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Another Rheumatology Restructure

Exactly. Arrogance here Horizon reps will get you nowhere. No, we are not adopting "your culture". You will be "adopting" our culture. And you'll call on whomever they decide to have you call on....PCP's will be in your target base if not at first but down the road. That's the Amgen way. As you are so stellar at your job, they will think you can convert some PCP in timbucktoo to using a drug for rare disease. And you will participate on all conference calls, validation calls, web exes and now you will get a car and you will have a tracker on it.

If they want to get rid of you all they do is follow the places you've been. Your freedom is gone. Welcome to the madness at Amgen and get your head out of your arse and follow our rules. We aren't following yours. Arrogance and narcissism will get you nowhere here. You will be another puppet for the puppet master to manipulate. Your freedom and autonomy is gone. You will not get to drive your own car, you'll get a car with a tracker so they know where you are at all times.. LOL

Listen, I work at Horizon and am totally with you on the fact that Amgen does not see us as anything special. There are people over on our CP board that think that Amgen bought us for the products AND the people. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. That being said, they aren’t going to add PCPs to our list for rare disease…the referrals actually exist more in other specialties which are still significantly untapped,

Look, we do a lot of stupid stuff but at least we have the patient interest at heart. Enbrel was a wonderful innovation and it still helps.

Our problem is all the activity because of inertia. We still do things big Pharma used to do in 1970, 1980, 1990.

Nothing exemplifies this more than the Field Coaching Guide or Field Contact Report.

Absolute idiocy. All fake and doesn't help anyone. Takes away from actual coaching my reps in the field. Instead, I have to focus on this idiotic report, that could very well get me fired, instead of observing and coaching. It feeds itself.

The worst are trainers that haven't sold a thing is 25 years extolling its benefits and marketers who have zero clue about what DMs do all week. When these are the people driving the use of FCRs, you are lost.

Still, no use in fighting it. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Look, we do a lot of stupid stuff but at least we have the patient interest at heart. Enbrel was a wonderful innovation and it still helps.

Our problem is all the activity because of inertia. We still do things big Pharma used to do in 1970, 1980, 1990.

Nothing exemplifies this more than the Field Coaching Guide or Field Contact Report.

Absolute idiocy. All fake and doesn't help anyone. Takes away from actual coaching my reps in the field. Instead, I have to focus on this idiotic report, that could very well get me fired, instead of observing and coaching. It feeds itself.

The worst are trainers that haven't sold a thing is 25 years extolling its benefits and marketers who have zero clue about what DMs do all week. When these are the people driving the use of FCRs, you are lost.

Still, no use in fighting it. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.


fcr's, field ride alongs, trackers, web ex, weekly calls, validation, check all boxes

FCRs have always been fake.

Ask the Sr. VP of marketing if he or she does a FCR after every interaction with the directors? Of course not.

FCRs are a big Pharma failed tactic. Biotech doesn't do FCRs. Big Pharma pretending to be biotech does.

Even Merck, JNJ and Pfizer no longer to FCRs. They are the tools of fakery and anyone endorsing them exposing themselves as a fake.

Look, we do a lot of stupid stuff but at least we have the patient interest at heart. Enbrel was a wonderful innovation and it still helps.

Our problem is all the activity because of inertia. We still do things big Pharma used to do in 1970, 1980, 1990.

Nothing exemplifies this more than the Field Coaching Guide or Field Contact Report.

Absolute idiocy. All fake and doesn't help anyone. Takes away from actual coaching my reps in the field. Instead, I have to focus on this idiotic report, that could very well get me fired, instead of observing and coaching. It feeds itself.

The worst are trainers that haven't sold a thing is 25 years extolling its benefits and marketers who have zero clue about what DMs do all week. When these are the people driving the use of FCRs, you are lost.

Still, no use in fighting it. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

And we don't need a manger "coaching" anyone. Meet me for lunch or breakfast and then get on your way.

Our biggest problem isn't FCRs. Everyone fakes them. My manager. Me. Everyone. They are written entirely for HR and have nothing to do with sales.

Our biggest problem is our IC and and alignments. So much time wasted on ATLAS. All the hours spent, then nothing takes. I still have docs who died 4 years ago. I still have docs who moved to Canada last summer. I still have docs who are in an adjacent territory, despite all the validation hours.

They just don't give a shit. They keep telling me someone is an "A" target and they don't see patients at all. They only do research but I have to fake calls on them so my DM won't get in trouble with the RSD.

We rely way to much on ZS to tell us who to call on and then how we are doing. We don't even buy much specialty pharmacy data so it's all a mirage anyway.

Our biggest problem isn't FCRs. Everyone fakes them. My manager. Me. Everyone. They are written entirely for HR and have nothing to do with sales.

Our biggest problem is our IC and and alignments. So much time wasted on ATLAS. All the hours spent, then nothing takes. I still have docs who died 4 years ago. I still have docs who moved to Canada last summer. I still have docs who are in an adjacent territory, despite all the validation hours.

