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Is JBI Immunology the best place to work, or what?

I'm so glad I work on the oncology side. I don't know how you immunology reps can stand it. You all hate each other, stab each other in the back, take about each other like all these posts here, and you hate your managers because they ride you like crazy.

On oncology side, we have it made. The managers are all cool. They get the whole access issue and as long as the docs prescribe and the numbers come in, you can sit back, have a cold one or a nice bottle of wine (expensed of course) and watch the bonuses come into your bank account. All I hear from my friends in immunology is bitch, bitch, bitch, but over here I'm getting rich rich rich!

See ya!

I'm so glad I work on the oncology side. I don't know how you immunology reps can stand it. You all hate each other, stab each other in the back, take about each other like all these posts here, and you hate your managers because they ride you like crazy.

On oncology side, we have it made. The managers are all cool. They get the whole access issue and as long as the docs prescribe and the numbers come in, you can sit back, have a cold one or a nice bottle of wine (expensed of course) and watch the bonuses come into your bank account. All I hear from my friends in immunology is bitch, bitch, bitch, but over here I'm getting rich rich rich!

See ya!

Whether it's immunology or oncology, JBI is Family.
That should be our slogan. JBI Is Family.

That's why it's the place to be.

Thanks Marti!

2018 National Sales Slogan!

I remember being at one of the meetings and we were all dancing to "We are Family" and my district surrounded Marti and started pointing at her and one of called her Mama Bear and we all loved it! We should try to get the entire sales force around her and leadership and do this at a national meeting! Great idea, right?

2018 National Sales Slogan!

I remember being at one of the meetings and we were all dancing to "We are Family" and my district surrounded Marti and started pointing at her and one of called her Mama Bear and we all loved it! We should try to get the entire sales force around her and leadership and do this at a national meeting! Great idea, right?

But just remember the district that started it!

I heard it from a reliable source that Marti is going after some superstar reps who left the company and offering them the world to come back. My friend got a call from a manager who told him to name his price. Apparently Marti is disgusted with a lot of the losers she got stuck with and wants the great ones back.
My friend? He told the DM to take a hike.

I heard it from a reliable source that Marti is going after some superstar reps who left the company and offering them the world to come back. My friend got a call from a manager who told him to name his price. Apparently Marti is disgusted with a lot of the losers she got stuck with and wants the great ones back.
My friend? He told the DM to take a hike.

I'm one of the reps who got called. I was surprised but not shocked. I heard how badly it's going over there. How people can't sell. How my territory tanked and everyone else on the iam team all tanked and are in so much danger of being canned because they can't ride on my numbers anymore. They didn't like me much because they hated that they were so relying on me, and I was winning quarter after quarter, year after year, while they stayed home while I made the trips (and the HUGE bonuses) but now they are crying for me to come back.
This is what I told the person who called me: 200k base, 50k a quarter if I hit my target (a piece of cake no matter how high it is) and I get Mondays and Fridays off. No way, the contact told me. Oh yeah? Bring it to Marti, I told him. He did. Called me back within the hour. Done, he said. And then he said, Damn, you are a great salesman. I always knew you were great, but you are really great.
I know, I said. Now stand back, let me sell, and I'll send every single one of those pitiful reps you call sales professionals to P club. The only stipulation I have is this: I get to bring as many dates as I want to P club, and the reps and their spouses wait on us, bring us drinks...whatever we want.

I'm one of the reps who got called. I was surprised but not shocked. I heard how badly it's going over there. How people can't sell. How my territory tanked and everyone else on the iam team all tanked and are in so much danger of being canned because they can't ride on my numbers anymore. They didn't like me much because they hated that they were so relying on me, and I was winning quarter after quarter, year after year, while they stayed home while I made the trips (and the HUGE bonuses) but now they are crying for me to come back.
This is what I told the person who called me: 200k base, 50k a quarter if I hit my target (a piece of cake no matter how high it is) and I get Mondays and Fridays off. No way, the contact told me. Oh yeah? Bring it to Marti, I told him. He did. Called me back within the hour. Done, he said. And then he said, Damn, you are a great salesman. I always knew you were great, but you are really great.
I know, I said. Now stand back, let me sell, and I'll send every single one of those pitiful reps you call sales professionals to P club. The only stipulation I have is this: I get to bring as many dates as I want to P club, and the reps and their spouses wait on us, bring us drinks...whatever we want.

This is awesome! I'm so glad you played Marti and the manager and closed them so hard. This is what we need at this company. I also like how you demanded that the reps who go to Presidents Club because of you need to basically be your servants. I remember another rep doing this years ago. He told the territory reps: You serve me and I'll make sure you make the trip next year. It was so funny watching them dote on him.

I'm one of the reps who got called. I was surprised but not shocked. I heard how badly it's going over there. How people can't sell. How my territory tanked and everyone else on the iam team all tanked and are in so much danger of being canned because they can't ride on my numbers anymore. They didn't like me much because they hated that they were so relying on me, and I was winning quarter after quarter, year after year, while they stayed home while I made the trips (and the HUGE bonuses) but now they are crying for me to come back.
This is what I told the person who called me: 200k base, 50k a quarter if I hit my target (a piece of cake no matter how high it is) and I get Mondays and Fridays off. No way, the contact told me. Oh yeah? Bring it to Marti, I told him. He did. Called me back within the hour. Done, he said. And then he said, Damn, you are a great salesman. I always knew you were great, but you are really great.
I know, I said. Now stand back, let me sell, and I'll send every single one of those pitiful reps you call sales professionals to P club. The only stipulation I have is this: I get to bring as many dates as I want to P club, and the reps and their spouses wait on us, bring us drinks...whatever we want.

When I heard one of the specialty reps came up with this idea, I knew it was a good one. He went into the accounts of the reps that left and was dumbfounded. He couldn't figure out what to do and when Marti demanded solutions, he came up with the best. "Hey Marti, we can't do this, bring in someone who can." You have to give the guy credit for admitting he can't do the job and that he needs saving. You also have to thank Marti for her leadership for admitting she doesn't know what she's doing. It takes guts to admit that you are incompetent. Now maybe we have a chance.

This is an easy one to decipher. Anyone who is drawing big bonus checks likes immunology. Anyone who is below that 100% bonus line wants out. The trash talkers are getting their jollies by lowering the standard for professional behavior. The highly valued reps are those that are being pushed up by management and not necessarily earning it by their stellar sales skills. Sales goals are alarmingly prejudicial. The best day of your life will be when you become employed and run away from JnJ.

More importantly, did anyone see our NE Patriots protesting today? Even the GOAT locked arms with the courageous men kneeling. I and my team are so proud to have ourselves associated with such great men. We should try to come up with some type of protest on a company level too. Boston strong now and forever!

My DM said on our conference call we should have a company wide contest between Oncology and Immunology to see who can come up with the most unique protest. Isn't that a great idea? I think we should all buy the NFL jerseys of our favorite protesting players and wear them to a meeting. Isn't that cool?

My DM said on our conference call we should have a company wide contest between Oncology and Immunology to see who can come up with the most unique protest. Isn't that a great idea? I think we should all buy the NFL jerseys of our favorite protesting players and wear them to a meeting. Isn't that cool?

Does your manager know if we can expense the jerseys?

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