a moronic vet running the company. The fatal mistake was rejecting Pfizer's incredible bid, just so The Vet could retain the title of "CEO".

I just keep flash backing a few weeks to the year end statements from Pascal and Ruud trying to paint a rosy picture as quite a few good people are let go.

All I keep picturing is the scene from Animal House when a young Kevin Bacon is screaming "remain calm, all is well" as people trample him.

End of March, end of June take your pick but for sure it is coming. Those let go on the Cardiovascular side in August were let go a week prior to the sales meeting in Dallas. Oh by the way, you have been laid off and would you please cancel your travel reservations to Dallas. Then bring over a neuro sales team, replacing the displaced reps, to sell Brilinta. Made sense and then let 700 more go in December Pascal has been and will be a very significant factor in the demise of AZ. When he took over it was well known that the 2015/2016 timeframe would see a huge patent cliff with billions in revenue lost. He could have made better strategic decisions and acquisitions of products, to maintain or even grow the company, until various compounds made it through the pipeline. The minions heads will be severed, while he and others will make million dollar bonuses despite the ship sinking. Sure they were counting on Brilinta and multiple indications. However, much like the diabetes products in the BMS acquisition, Brilinta is a johnny come lately to the market. BID doseing, dyspnea, doj investigation, poor leadership during initial launch, generic Plavix, effient going generic this year. It was doomed once the stroke trial failed. There has been more DTC ads in the last 2 weeks for Brilinta, then there had been during the period from launch until end of 2016. Oh yes Frenchie bought a fish oil capsule, they claim had manufacturing issues. Come on with dozens of fish oil capsules otc , AZ can't figure out how to keep capsules from leaking? Truth be known, if you look it up there was a patent infringement lawsuit. Az probably after purchasing it, realized they would either loose the suit or be forced to pay royalties. Movantix was a hit and so was the ZSpharma acquisition. Frenchie will only be around another year. Again, long enough to make a few more millions. His failures are catching up quicker than he can bail the water from the bottom of the boat. He will not come close to hitting his marks without a miracle breakthrough drug or three. Shareholders will realize if they haven't already, that when Pfizer came knocking they should have filled their pockets with the offer. That boat will never return to the dock

End of March, end of June take your pick but for sure it is coming. Those let go on the Cardiovascular side in August were let go a week prior to the sales meeting in Dallas. Oh by the way, you have been laid off and would you please cancel your travel reservations to Dallas. Then bring over a neuro sales team, replacing the displaced reps, to sell Brilinta. Made sense and then let 700 more go in December Pascal has been and will be a very significant factor in the demise of AZ. When he took over it was well known that the 2015/2016 timeframe would see a huge patent cliff with billions in revenue lost. He could have made better strategic decisions and acquisitions of products, to maintain or even grow the company, until various compounds made it through the pipeline. The minions heads will be severed, while he and others will make million dollar bonuses despite the ship sinking. Sure they were counting on Brilinta and multiple indications. However, much like the diabetes products in the BMS acquisition, Brilinta is a johnny come lately to the market. BID doseing, dyspnea, doj investigation, poor leadership during initial launch, generic Plavix, effient going generic this year. It was doomed once the stroke trial failed. There has been more DTC ads in the last 2 weeks for Brilinta, then there had been during the period from launch until end of 2016. Oh yes Frenchie bought a fish oil capsule, they claim had manufacturing issues. Come on with dozens of fish oil capsules otc , AZ can't figure out how to keep capsules from leaking? Truth be known, if you look it up there was a patent infringement lawsuit. Az probably after purchasing it, realized they would either loose the suit or be forced to pay royalties. Movantix was a hit and so was the ZSpharma acquisition. Frenchie will only be around another year. Again, long enough to make a few more millions. His failures are catching up quicker than he can bail the water from the bottom of the boat. He will not come close to hitting his marks without a miracle breakthrough drug or three. Shareholders will realize if they haven't already, that when Pfizer came knocking they should have filled their pockets with the offer. That boat will never return to the dock

The financial community certainly believes AZ is a dog and the only thing sustaining the stock price is the expectation of a continued fire sale to increase cash and revenue and the inevitable purchase of what is left by another company. There is not a single investment expert recommending AZ as a strong buy and long term hold stock. So it doesn't matter what Frenchie or Ruud, or Tosh says about our future. The cake is already baked.

so what i gather from this and other threads, is i will have to get my cv updated and start looking for a new gig? ugh, i haven't interviewed in so long. not looking forward to the next few months! and IF you do get retained, what does that look like. it's been fun.