They just don't give a shit. They keep telling me someone is an "A" target and they don't see patients at all. They only do research but I have to fake calls on them so my DM won't get in trouble with the RSD.

We rely way to much on ZS to tell us who to call on and then how we are doing. We don't even buy much specialty pharmacy data so it's all a mirage anyway.

Agree with all you said.

Faking calls on Dr.'s who are not even in your territory is so ridiculous but we do it to make PoA. They all know it. The DSM's don't care unless they want to get rid of you.

The only sure way to get rid of low performing docs, docs who legitimately moved or died or took up another profession is to change their specialty to dermatology and push them to Otezla Nation. Those spoiled babies don't have to do 3 teleconferences a week on SLII, OFTEN and DB&I so I don't feel sorry for them. The dermatology alignments have become a dumping ground for anyone you don't want. Easy.

The only sure way to get rid of low performing docs, docs who legitimately moved or died or took up another profession is to change their specialty to dermatology and push them to Otezla Nation. Those spoiled babies don't have to do 3 teleconferences a week on SLII, OFTEN and DB&I so I don't feel sorry for them. The dermatology alignments have become a dumping ground for anyone you don't want. Easy.

Further proof that "culture" at a company is often product or division specific. They treat rheumatology ie. Enbrel reps like children because in many ways they need to be. They sell a product that has nothing new and basically sells itself. That won't be the case with Otezla in Derm or with Chemocentryx and especially with the Horizon folks that will soon come over.

Pretty sure that with these recent purchases Amgen is looking to establish themselves in "rare disease" so no one knows what the culture will look like as it is still be created. To the Chemocentryx and Horizon folks don't take the conference call, fake call "culture" as what you will have. You guys might even end up in the division we all want to be in.

No most if not all. Who wants to take another 20k minimum (at plan) and up to 100k a year pay cut because the bonus is closer to 40k a year at plan at Amgen. Add in not getting 20+k a year in RSU grants and another 15% auto gain on ESPP that not just immediately vests but is locked in for 2 years. But you are right some under performing reps are probably happy to take the 180+k base (making them the highest paid sales reps at Amgen) and then follow a ton of metrics and teleconferences that don't matter but take up time. Most every rep at Horizon will be gone within a year either through (we hope) layoffs or they will just leave for better paying pharma jobs which are plentiful.

Amgen used to be a great company. But now its full of mediocrity and old timers that are just looking to hang on and get paid a few more years.

Agree the reps will work FAR less but make less money and hate it here.

Look, we do a lot of stupid stuff but at least we have the patient interest at heart. Enbrel was a wonderful innovation and it still helps.

Our problem is all the activity because of inertia. We still do things big Pharma used to do in 1970, 1980, 1990.

Nothing exemplifies this more than the Field Coaching Guide or Field Contact Report.

Absolute idiocy. All fake and doesn't help anyone. Takes away from actual coaching my reps in the field. Instead, I have to focus on this idiotic report, that could very well get me fired, instead of observing and coaching. It feeds itself.

The worst are trainers that haven't sold a thing is 25 years extolling its benefits and marketers who have zero clue about what DMs do all week. When these are the people driving the use of FCRs, you are lost.

Still, no use in fighting it. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Hold thy tongue

Our biggest problem isn't FCRs. Everyone fakes them. My manager. Me. Everyone. They are written entirely for HR and have nothing to do with sales.

Our biggest problem is our IC and and alignments. So much time wasted on ATLAS. All the hours spent, then nothing takes. I still have docs who died 4 years ago. I still have docs who moved to Canada last summer. I still have docs who are in an adjacent territory, despite all the validation hours.

They just don't give a shit. They keep telling me someone is an "A" target and they don't see patients at all. They only do research but I have to fake calls on them so my DM won't get in trouble with the RSD.

We rely way to much on ZS to tell us who to call on and then how we are doing. We don't even buy much specialty pharmacy data so it's all a mirage anyway.

Sad to say, but it’s been like that everywhere I’ve been for 20 years. Thankfully for us Horizon folks, though. that kind of thing doesn’t matter for rare disease infused meds.

Sad to say, but it’s been like that everywhere I’ve been for 20 years. Thankfully for us Horizon folks, though. that kind of thing doesn’t matter for rare disease infused meds.

It doesn't make any difference if it matters or not for rare disease drugs. You still will have FCR's and trackers and validation and call after call to discuss what you should be doing as you are a part of AMGEN now. Welcome to the partay!!!

It doesn't make any difference if it matters or not for rare disease drugs. You still will have FCR's and trackers and validation and call after call to discuss what you should be doing as you are a part of AMGEN now. Welcome to the partay!!!

Your account managers don't have FCR's and trackers. I wouldn't expect your new rare disease division to either. Same level at every other company and will be here too.

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