Be ready to change careers

What other industry do most pharma reps go after losing their territories?

Recruiter here - honestly, it depends on your age and tenure. Needless to say, the industry is changing so pharma companies in general are not looking for experienced reps. They're looking for young and cheap labor. We've all done the job and we all know that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deliver food and samples and provide a 5 second sound bite while the doc signs for samples. Don't try to convince yourself that you're selling. You're marketing at best.

Some people land very well and some people fall on their faces because they let pharma dumb them down. If you're reading my comments and you feel like you deserve 6 figures for the job you're doing, you're probably going to struggle because you've convinced yourself that you really sell and that you offer value to someone simply by getting out of bed in the morning. If you're reading my comments and feel like "I can't believe they pay me this much for this dumb job" get it and you will probably be ready for your next challenge. So much of it depends on how you perceive yourself and your value. When we're looking for people that will be able to transition to medical sales for example, we tend to look for people that "get it" regarding pharma. Hope that helps at least a little.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you that have been affected. Take some time to go through all the emotions (anger, denial, and sadness), and then get yourself ready for the next chapter of your life. Good luck to all -

Very nicely said and so true. Looking back, I really don't understand how pharma (or even biotech reps) are paid so much for what they do. Many biotech reps in the most recent years have grossed better than $175k for a specialty product. Anybody can do this job, repeating the same overall message 4x a day, working 3-4 days a week.

Yep, some reps will get it and move on. Others will always think they are already worth their weight in gold. Unbelievable.

Very nicely said and so true. Looking back, I really don't understand how pharma (or even biotech reps) are paid so much for what they do. Many biotech reps in the most recent years have grossed better than $175k for a specialty product. Anybody can do this job, repeating the same overall message 4x a day, working 3-4 days a week.

Yep, some reps will get it and move on. Others will always think they are already worth their weight in gold. Unbelievable.

The reason Pharma pays so well is because the people who run the Pharma companies are poor business people who grew up in this dysfunctional system.

Think about it, executives from Pharma companies are not tapped to be executives in other industries. It is common for executives to move between industries because the executive skill sets translate. When is the last time you saw someone from Pharma go to lead a company in another industry?

So what you have at Novartis is a bunch of people who usually come from the easiest markets making all of the decisions. They convince themselves that they really are successful business people with strong business acumen.

The people from the harder markets, who actually had to work for a living received low ratings and did not get promoted. At the end of the day you have a bunch of know nothing slugs making the decisions that affect your life. Are you surprised you are in this situation today?

Recruiter here - honestly, it depends on your age and tenure. Needless to say, the industry is changing so pharma companies in general are not looking for experienced reps. They're looking for young and cheap labor. We've all done the job and we all know that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deliver food and samples and provide a 5 second sound bite while the doc signs for samples. Don't try to convince yourself that you're selling. You're marketing at best.

Some people land very well and some people fall on their faces because they let pharma dumb them down. If you're reading my comments and you feel like you deserve 6 figures for the job you're doing, you're probably going to struggle because you've convinced yourself that you really sell and that you offer value to someone simply by getting out of bed in the morning. If you're reading my comments and feel like "I can't believe they pay me this much for this dumb job" get it and you will probably be ready for your next challenge. So much of it depends on how you perceive yourself and your value. When we're looking for people that will be able to transition to medical sales for example, we tend to look for people that "get it" regarding pharma. Hope that helps at least a little.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you that have been affected. Take some time to go through all the emotions (anger, denial, and sadness), and then get yourself ready for the next chapter of your life. Good luck to all -

Great post...I am still angry however, a year later...(Got laid off from another big dumb pharma co...)

this industry turned out to be a total waste of time, energy, talent and a life...


Start looking in other industries NOW. It is not an overnight transition. To be a PA you will first need to get into a school then spend 2-3 years fulltime going to school and doing clinical rotations. It is almost impossible to have another job while doing it. If you want to be a Nurse Practitioner its even longer. 4 years nursing school then 2-3 years full time masters with clinical rotations and most schools make you work as an RN for at least a year in between undergrad and graduate school. It can be done but it is not easy.

I was laid off in December from Sunovion. We had ZERO warning --- it was the week before Christmas. They took our car the next week and it was my only car. I had no time at all to plan to reduce my expenses, job hunt, network, get things ready for a new career, after many yrs. in pharma. It was a major shock. Everyone in our division was displaced. To make matters worse, our rxs were given to another team who lost their own rx. I've been searching for a new rx job for almost 4 mos. now. I've had interviews but in general it's the luck of the draw --- if you happen to have sold cardiovascular rxs in a specific territory then you can transition over to a cardio job; if you sold diabetes rxs, etc. It doesn't matter that you sold the specific rx in your career. All that matters is the most recent rx you sold.....Then, because there are so many lay-offs, the co. brings you in for an interview and it turns out that you are just a number for them to do their due diligence. They never had any intention of offering it to anyone but the ten laid off reps who are competing with each other for one opening. ................I am looking at other areas of sales now and previous posters are correct to leave pharma. .......I was incredibly angry and I can imagine that you are, too. Get mad, take a week or two to relax and then go at it full time looking for a new job outside of pharma. Best of luck.

