Get ready to be UNBOSSED!!!

These ratings are the worst BS created in the employment world along with the PIP. Some stupid person created it and everyone accepted it because no one uses brains anymore. Cannot create an unbossed world with this crap.
sums it up perfectly.
Wake up HR and learn to be descent & just to those you hire, train & employ.

Fabrice is a moron. Red shoes??? That guy is so full of shit. The entire Executive Team is a joke! They just make videos, what is this? Jr High? … That Patrick guy at Retina? He must have a very small penis.

These ratings are the worst BS created in the employment world along with the PIP. Some stupid person created it and everyone accepted it because no one uses brains anymore. Cannot create an unbossed world with this crap.
Total agreement. Of 10 people put on PIP, 1 may (may not) deserve it and 8 are put on it due to spite or lack of manager accountability. Most are on PIP because of nut cases. Ratings are pure sham. Our top leaders give great ratings to middle management who are worthless and these crapos mess up ratings for everyone under. Time to replace all middle management with trained new unbossers.

Fabrice is a moron. Red shoes??? That guy is so full of shit. The entire Executive Team is a joke! They just make videos, what is this? Jr High? … That Patrick guy at Retina? He must have a very small penis.
Yes, unfortunately, this is the world we live in. No real work. Incompetent top leadership approving ideas from incompetent middle management. Making videos, designing, booths, food and art are ideas that are approved are top prority for which they get paid top dollar. Idiots all over. All the time showing fake work load to HR and top management to hire more and party. people with fake work load but no one to really assess this. This bubble is growing. The contractors hired just are useless under the powerful novartians as they are completely dependent for their jobs can never have a say a word and are constantly nodding yes and can't be truly productive. Contractors are also the biggest back biters which is an essential skill if they have to continue working. Marketing no longer has marketing skills, medical is something to laugh at because they do everything other than medical and shut anyone with anything medical in them, easy for medical to fool others because others don't understand a thing, sales is zero trained and no alternatives for inability to enter hospitals that ban sales entry, regulatory where they have no choice but to do their work are probably the best group but are falling apart due to constant pressure, HR is too big and too much crap rolling out. Just hire and shut up but no they want so much useless crap. Why do we even need HR, BPO is a joke, IT is a mess, corporate communications and legal are practically freeloaders and the thousands of others whose positions are created for nothing but profit sharing. What will the future be? Buy more companies where actual work is done, fire their people and start freeloading again.

Yes, unfortunately, this is the world we live in. No real work. Incompetent top leadership approving ideas from incompetent middle management. Making videos, designing, booths, food and art are ideas that are approved are top prority for which they get paid top dollar. Idiots all over. All the time showing fake work load to HR and top management to hire more and party. people with fake work load but no one to really assess this. This bubble is growing. The contractors hired just are useless under the powerful novartians as they are completely dependent for their jobs can never have a say a word and are constantly nodding yes and can't be truly productive. Contractors are also the biggest back biters which is an essential skill if they have to continue working. Marketing no longer has marketing skills, medical is something to laugh at because they do everything other than medical and shut anyone with anything medical in them, easy for medical to fool others because others don't understand a thing, sales is zero trained and no alternatives for inability to enter hospitals that ban sales entry, regulatory where they have no choice but to do their work are probably the best group but are falling apart due to constant pressure, HR is too big and too much crap rolling out. Just hire and shut up but no they want so much useless crap. Why do we even need HR, BPO is a joke, IT is a mess, corporate communications and legal are practically freeloaders and the thousands of others whose positions are created for nothing but profit sharing. What will the future be? Buy more companies where actual work is done, fire their people and start freeloading again.

This not only sums up NVS but Big Pharma in general. A dead end job w/ no meaning and totally unfulfilling.

Pharma must change hiring policies so no one can be fooled. HR and marketing must have very competent medical personnel as employees along with HR and marketing abilities so they understand what's going on. Reg adopted this slowly and it has helped. The hiring in other areas must expand for PharmD, RPh, MD, MS, RN, PhD, DO, PA, NP

Pharma must change hiring policies so no one can be fooled. HR and marketing must have very competent medical personnel as employees along with HR and marketing abilities so they understand what's going on. Reg adopted this slowly and it has helped. The hiring in other areas must expand for PharmD, RPh, MD, MS, RN, PhD, DO, PA, NP
Competent is da word and not just Harvard trained

Pharma must change hiring policies so no one can be fooled. HR and marketing must have very competent medical personnel as employees along with HR and marketing abilities so they understand what's going on. Reg adopted this slowly and it has helped. The hiring in other areas must expand for PharmD, RPh, MD, MS, RN, PhD, DO, PA, NP
Sorry but cannot agree that all areas require medical personnel but agree that competence is required which does not exist.

New Unboss message. Creating Servant Leaders. Bunch of hogwash. A place crawling with snakes and scorpions in management wants to have servant leaders. What is this guy smoking? Companies think they can hire a doc who was never a doc and have no business sense and place him at the very top. Stop the fake messages. See what management has done to the employees in the past couple of years.

New Unboss message. Creating Servant Leaders. Bunch of hogwash. A place crawling with snakes and scorpions in management wants to have servant leaders. What is this guy smoking? Companies think they can hire a doc who was never a doc and have no business sense and place him at the very top. Stop the fake messages. See what management has done to the employees in the past couple of years.
The idea is a noble one but who are we kidding. This is pharma and will never run. Waste of time and resources until the next guy comes in with another set of crazy ideas.

This is a painfully true post. I always questioned the rep field bragging about how little work they did, how they faked everything, and how they are making huge salaries. I live in one of the few areas in the country that has great access, but it is rural so the volume if low even if you have 100% of the business. In these circumstances we have to work long hours just to see our accounts. We get lectured about how we must be doing something wrong because we don't produce the volume of metro areas. We have almost all the available business in our territories, unless we can get vets to write there is no where to expand. We are all waiting for retirement . And no, I do not make $200,000 a year that the reps on this site brag about making. No wonder we are viewed with contempt by those outside the industry.

Sad, but true. As someone that was recently downsized after a 30+ year career, if I take an honest assessment, we are having minimal impact on the market. When you work in the field with 5 reps in a highly managed care market and you can not access more than one doctor a day, how can we justify this salary. In addition, reps add little to no value to their customers' practice. If I were a provider, I might see one or two reps as a break, but otherwise I would be a "no-see" physician as well.

I agree with the above poster. In the day we would have in depth discussions with physicians. We talked disease state, treatment options and how our product could fit into their algorithm. As the years go by we have become nothing but parrots reading out of a glossy sales aid. I fear I, too, would be a no see physician since I see no value a brochure reader can bring me