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What do you like best about working at JBI?

Well a few people might not like the idea but we would totally rock the meeting! Give me a J! Give me a B! Give me an I! What's that spell? I think the place would go crazy. We need to help our leadership motivate everyone in this great company!

I think you are on to something. I'll bet you can make them go CRAZY. You just have to modify your chant a little. Try it backwards. That right, start yelling I BJ I BJ and you will have all of the guys...and some of the girls lined up. That's how you move up in this company!

I know of a manager who bragged about illegally secretly recording reps, played bits for upper leaders to use against a few reps. What should I do? Good reps being bated I think. Please no bs here. I'm losing sleep knowing this.

I posted in another thread the importance of exorcising the negative energy in our soul-centers that manifests itself in health issues in the flesh-shell. I would like to encourage Marti and our meeting planners to have what we schooled in the Eastern Medicinal Arts call the "Enlightenment-Alignment Circle". As a company, everyone in JBI would sit in a comfortable position on the floor and then hold hands with the ones sitting next to them. We would have a few moments of silence to center ourselves, and then the "Circle Master," which in our case would be Marti or Michael, would quietly begin the healing chant, which in English sounds like this:

Hingee Chingee Wingee Chingee Hingee Wingee Choo.
Hingee Chingee Mee and Chingee Wingee Yu.
Chingee Hingee Hoppy Woppy Choppy Poppy Poo
Sippee Whippee Nippee Tippee Chinga Changa Boo.

One by one each circle member would join in and the chant would grow louder and louder as it worked it's way around the circle, until it got to the last person, who would jump up and wave their arms wildly as if shaking off the evil diseases. Everyone would then jump up and do the same, screaming the chant at the top of their lungs until--

You will have to wait until the event is planned to hear what happens next. But it will amaze you and cleanse the company as well.


We need to all do the stinky foot drop. We all take off our shoes after a dull day of walking to meetings and back and forth to our rooms. Preferably on the morning of the speed walk/run. We all sit in a giant circle. We all strip a foot down to the skin and one by one take turns walking in the circle so everyone gets a whiff of your stink foot. It's a smell as one kinda thing. Afterwards we can all fire up some Dr. Scholls and celebrate!!! I think the east will win the smell contest. That is based on pre stink at meetings. Them feet get a bit stinky after letting that snow melt on them leather clogs.

Or we can go with that whole fung shung sway shtik. Either way I'll be a goodie having tons of fun.

I think you are on to something. I'll bet you can make them go CRAZY. You just have to modify your chant a little. Try it backwards. That right, start yelling I BJ I BJ and you will have all of the guys...and some of the girls lined up. That's how you move up in this company!

Dude that's funny! Thanks for the laugh!

I like it when managers ask you how much longer do you think you will be doing this and I say:
"a lot less time than you will be doing it."

A lot of managers went up against me--a "lowly" rep, because of a couple of things. 1. They all knew I was raking in a lot more money than them, and 2. All the reps regarded me as more of a leader than them. It was me that the reps came to when they needed advice and direction, not the managers and the RBDs, and boy did that piss those dunces off!

As I stated before, many managers post things on here hoping to implicate reps and further their own agendas by firing up senior leadership. If I were JNJ I would pay this site a bundle of cash and purchase the address for certain postings. I would bet that the majority of very nasty comments are from managers. Most reps read but never post. The few reps that do post generally state specific items that are aggravating the sales force. Managers post these ludicrous and inflammatory statements designed to piss leadership off at the sales people. Why? Because it has worked in the past, so they continue to post here.

As I stated before, many managers post things on here hoping to implicate reps and further their own agendas by firing up senior leadership. If I were JNJ I would pay this site a bundle of cash and purchase the address for certain postings. I would bet that the majority of very nasty comments are from managers. Most reps read but never post. The few reps that do post generally state specific items that are aggravating the sales force. Managers post these ludicrous and inflammatory statements designed to piss leadership off at the sales people. Why? Because it has worked in the past, so they continue to post here.


As I stated before, many managers post things on here hoping to implicate reps and further their own agendas by firing up senior leadership. If I were JNJ I would pay this site a bundle of cash and purchase the address for certain postings. I would bet that the majority of very nasty comments are from managers. Most reps read but never post. The few reps that do post generally state specific items that are aggravating the sales force. Managers post these ludicrous and inflammatory statements designed to piss leadership off at the sales people. Why? Because it has worked in the past, so they continue to post here.

Middle management tools are always the ones screwing upper management. They plant info with certain reps knowing it will spread. They openly violate the rules but know the chance if getting caught is slim. HR has our backs & there is nothing reps can do about it!

Delete the airwatch app from your devices. Like many of us I allowed the company to use my Apple ID for work iPads. Now I find out the loaded airwatch on all of my devices and monitor my activity such as the site. They said it is legal since I chose to use my personal Apple ID. I don't recall getting instruction to set up a new ID. I don't think they did. Watch your selves and pull this from your personal devices. They know where you go.

Delete the airwatch app from your devices. Like many of us I allowed the company to use my Apple ID for work iPads. Now I find out the loaded airwatch on all of my devices and monitor my activity such as the site. They said it is legal since I chose to use my personal Apple ID. I don't recall getting instruction to set up a new ID. I don't think they did. Watch your selves and pull this from your personal devices. They know where you go.

You sign your rights away when you joined JnJ. You are now a sub human drone. Oh, and you are fucked too.

Middle management tools are always the ones screwing upper management. They plant info with certain reps knowing it will spread. They openly violate the rules but know the chance if getting caught is slim. HR has our backs & there is nothing reps can do about it!

We should be exposing managers by name here and what they do/did. Let’s start with the JBI Academic Manager in the West who is a walking violation. If reps fail to do anything her people tell them to do, the attack begins. Planted lies a stealing credit are daily activities. For an academic group her people are the poorest in the industry in terms of clinical knowledge. How about expense report violations? She owns the record. Complete extortion and embezzlement.
Go ahead, call these assholes out.