Layoffs Begin.....


Q4 agenda:
  • Retarget
  • Thanksgiving weekend
  • Annual layoffs, wave 2, Sales and marketing
It ALL will make so much sense and be really good really excellent for AZ.

oh no. I’m learning how to updated SDP’s almost weekly. Don’t you know those are the key to success? Thank goodness for my CBD. Teaches us all on the importance of tasks and processes.

Complete morons running the show at AZ. They would rather have you spend a half day updating your SDP every other week, fill out your 5x5 tracker so you can figure out how you will lie about your one minute call with these providers to your manager and spend a couple hours a week on zoom calls trying to justify your 5x5 calls and why your NBRx has dropped a 1/2% over the last week. AZ management sucks. No wonder numbers are horrible nationally. They would rather us spend time doing worthless tasks that provide no value than spend time in front of our customers. I'm also tired of the passive aggressive job threats that are coming down from the NE region leadership team starting with AS.

I failed to mention, two weeks ago, we displaced a total of 22 individuals and leaders within CVRM Medical Affairs. By all accounts, they are happy and loving life right here before the holidays and you will too when your number is called up.
Love, AZ Commercial & Medical Senior Leadership

I failed to mention, two weeks ago, we displaced a total of 22 individuals and leaders within CVRM Medical Affairs. By all accounts, they are happy and loving life right here before the holidays and you will too when your number is called up.
Love, AZ Commercial & Medical Senior Leadership
You are lost. The whole of you passes into it. A chain of mysterious forces takes possession of you. You struggle in vain; no more human succor is possible. You go on falling from gearing to gearing, from agony to agony, from torture to torture, you, your mind, your fortune, your future, your soul; and, according to whether you are in the power of a wicked creature, or of a noble heart, you will not escape from this terrifying machine otherwise than disfigured with shame, or transfigured by passion.

Complete morons running the show at AZ. They would rather have you spend a half day updating your SDP every other week, fill out your 5x5 tracker so you can figure out how you will lie about your one minute call with these providers to your manager and spend a couple hours a week on zoom calls trying to justify your 5x5 calls and why your NBRx has dropped a 1/2% over the last week. AZ management sucks. No wonder numbers are horrible nationally. They would rather us spend time doing worthless tasks that provide no value than spend time in front of our customers. I'm also tired of the passive aggressive job threats that are coming down from the NE region leadership team starting with AS.
At least you don’t work for Irma.

Complete morons running the show at AZ. They would rather have you spend a half day updating your SDP every other week, fill out your 5x5 tracker so you can figure out how you will lie about your one minute call with these providers to your manager and spend a couple hours a week on zoom calls trying to justify your 5x5 calls and why your NBRx has dropped a 1/2% over the last week. AZ management sucks. No wonder numbers are horrible nationally. They would rather us spend time doing worthless tasks that provide no value than spend time in front of our customers. I'm also tired of the passive aggressive job threats that are coming down from the NE region leadership team starting with AS.

oh please spare me the drama queen routine. Spending time in front of customers? Don’t you mean dropping off samples, recording a fake call that never happened, and going to hang out at Starbucks or the gym? Can’t wait until the day this industry finally cuts you all loose. You can go work as a greeter at Walmart.

oh please spare me the drama queen routine. Spending time in front of customers? Don’t you mean dropping off samples, recording a fake call that never happened, and going to hang out at Starbucks or the gym? Can’t wait until the day this industry finally cuts you all loose. You can go work as a greeter at Walmart.

Nope, never will happen. They have tried everything they can think of to get rid of face to face selling of vastly overpriced pharmaceuticals and they haven’t been able to do it yet. Now, what will have the greatest impact on pharmaceutical selling AND medicine itself, will be AI .

I would like to give her the ole pickle tickle for x- mas. I don’t understand why she works!! Her husband probably pulling down 800 grand a year as a doctor.
He doesn’t make anywhere near that. He’s a GI guy in El Paso, armpit of the world. She works because she believes she’s good…she’s not.

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