End of March, end of June take your pick but for sure it is coming. Those let go on the Cardiovascular side in August were let go a week prior to the sales meeting in Dallas. Oh by the way, you have been laid off and would you please cancel your travel reservations to Dallas. Then bring over a neuro sales team, replacing the displaced reps, to sell Brilinta. Made sense and then let 700 more go in December Pascal has been and will be a very significant factor in the demise of AZ. When he took over it was well known that the 2015/2016 timeframe would see a huge patent cliff with billions in revenue lost. He could have made better strategic decisions and acquisitions of products, to maintain or even grow the company, until various compounds made it through the pipeline. The minions heads will be severed, while he and others will make million dollar bonuses despite the ship sinking. Sure they were counting on Brilinta and multiple indications. However, much like the diabetes products in the BMS acquisition, Brilinta is a johnny come lately to the market. BID doseing, dyspnea, doj investigation, poor leadership during initial launch, generic Plavix, effient going generic this year. It was doomed once the stroke trial failed. There has been more DTC ads in the last 2 weeks for Brilinta, then there had been during the period from launch until end of 2016. Oh yes Frenchie bought a fish oil capsule, they claim had manufacturing issues. Come on with dozens of fish oil capsules otc , AZ can't figure out how to keep capsules from leaking? Truth be known, if you look it up there was a patent infringement lawsuit. Az probably after purchasing it, realized they would either loose the suit or be forced to pay royalties. Movantix was a hit and so was the ZSpharma acquisition. Frenchie will only be around another year. Again, long enough to make a few more millions. His failures are catching up quicker than he can bail the water from the bottom of the boat. He will not come close to hitting his marks without a miracle breakthrough drug or three. Shareholders will realize if they haven't already, that when Pfizer came knocking they should have filled their pockets with the offer. That boat will never return to the dock
OMG!.. Obviously you have too much time on you're plate to fucking spell that out! Maybe you should consider getting a REAL JOB... Because you are obviously TOAST... Burned

so what i gather from this and other threads, is i will have to get my cv updated and start looking for a new gig? ugh, i haven't interviewed in so long. not looking forward to the next few months! and IF you do get retained, what does that look like. it's been fun.
You're so dumb! Obviously you're parents are still wiping you're ass!

Fondness for correct punctuation? You must work for AZ! Cause you're dumb as dirt!

Wow. Just wow. I can't believe I work with you ass hats. You're means "you are" and technically it's "your ass" so you are wrong. Can we just get back to layoffs? It's what everyone is actually here for children...Can someone please leak this time frame?

Wow. Just wow. I can't believe I work with you ass hats. You're means "you are" and technically it's "your ass" so you are wrong. Can we just get back to layoffs? It's what everyone is actually here for children...Can someone please leak this time frame?

Mid-year. (June/July)...Bigger than December. Sorry.

It has to be. 700 was not nearly enough. Consider eveyone but oncology a target. That's why they call it "Immune"o oncology. get it?

AZ stock recommended as a strong sell by 24 of the top 28 financial institutions. More top executives leaving for other opportunities. Stock price in the bottom 5% performers on NYSE. Not just Pharma but all companies. Oncology may be the only thing left to sell or to encourage a takeover once the destruction of this company is finished. None of us is likely to be here in 2 years.

At least we dont hear the same old "we are right sized" rhetoric anymore. SELT doesnt really say anything to calm down the masses about possible cuts. They know its coming and just dont give a dam anymore

At least we dont hear the same old "we are right sized" rhetoric anymore. SELT doesnt really say anything to calm down the masses about possible cuts. They know its coming and just dont give a dam anymore
Or don't give a DAMN. No wonder AZ is failing. We hire the dumbest people on the planet. How in the hell do does someone like this get a college degree?