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The best advice

Why is this place so disfunctional? POA ------- deflating. Let's do the same things only we will call it something else. 3types of people left; leaving, about to be leaving, stupid. I wish I could say something encouraging. This is the time to deliver not deliberate. Please eliminate the dead weight at any level. It is just becoming too painful to watch.

You gotta swoop in, win and win and win until they make it so you can't win anymore, and then fly away with the spoils.
Now some people stumble in, then just sit there like a fat rock, never really doing anything but filling a position. Year after year, they lose. No reason for that, because with sales numbers based on the previous year's, it would stand that you would at very least be in close running for P Club at least once ever few years.
But there's some that never come close. But maybe one year, or two if they have a long time in, they ride in on the backs of their Big Winner team partner. But they don't have the bank account and winnings that the Big Winner has taken in.
To that person I would suggest that you go to the Big Winner, and ask the Big Winner what their secret is. The Big Winner will be happy to share it with you. But it won't matter anyway. The days of winning big are over, and so there can never be another Big Winner. At this company, the Big Winner is now extinct.
They moved on to a place where they can swoop in again. A place that's overflowing with spoils!
Treasure awaits! But not for rocks.

Fly under the radar. It works for some. The mediocre. The uninspiring. The slugs.

Thank God some of us choose to be heroes. "The Greatest of Them All," I would call one in particular.

Why is this place so disfunctional? POA ------- deflating. Let's do the same things only we will call it something else. 3types of people left; leaving, about to be leaving, stupid. I wish I could say something encouraging. This is the time to deliver not deliberate. Please eliminate the dead weight at any level. It is just becoming too painful to watch.

advice-get some piano wire and hang yourself until that yellow tongue hangs out your chink grill

All I know is that flying mediocre is good when you have someone to carry you. Maybe it's your territory partners, maybe your wife makes good cake. My bud flies under the radar and leaves the controversy to a whiney blonde and the guy who dresses weird.

Why is this place so disfunctional? POA ------- deflating. Let's do the same things only we will call it something else. 3types of people left; leaving, about to be leaving, stupid. I wish I could say something encouraging. This is the time to deliver not deliberate. Please eliminate the dead weight at any level. It is just becoming too painful to watch.

These were my thoughts too. I am in the leaving category. I can't take the primary care big pharma pay. Not when there is real biotech that pays so much better. JD got what he wanted so many years ago.

Stop worrying about that. If we all just fly under the radar we'll be good. It's true that if you fly low you miss out on the view that you get when you fly high, but who wants to be a good rep anyway?

Stop worrying about that. If we all just fly under the radar we'll be good. It's true that if you fly low you miss out on the view that you get when you fly high, but who wants to be a good rep anyway?

Whatever you do, don't let Marti let you know that you are a fraud. She remembers everything. When you're walking around at a POA and the senior management see you then you will know what they are thinking.