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What do you like best about working at JBI?

Well soon enough he will be handing out hand jobs at the senior facility. Haaaaa. What a tool. His people say that he gives them a talk track and they must regurgitate the track with all customers as identically as he demonstrates. Regardless of the customer. We are counting the days, let me tell you.

Immunology; Sales people don’t leave organizations, they leave bad managers. Congrats Marti for building a management team of industry losers. But hey they all eat from the Marti crazy puff cereal bowl so you love them. You are the very definition of bad management.

Central reason is managed by an insecure bully who has no business managing people. He takes pride in making people feel small. Spreadsheets about spreadsheets. This company sucks. Looking as I type.

Immunology; Sales people don’t leave organizations, they leave bad managers. Congrats Marti for building a management team of industry losers. But hey they all eat from the Marti crazy puff cereal bowl so you love them. You are the very definition of bad management.
You dumbshit Marti gets paid to keep the payroll and pension down. If she were judged on sales she would have been gone 7 years ago. I can’t imagine a worse leader. She absolutely hates straight white men and drive poor PD into crazy land.

You dumbshit Marti gets paid to keep the payroll and pension down. If she were judged on sales she would have been gone 7 years ago. I can’t imagine a worse leader. She absolutely hates straight white men and drive poor PD into crazy land.

Yeah, once you realize how she gets "paid" or is incentivized by J&J above her all things become obvious. Review the Credo Alex.