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What do you like best about working at JBI?

I have a serious question. Is the pension based on your higher earning years? Because if that's the case, isn't unfair that the reps who worked when higher bonuses were paid will have more in their pensions. I know a couple of reps who made close to 250 thousand in their P club years. This just doesn't seem fair. I might not win or end up at the top but I have a territory with very unfriendly payer policies. But I still help out my manager with a ton of stuff. I'm pretty close to being the assistant manager on the team and I should eventually get compensated for going above and beyond.

I've been awarded so much in stock and options from my years and years of winning that I could call it a day right now and retire before my 55 mark, but it's too easy of a gig to walk away from. My DM fakes his field days with me just like a lot of other DMs do and we know we all get away with stuff for covering for them. Most days I spend between the gym, catching a matinee, or playing golf with my homies. Remicade sales down? Hey dudes, my pay is up, and that's what counts.

Watching the debate and so proud to be living in a time when we are seeing history made. Hillary, you go girl! I think that she she should have Bernie run as her VP. America is going into its best times ever (thank you President Obama) and I want to team with these people to make our healthcare stay at the top of the world's!

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get Hillary Clinton to speak at POA I? Senior leadership, we would love it! Can you make it work?

What do I LOVE about working at JBI?
I love the looks that are going to be on all those white male faces when they see that Hillary has been overwhelmingly voted in as the next President of the United States!
WLI at it's best, sweeties!

Watching the debate and so proud to be living in a time when we are seeing history made. Hillary, you go girl! I think that she she should have Bernie run as her VP. America is going into its best times ever (thank you President Obama) and I want to team with these people to make our healthcare stay at the top of the world's!

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get Hillary Clinton to speak at POA I? Senior leadership, we would love it! Can you make it work?

I'll agree with you. The Democrats are more of a "thinking person's" party. Republicans generally are not as smart and get all hung up on one issue. They don't like to engage in debate because they usually cannot articulate very well.

I think we saw an obvious winner tonight. Sanders made some good points but Mrs. Clinton has great ideas that will keep this country on the right track that President Obama put it on. Well done, Madam President!

What I always love is not having to work on Fridays or those other days before and after holidays when no one will see you so of course, it is a "just see" over and over and no samples and you can be anywhere ! So much fun!

I employ a work strategy I call FUR: "Flying Under the Radar." With FUR, you don't do anything to distinguish yourself. You purposely stay mediocre. You might not make much in bonus or ever win any coveted sales awards, but the senior management doesn't even know you exist, so you never have to worry that you lack of effort or talent is noticed.

FUR. I think I might copyright that and start giving seminars.
Nah. I'm too lazy to do that. Hahahahaha!;)

I employ a work strategy I call FUR: "Flying Under the Radar." With FUR, you don't do anything to distinguish yourself. You purposely stay mediocre. You might not make much in bonus or ever win any coveted sales awards, but the senior management doesn't even know you exist, so you never have to worry that you lack of effort or talent is noticed.

FUR. I think I might copyright that and start giving seminars.
Nah. I'm too lazy to do that. Hahahahaha!;)

Marti will love this one!

Movie star my ass. My DM says that he's going to fail.

Proving that your DM is very jealous and stupid...and maybe in love! AM has succeeded EVERYWHERE, EVERYTIME and will continue to do so. Why? Because he treats everybody like they matter. Because he is humble. Because he tries to do the right thing. Jesus, your DM can't even let it go now that he's gone? Did AM rebuff his advances in the gym? There is a reason the talent has left and what's left has remained. Good luck to AM and all the other legacy reps that built this company. This place is a shell and I am almost out the door.

AM was a winner for sure. I think he holds a record for President's Clubs. Remember when he used to rock on stage? Those were good days. He made his 55 and more and then moved on to be a model and actor. Wouldn't you do the same if you had the talent? You can't argue with his history here but some jealous ones always will. He laughed all the way to the bank and now we get to see him on television. Let him go, jealous people.

Proving that your DM is very jealous and stupid...and maybe in love! AM has succeeded EVERYWHERE, EVERYTIME and will continue to do so. Why? Because he treats everybody like they matter. Because he is humble. Because he tries to do the right thing. Jesus, your DM can't even let it go now that he's gone? Did AM rebuff his advances in the gym? There is a reason the talent has left and what's left has remained. Good luck to AM and all the other legacy reps that built this company. This place is a shell and I am almost out the door.

LMAO! There was at least one or two DMs obsessed with the guy. I remember being at the bar one night and one of the GI DMs just kept looking over at Art and saying how much he hated him. I couldn't figure that out because Art was always so nice to everyone, like no ego at all even thought he had the goods. When I saw Art on the commercial I wanted to email the DM to let him know. I'm sure the gossipy DM is on here so he can now live with that!

Best thing about working here. Has to be that if you're smart you can totally get over on your DM, RBD, and NSD. You can play the game right and hardly work but they have no idea. Especially the NSD. He's so busy trying to be "The Man" that the bald buffoon can't even figure out that he's being played!