Since the takeover by Roche budgets cut and continue to be cut. upper management is stale and outdated as most have been with the company to long. EC promotes speaking out but latest internal employee survey shows @53% of employees are afraid to speak out because of retaliation. Still offers great benefits but slow to adopt to change as new start ups are more flexible. HR doesn't follow own policies. Has managers jump through hoops to discipline poor performers but upper management will bypass system and terminate using "As will" whenever someone speaks out for change". Genentech just announced job freeze in commercial and US Medical Affairs departments as others are not far behind. This is a direct result of Roche not being an innovative company deriving 46% of their total revenue from Genentech.
Micro managers who add no value to the sales process; clueless upper management who change sales strategies & goals so often it will make your head spin, and a top down culture of " you don't like it leave " , "you're just a stupid rep & you can be replaced", Also, there is always the constant threat of layoffs regardless of performance. Worst company hands down I have ever worked for. I've got 13 years in Pharma.
I worked for Radius for almost 2 years, and the company was amazing on the beginning, and it went downhill after the FDA auditing.
My direct manager is the worst! If you want to apply for the Breast Cancer program, dont do it! The manager is terrible, dont know how to proper do her job, doesnt allow you to have a work/life balance, is unfair, mean and lies. She loves to play games (I like you todaym I dont like you today), is very nosy and loves to gossip.
Her transition plans needs to be print screen of the softwares used and even Microsoft Office (i.e. how to use the search botton), etc.
Clin Ops team and higher team cant care less if you are miserable, as long as you work as much as possible without complaining, asking for raises or to have a possibility to grow. Well, there is NO POSSIBILITY TO GROW!
If you want to be miserable, have your soul killed slowly and not feel worthy at all, this is the place to be! Otherwise, run!
since the take over by Actavis, the focus on growth has gone to an extreme. Budgets are cut, salaries have dropped, bonuses are only paid out if you exceed an already inflated quota. There's little to no focus on employees and zero benefit to sticking around. A bummer.
Job is interesting and I love the company I work for - focusing on a world without disease, and putting patients, then employees, then community before stockholders
Dishonest management, favoritism, not getting paid for sales made, total BS quota calculations, "location based selling" SO RIDICULOUS, VP trying to create another Novartis
I noticed that the Bel Air Pain territory for Depomed is now open. I wouldn't even consider interviewing for it unless the District Manager changes. She takes micro-management and crazy to a whole new level. I personally know the rep that was in the position and anyone considering should reach out to that individual before interviewing.
Lied to in interview, Micromanagement, too many conference calls, poor business model, Messed up CRM, hostile work environment, when you make above quota you frequently are not paid for the difference (others have said the same things to me so I am not the only one who feels this way).
The job paid well, and that is where the love story stops. The company is going down the tubes. Management is awful and the pipeline is consistently failing. Upper management doesn't know how to motivate or keep the right employees, and lower management has turned to extreme micromanaging to cope with the stress of territory failure. Not a happy place to work and I'll take a pay cut to get out of the company so that I can work for a place that values their employees.
I find that in all of the orgs that I've worked in over 20 years, my current role has me reporting to a boss that's slow to adopt change/new ideas and I'm surrounded by his favorites.