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What do you like best about working at JBI?

I like the money, benefits, the ability to compete, the self esteem of being in specialty sales, the promotion opportunities and selling a truly kick ass portfolio of drugs that makes our competition shake. I like being top ranked and the recognition that gets me from senior leadership at meetings. I like that I can write my own ticket and I do.
That's what I like about JBI.

Somebody died? Which Opco? That's terrible. I wouldn't want my last day to me working here.

Well nobody died. I do know a guy in Sacramento that was terminated last week and that is to whom the post was about I believe. We seem to be running off experienced talented people mean while we replace them with less experienced and less talented people. I know in his case his manager ran him off. I think it is sad when we beat people out of their pensions that way. He had to be close to it...but no cigar.

I like the money, benefits, the ability to compete, the self esteem of being in specialty sales, the promotion opportunities and selling a truly kick ass portfolio of drugs that makes our competition shake. I like being top ranked and the recognition that gets me from senior leadership at meetings. I like that I can write my own ticket and I do.
That's what I like about JBI.
Thanks Marti! This is the best piece of fiction I have read in a long time. No rep thinks this, no rep lives this. What you are talking about is Centocor around 2001-2006. That was a great company to work for! I'm trying to get on with a real biotech company. Until then I am UTR.

Thanks Marti! This is the best piece of fiction I have read in a long time. No rep thinks this, no rep lives this. What you are talking about is Centocor around 2001-2006. That was a great company to work for! I'm trying to get on with a real biotech company. Until then I am UTR.

You should talk to a Rheum rep up in Mass about the UTR thing. He's got the whole thing worked out perfectly.

I like the money, benefits, the ability to compete, the self esteem of being in specialty sales, the promotion opportunities and selling a truly kick ass portfolio of drugs that makes our competition shake. I like being top ranked and the recognition that gets me from senior leadership at meetings. I like that I can write my own ticket and I do.
That's what I like about JBI.

To be fair I must say that I MH didn't post this I did. I am a rep that has been here >10 years. I only stated this because as I really went deep into what I was feeling I found there is a lot to be thankful for here. Not everyday is great. Some times we have bad quarters or years. But we rebound. I am concerned that mid level management is getting pretty ify. I believe that the overwhelming lack of experience being sought out could be our downfall. But I just put the blinders on and go to work. There is everything I can do about it anyway. But MH did not post this. Just a lowly old field rep. Sorry to disappoint you. BTW I seriously doubt anyone is senior leadership roles cares or even looks at this site. At least I hope they don't.

To be fair I must say that I MH didn't post this I did. I am a rep that has been here >10 years. I only stated this because as I really went deep into what I was feeling I found there is a lot to be thankful for here. Not everyday is great. Some times we have bad quarters or years. But we rebound. I am concerned that mid level management is getting pretty ify. I believe that the overwhelming lack of experience being sought out could be our downfall. But I just put the blinders on and go to work. There is everything I can do about it anyway. But MH did not post this. Just a lowly old field rep. Sorry to disappoint you. BTW I seriously doubt anyone is senior leadership roles cares or even looks at this site. At least I hope they don't.

And if you know how to play the game (like me) you can really make out great here. I haven't worked a full week in years but I've built my side businesses up to where I can risk my job here without worrying about a thing. I mainly stay here for the bennies and the easy money. I could care less if I made P club or even finished high. My DM plays the same game and we're doing okay. Don't fool yourself on senior management and this site though. My manager is super tied in and he tells me that this stuff gets discussed a lot. Our RBD has been trying to figure out posters for years. One of my iam team guys has secured himself by feeding false info to his manager and RBD about who posts here. Most of them time it's him posting! How funny is that?

sooner or later this data will either be hacked or bought as to who posts here. Wouldn't it be funny for the VPs to finally know who was posting here. I remember years ago a manager complained about a thread here and even stated his name as wanting it removed. I think by user name. This is just plain crazy stuff.

sooner or later this data will either be hacked or bought as to who posts here. Wouldn't it be funny for the VPs to finally know who was posting here. I remember years ago a manager complained about a thread here and even stated his name as wanting it removed. I think by user name. This is just plain crazy stuff.

