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What do you like best about working at JBI?

Yes, but not everyone can do what AM did. He only went over to the modeling world because he was gifted with the good looks to do it. Most of us have to look for another job in this industry and it's not easy to find them. So you might be talking apples and oranges here.
I posted #152 and I wasn't talking about AM but I know of him and he seemed like a good guy too. I'm not here to improve the quality of anybody's life. I post to tell those who feel like they are being pressured because of their age that they are correct. JBI wants them out. Some people actually believe the bullcrap that they can't do better comp wise than JBI or the "pension". Not! I know there are old timers who got out and are happier and making better cash. Real biotech want older reps. Want the experience and connections. We are primary care that happens to have biologics from when we were real biotech.

#162 You are right. A lot of the older reps have left to find better jobs with more money and less bullshit. AM is a totally different case because he played the game better than management and was able to leave with a settlement. But again that is a whole different scenario because he won so much and also was able to manipulate the so called players to where they started attacking each other. I know him very well and I know a lot of the story. How much he got I don't know exactly but I know he doesn't work anymore and from what I hear he'll never have to work again. Now for the rest of us we can still make out great by using our experience which is highly valued to land better jobs. Look around at all the older reps who have left and they are all happier. Now look at the ones who have stayed. Many of them are the ones who were aligned with management but they are more miserable than ever because they are stuck now. Some of them were the ones who were played. When you're a smart capable rep you can move on, but the posers who are lazy are not going anywhere.

blah blah blah. Some old shit for the lar 6 years. Lots of Derms left because they were smart. Onc wouldn't leave since they are the future. GI and R are stuff full of losers that can't go anywhere else. Same old shit

I think it's a joke on how ugly some of the female reps like ML and JR's feet are. Some guys call them Fred Flintstone feet because they're big and wide and ugly and they wear that red toenail polish on it. It's like the Man's Hands from the Seinfeld show. Ugh, gross.

i know a rep who won the Powerball from JBI recently. I think that's great!

He didn't deserve a dime of it. For what? Ratting out other reps? Everybody breaks the rules around here. If they dug far enough they would have had something on him too. As far as I'm concerned he can take that money and choke on it.

He didn't deserve a dime of it. For what? Ratting out other reps? Everybody breaks the rules around here. If they dug far enough they would have had something on him too. As far as I'm concerned he can take that money and choke on it.
Wrong-O. They did everything they could to dig up dirt but the rock star was squeaky clean. To the victor goes the spoils.
Have fun working under pressure fool!

Wrong-O. They did everything they could to dig up dirt but the rock star was squeaky clean. To the victor goes the spoils.
Have fun working under pressure fool!

The good reps that left JNJ lasted here because they all were squeaky clean. They had a sense of ethics, honor and were a hard working bunch. That day is long behind us now. The last element of that class are just a few remaining and they are counting down days and hours until they can take their pension. Most won't make it.
Follow what the leader did. Don't compromise your ethics. The life outside is very nice and the air is clean and clear. You only need to step out and you will never look back again.

The good reps that left JNJ lasted here because they all were squeaky clean. They had a sense of ethics, honor and were a hard working bunch. That day is long behind us now. The last element of that class are just a few remaining and they are counting down days and hours until they can take their pension. Most won't make it.
Follow what the leader did. Don't compromise your ethics. The life outside is very nice and the air is clean and clear. You only need to step out and you will never look back again.

I agree. The Leader did the right thing and he left a hero. Never compromised his ethics and we shouldn't either. The cheats and liars were exposed and the brave one is now a star. I choose to be like him.

I agree. The Leader did the right thing and he left a hero. Never compromised his ethics and we shouldn't either. The cheats and liars were exposed and the brave one is now a star. I choose to be like him.

The best thing is that a bunch of us got to see how karma works. They went after this wonderful guy and look what happened. I saw him on TV a few weeks ago and told my husband and kids that he used to work for JBI. I told them that he was one of the best reps but that he was targeted by some real lowlifes in the company. I don't have any sympathy for what that RBD is dealing with now. Sometimes if you do something really bad and have evil in you that evil will manifest itself with disease. It has to come out somehow. It's sad but people bring these things on themselves. On the other hand, you see great things happening for a great guy. It gives me hope and I use it as a great lesson for my kids.

I am professionally constipated. I haven't given a shit in a very long time.

None of us do. really, the people who left, like the one they call "The Leader," who we all know who he is, he only left because they gave him a bunch of money to get him not to sue them, are stupid. This is the easiest gig you could want. Marti thinks she got rid of the old slackers, but we she has no idea that we're all slackers. My day and your day are going to come when we get near 55 and they';; come after us, so until that time I'm investing in myself. I'm building businesses and I get to got to the gym, do my grocery shopping, stay home by the pool all the time. I'm going to invest my hard work in this company that's just going to screw me like they did those old reps who actually thought that working hard would get you security. "The Leader" had a great work ethic and got along with everyone and look where that got him. Gone baby gone. A lot of others are gone but not as fortunate.
So take my advice and do what another rep on here wrote. Fly under the radar and you'll be good. Bullshit management constantly. They're too stupid and blind to notice.

None of us do. really, the people who left, like the one they call "The Leader," who we all know who he is, he only left because they gave him a bunch of money to get him not to sue them, are stupid. This is the easiest gig you could want. Marti thinks she got rid of the old slackers, but we she has no idea that we're all slackers. My day and your day are going to come when we get near 55 and they';; come after us, so until that time I'm investing in myself. I'm building businesses and I get to got to the gym, do my grocery shopping, stay home by the pool all the time. I'm going to invest my hard work in this company that's just going to screw me like they did those old reps who actually thought that working hard would get you security. "The Leader" had a great work ethic and got along with everyone and look where that got him. Gone baby gone. A lot of others are gone but not as fortunate.
So take my advice and do what another rep on here wrote. Fly under the radar and you'll be good. Bullshit management constantly. They're too stupid and blind to notice.

The day of flying under the radar is over. The biggest slackers are the managers. They are the ones in the cross hairs now. Karma

The day of flying under the radar is over. The biggest slackers are the managers. They are the ones in the cross hairs now. Karma

You can't fly under the radar now. Management knows our game. JBI is the next target on J&J's list. They're on to us and they can save a lot of money getting rid of six-figure slackers. I'm about to retire and I work with some major league assholes so I'm sending a nice packet of info to the J&J Board to let them know what's really going on here. Sorry chumps but it's all about my stock and options now.

Does everyone else feel the immense pressure here? And if you'r a rep in the 45-54 age you have a big target on your back. They're watching our every move, and you know the truth: Access is worse than ever, and doctors now look at Remicade like it's something you can tell them nothing new about. You might as well be trying to sell them ibuprofen.
I'm worried about making the 55 mark. I know a lot of reps aren't even banking on that anymore. Then I hear about the reps who have left and they're doing great and with no pressure or stress. How do you handle it? I could use some advice. Going crazy here!