Get ready to be UNBOSSED!!!

Disappointed at Vas' behavior yesterday at One Novartis. Giving a standing ovation to that idiot who said he does not like the tone of the woman asking questions on layoffs. Kudos to the woman for being brave and caring about coworkers. A CEO who is immature and cannot show restraint that he has to clap at a moron's statement. What a relief for Vas. No character or strength.
Why doesn't someone layoff that guy. Give him taste of his medicine and the entire org can move on without him.

I'm not surprised at Vas' response. He's a full without any notice of the reality of working in Pharma. It's the same response that Exton have 2 weeks ago when he essentially said the Incentive Plan isn't the problem, poor performance and poor reps are the problem. He also said that if this Trimester goals were inappropriate that we shouldn't complain since they just "reset at the beginning of the next Trimester." Mr Exton, the goals don't reset at the beginning of a Trimester. The gap to quota is added to the new goal so a mis-quotaed territory will always be behind. Why would any rep take a job in an underperforming territory? You literally can't do yourself out of the hole.

I'm not surprised at Vas' response. He's a full without any notice of the reality of working in Pharma. It's the same response that Exton have 2 weeks ago when he essentially said the Incentive Plan isn't the problem, poor performance and poor reps are the problem. He also said that if this Trimester goals were inappropriate that we shouldn't complain since they just "reset at the beginning of the next Trimester." Mr Exton, the goals don't reset at the beginning of a Trimester. The gap to quota is added to the new goal so a mis-quotaed territory will always be behind. Why would any rep take a job in an underperforming territory? You literally can't do yourself out of the hole.
Yes Mike Exton has no clue and doesn't want to hear how to increase sales, by implementing some simple messures. He really has chosen to have a blind eye and has quite a combative attitude for someone in a leadership position.

I'm not surprised at Vas' response. He's a full without any notice of the reality of working in Pharma. It's the same response that Exton have 2 weeks ago when he essentially said the Incentive Plan isn't the problem, poor performance and poor reps are the problem. He also said that if this Trimester goals were inappropriate that we shouldn't complain since they just "reset at the beginning of the next Trimester." Mr Exton, the goals don't reset at the beginning of a Trimester. The gap to quota is added to the new goal so a mis-quotaed territory will always be behind. Why would any rep take a job in an underperforming territory? You literally can't do yourself out of the hole.

The RM's/ABLs have to cover-up the reality of Pharma to HQ in all companies. Can you even imagine what the VP's would decide if they knew that most of the day was spent doing nothing and 80% of the inputted data is fudged? You don't think the RMsABL know about the reality of the Pharma Fantasy? They do. Why do they do it? Job Security and keeps the fantasy alive.

If you owned a business and knew that your sales force was being extremely limited by external market factors, like actually seeing the clients, managed care access and in general the information being put into the computer system was for all intensive purposes fraudulent, would you continue to keep large sales forces on the ground w/ elevated salaries? I mean really? Common sense tells you that there is a disconnect some where in communication up the ladder. Middle Management is as much a part of the daily pharma fraud as the representative is. Is anyone really doing the "Right Thing"? No, Hell NO!! Keep the Pharma Fantasy alive until the Industry finally implodes.

Reps putting fake calls in Veeva all day long and what does it yield? BAD data right back out to the Rep. You can't complain about bad data when 99.9% of the sales force is fudging calls. The Goals are set because HQ is seeing everyone making "calls" although they don't know that most are Fantom in order to hit KPI's. It's just a vicious Industry Cycle that everyone is in on.

This is a painfully true post. I always questioned the rep field bragging about how little work they did, how they faked everything, and how they are making huge salaries. I live in one of the few areas in the country that has great access, but it is rural so the volume if low even if you have 100% of the business. In these circumstances we have to work long hours just to see our accounts. We get lectured about how we must be doing something wrong because we don't produce the volume of metro areas. We have almost all the available business in our territories, unless we can get vets to write there is no where to expand. We are all waiting for retirement . And no, I do not make $200,000 a year that the reps on this site brag about making. No wonder we are viewed with contempt by those outside the industry.

This is a painfully true post. I always questioned the rep field bragging about how little work they did, how they faked everything, and how they are making huge salaries. I live in one of the few areas in the country that has great access, but it is rural so the volume if low even if you have 100% of the business. In these circumstances we have to work long hours just to see our accounts. We get lectured about how we must be doing something wrong because we don't produce the volume of metro areas. We have almost all the available business in our territories, unless we can get vets to write there is no where to expand. We are all waiting for retirement . And no, I do not make $200,000 a year that the reps on this site brag about making. No wonder we are viewed with contempt by those outside the industry.
Not sure who is making 200 as a rep? Tenored reps make considerable “less” than the new recruits brought in. Lower volume equals fewer reps.

unboss= liberal politically correct BS. This company is most concerned about becoming a mini-united nations with Diversity/Inclusion ( unbossed/curious) out of control. This guy VAS, with no experience will run NVS into the ground. He has NO experience running a global company, that is evident when Unbossing is the highest priority. LMFAO watching this shit show unfold.
Reminds me of Jeff George when he came over and became CEO of Alcon. Because of inexperience, tried to implement feel good initiatives to get on the good graces of everyone but instead drove Alcon down.