I was laid off in December from Sunovion. We had ZERO warning --- it was the week before Christmas. They took our car the next week and it was my only car. I had no time at all to plan to reduce my expenses, job hunt, network, get things ready for a new career, after many yrs. in pharma. It was a major shock. Everyone in our division was displaced. To make matters worse, our rxs were given to another team who lost their own rx. I've been searching for a new rx job for almost 4 mos. now. I've had interviews but in general it's the luck of the draw --- if you happen to have sold cardiovascular rxs in a specific territory then you can transition over to a cardio job; if you sold diabetes rxs, etc. It doesn't matter that you sold the specific rx in your career. All that matters is the most recent rx you sold.....Then, because there are so many lay-offs, the co. brings you in for an interview and it turns out that you are just a number for them to do their due diligence. They never had any intention of offering it to anyone but the ten laid off reps who are competing with each other for one opening. ................I am looking at other areas of sales now and previous posters are correct to leave pharma. .......I was incredibly angry and I can imagine that you are, too. Get mad, take a week or two to relax and then go at it full time looking for a new job outside of pharma. Best of luck.

Good posting and very accurate. People that have convinced themselves that they offer value to the company or customers are in for a rude awakening. Wait till they see the pay cut they're going to take and that people will actually expect them to work for their money in other industries! There are a lot of bitter ex-pharma reps out there!

Pharma sales is not valued by any other legitimate organization. Good luck trying to convince someone otherwise.

It does work well for you at McDonalds upselling - "Would you like to supersize today? How about some fries with that?"

Recruiting sounds easy, especially in this economy right? , plenty of candidates no problem, but try cold calling and trying to set up face to face appointments so you can 'sell' yourself to the hiring company (the company that is going to pay you big bucks to find that $100K+ talent), not to mention the 1000s of other recruiters out there doing the same thing... try doing this on 100% commission, .. why should that recruiter waste their time calling you back..what's in it for them?

Recruiting sounds easy, especially in this economy right? , plenty of candidates no problem, but try cold calling and trying to set up face to face appointments so you can 'sell' yourself to the hiring company (the company that is going to pay you big bucks to find that $100K+ talent), not to mention the 1000s of other recruiters out there doing the same thing... try doing this on 100% commission, .. why should that recruiter waste their time calling you back..what's in it for them?

Recruiters are the first to go in a bad economy, they have never contributed to profits. So that's why you are seeing a lot of ads needing recruiters now, the economy is springing back. The lowest common denominator is 1 and recruiters are a -5. The pharm rep occupation will be obsolete in the near future. The writing is on the wall.

Recruiters are not even allowed to submit for most pharma sales positions. Kind of ironic that this "recruiter" would even comment on a thread like this.

Recruiters are the bottom of the barrel - slugs and sludge lazy pos who have never worked in our industry...sit their lazy asses at home making phone calls in their flip flops. I hate them

When did all you smart people realize pharma sales was dead? 2 months ago, 1 year ago, 5 years ago or more? The writing has been on the wall for over 5 years. I would tell my counterparts over 5 years ago they better look to start a small side business just in case I am right and pharma sales would collapse. They all thought I was too negative. Now a few of them are unemployed, and I have a side business that brings me over $150k a year and I still work at NVS. Life is about planning and taking control and not allowing events control you.

When did all you smart people realize pharma sales was dead? 2 months ago, 1 year ago, 5 years ago or more? The writing has been on the wall for over 5 years. I would tell my counterparts over 5 years ago they better look to start a small side business just in case I am right and pharma sales would collapse. They all thought I was too negative. Now a few of them are unemployed, and I have a side business that brings me over $150k a year and I still work at NVS. Life is about planning and taking control and not allowing events control you.

Hellooo! BS, come out, come out where ever you are!

The reason Pharma pays so well is because the people who run the Pharma companies are poor business people who grew up in this dysfunctional system.

Think about it, executives from Pharma companies are not tapped to be executives in other industries. It is common for executives to move between industries because the executive skill sets translate. When is the last time you saw someone from Pharma go to lead a company in another industry?

So what you have at Novartis is a bunch of people who usually come from the easiest markets making all of the decisions. They convince themselves that they really are successful business people with strong business acumen.

The people from the harder markets, who actually had to work for a living received low ratings and did not get promoted. At the end of the day you have a bunch of know nothing slugs making the decisions that affect your life. Are you surprised you are in this situation today?

Spot on ! Kudo's . Look at nvs track record for promotions same geographies over & over.
Lone exceptions are good ole boys club aka cronies or nepotism .

Hellooo! BS, come out, come out where ever you are!

You are jealous of your successful peers. I am a highly paid NVS rep, well over 6 figures. I have a second income plus stock trading. I do not worry if I ever get laid off. My kids have over $500,000 in each of their college funds. i made over $300,000 profit in the stock market in actual taken gains in 2011. Not everyone lives for the sales job. Some saw the end coming over 5 years ago and planned unlike the jealousy of people on this board. Unfortunately I did not get laid off and did not get the package. I'll stick around until they decide to lay me off and I will have a smile on my face the day that happens.

You are jealous of your successful peers. I am a highly paid NVS rep, well over 6 figures. I have a second income plus stock trading. I do not worry if I ever get laid off. My kids have over $500,000 in each of their college funds. i made over $300,000 profit in the stock market in actual taken gains in 2011. Not everyone lives for the sales job. Some saw the end coming over 5 years ago and planned unlike the jealousy of people on this board. Unfortunately I did not get laid off and did not get the package. I'll stick around until they decide to lay me off and I will have a smile on my face the day that happens.

Bogus whatever who cares about your Sh.t will come anyway. Pharm reps are a dying breed. Docs doors are closing faster than you want to believe. Docs are a dying breed. There is a lack of new docs entering medicine which will trickle down. Did you study Economics moron.