There is always a reason to not pay reps their full commissions. Your self esteem as a rep goes down if you stay and you loose commissions if you leave. Lose / Lose here. You feel very stuck.
Micromanaged, senior leadership is not adapting to the industry's changes. Organization wants to sell a biological in the same manner they sell other products. Organization not listening to field sales. Lack of transparency.
HR allows managers to harass employees and do not do the right thing when concerns ar brought up. Bad managers know there is no accountability. They don't have to fear any consequences of their illegal behavior.
I love the job because I have the number one SGLT2 and Anticoagulant on the market in my bag. Partner that with the responsibility of developing and nurturing relationships with HCP's (one of my strongest attributes) and its almost as if I'm stealing money. Getting paid to do what I love to do....create and foster relationships.
leadership is clueless. no gpo contracts - yet huge quotas to meet. all promotions are decided before interviewing takes place. management lies continually to field force. New president has zero new ideas or leadership ability (FM). vp has zero sales experience and will not listen to field (HP) and has sales director neutered so he is basically powerless - so he lies to all reps, weekly - has zero answers for any issue. this is the most reactionary company i have ever worked for. zero vision. zero proactive thought. if you are interviewing with mylan institutional: don't. keep looking. you will be lied to and treated like a child with no chance of promotion. this division will crumble and fail within 4 years.