Who cares? What are they gonna do sue me? I have documentation for everything, and trust me they don't want it getting out! Fire me? Big deal! Do you know how many reps that they were trying to get rid of that now make tons more cash? Close to 100% I talked to one rep who they went after and he refused to say anything bad about the DM and RD targeting him even though they still talk shit about him today. His only comments were that he felt sorry for the reps still at JBI because life is too short and there is so much more money to make in real biotech. I guess it's time to start looking

Who cares? What are they gonna do sue me? I have documentation for everything, and trust me they don't want it getting out! Fire me? Big deal! Do you know how many reps that they were trying to get rid of that now make tons more cash? Close to 100% I talked to one rep who they went after and he refused to say anything bad about the DM and RD targeting him even though they still talk shit about him today. His only comments were that he felt sorry for the reps still at JBI because life is too short and there is so much more money to make in real biotech. I guess it's time to start looking

You're right. The problem here is that so many reps are kiss a**es and brown noses. My friend stood up to them and called them out, all of them from reps on up. He had the b*lls to do it, and he wasn't afraid of them at all. You know what happened to him? He walked away with his dignity and a boatload of money. Only the brave will share the spoils. The rest get the scraps.

Who cares? What are they gonna do sue me? I have documentation for everything, and trust me they don't want it getting out! Fire me? Big deal! Do you know how many reps that they were trying to get rid of that now make tons more cash? Close to 100% I talked to one rep who they went after and he refused to say anything bad about the DM and RD targeting him even though they still talk shit about him today. His only comments were that he felt sorry for the reps still at JBI because life is too short and there is so much more money to make in real biotech. I guess it's time to start looking

None of these posts truly improve the quality of anyone's life. If you aren't happy here you should leave. The rep you are talking about wasn't happy here see he walked away. There is life after JNJ. There is life here at JNJ. It all depends on how your position here is treating you or how you are treated. It is somewhat ironical that once you hit 40 they way you are treated begins to change. By the time you are in your late 40s it gets pretty ugly. Nobody makes it to 55. The irony is that JNJ makes it's money off of the over 50 population.

None of these posts truly improve the quality of anyone's life. If you aren't happy here you should leave. The rep you are talking about wasn't happy here see he walked away. There is life after JNJ. There is life here at JNJ. It all depends on how your position here is treating you or how you are treated. It is somewhat ironical that once you hit 40 they way you are treated begins to change. By the time you are in your late 40s it gets pretty ugly. Nobody makes it to 55. The irony is that JNJ makes it's money off of the over 50 population.

Yes, but not everyone can do what AM did. He only went over to the modeling world because he was gifted with the good looks to do it. Most of us have to look for another job in this industry and it's not easy to find them. So you might be talking apples and oranges here.

Yes, but not everyone can do what AM did. He only went over to the modeling world because he was gifted with the good looks to do it. Most of us have to look for another job in this industry and it's not easy to find them. So you might be talking apples and oranges here.

That's why I never believed those rumors about him and Mary L. and Gail L. There were some others too, but I just could never imagine a guy who looks like him messing around with women who look like them. I also don't think that he was the kind of guy to play around with married women. I've heard rumors about them and some others but I won't ever believe that Art would lower his standards like that.

None of these posts truly improve the quality of anyone's life. If you aren't happy here you should leave. The rep you are talking about wasn't happy here see he walked away. There is life after JNJ. There is life here at JNJ. It all depends on how your position here is treating you or how you are treated. It is somewhat ironical that once you hit 40 they way you are treated begins to change. By the time you are in your late 40s it gets pretty ugly. Nobody makes it to 55. The irony is that JNJ makes it's money off of the over 50 population.

Reps are like bread. They go bad at 50.

That's why I never believed those rumors about him and Mary L. and Gail L. There were some others too, but I just could never imagine a guy who looks like him messing around with women who look like them. I also don't think that he was the kind of guy to play around with married women. I've heard rumors about them and some others but I won't ever believe that Art would lower his standards like that.

Does the L for their last names stand for "Looney Tunes?" Because those are two crazies! You wonder what Tom did wrong in a past life to deserve that!

I love coming to this site at night and reading all these funny things, especially about those stuck up reps in the northeast. I have no idea how I am going to look at them at any of the POAs and not be able to laugh. Oh, and their feet . I will look at their feet and know just what the poster here is talking about. Grossies!