The RM's/ABLs have to cover-up the reality of Pharma to HQ in all companies. Can you even imagine what the VP's would decide if they knew that most of the day was spent doing nothing and 80% of the inputted data is fudged? You don't think the RMsABL know about the reality of the Pharma Fantasy? They do. Why do they do it? Job Security and keeps the fantasy alive.

If you owned a business and knew that your sales force was being extremely limited by external market factors, like actually seeing the clients, managed care access and in general the information being put into the computer system was for all intensive purposes fraudulent, would you continue to keep large sales forces on the ground w/ elevated salaries? I mean really? Common sense tells you that there is a disconnect some where in communication up the ladder. Middle Management is as much a part of the daily pharma fraud as the representative is. Is anyone really doing the "Right Thing"? No, Hell NO!! Keep the Pharma Fantasy alive until the Industry finally implodes.

Reps putting fake calls in Veeva all day long and what does it yield? BAD data right back out to the Rep. You can't complain about bad data when 99.9% of the sales force is fudging calls. The Goals are set because HQ is seeing everyone making "calls" although they don't know that most are Fantom in order to hit KPI's. It's just a vicious Industry Cycle that everyone is in on.
Fraud is everywhere in the org. You should see how the mid mgmt fudge medical KPIs. Those who provide honest data are written up or chucked out. Huge wastage of resources and fooling everyone.

Unboss = wearing jeans Did anyone read that?
We wear jeans already. How is jeans Unboss? Will wearing jeans stop the bosses from being bossy mean, lying cheats? Someone explain how wearing a type clothing contributes to your bosses being unbossy?

Disappointed at Vas' behavior yesterday at One Novartis. Giving a standing ovation to that idiot who said he does not like the tone of the woman asking questions on layoffs. Kudos to the woman for being brave and caring about coworkers. A CEO who is immature and cannot show restraint that he has to clap at a moron's statement. What a relief for Vas. No character or strength.

At least try to make it look unscripted. He was bossed to unboss wearing his Hugo boss

Fraud is everywhere in the org. You should see how the mid mgmt fudge medical KPIs. Those who provide honest data are written up or chucked out. Huge wastage of resources and fooling everyone.
But why are the VPs not questioning or looking and comparing and digging deep. Are they paid big bucks because they are dumb, lack understanding, lack ability to dig deep, try to always keep everything smiley and lovey dovey, or they just ask for the fudge to drain the company of its money and as a result the lowest of the people who provide the real stuff. Maybe they just want large and lazy teams doing nothing but work acting. Anyone knows how to act work - join Novartis. If you really work, you will be gone. Welcome all losers!

But why are the VPs not questioning or looking and comparing and digging deep. Are they paid big bucks because they are dumb, lack understanding, lack ability to dig deep, try to always keep everything smiley and lovey dovey, or they just ask for the fudge to drain the company of its money and as a result the lowest of the people who provide the real stuff. Maybe they just want large and lazy teams doing nothing but work acting. Anyone knows how to act work - join Novartis. If you really work, you will be gone. Welcome all losers!

Because everyone stays in their lane and gives their own delusional version of the Pharma Phantasy. Don’t question down, don’t be truthful above just keep the Phantasy alive.

Disappointed at Vas' behavior yesterday at One Novartis. Giving a standing ovation to that idiot who said he does not like the tone of the woman asking questions on layoffs. Kudos to the woman for being brave and caring about coworkers. A CEO who is immature and cannot show restraint that he has to clap at a moron's statement. What a relief for Vas. No character or strength.

What this idiot has said ? We need more context and details ! TBH I don't understand why people keep adulating him on the campus, he lied repeatedly, didn't respect his own words and is burning to ashes the few cultural qualities we had left. fuck him and all his ethnic management, these people are worst than WASP.

What this idiot has said ? We need more context and details ! TBH I don't understand why people keep adulating him on the campus, he lied repeatedly, didn't respect his own words and is burning to ashes the few cultural qualities we had left. fuck him and all his ethnic management, these people are worst than WASP.
Why you don't tell him directly or on Yammer? Instead of using anonymous board.

Too scared of him I bet.
Of course, I am scared - not of him but of the deterioration and discrimination. Scared of the fake Unboss culture. Scared for my family. Scared for the people laid off. Scared that the wrong people will be laid off again next time. Scared that this organization is not up to the mark. Scared that incompetence will govern everything because of the ways things are. Scared that certain minority communities are given preferential treatment over other minority communities. Scared that the white rulers will become unjust. Yes - scared of several things evident in the tone of that guy which is the tone of this org.