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Another Rheumatology Restructure

Nothing has been formally decided yet with how Horizon will be merged in with us. I've heard multiple scenarios.

I am so sure that you’re in the know. Lol! Of course all of details likely haven’t been solidified. Logically it would make sense that we have to fit into the pay bands. It is very common for rare disease reps to be at an account manager level. They sure as hell aren’t going to bring us in as an ACT level 2 or 3 since Chemocentryx reps weren’t. .

I am so sure that you’re in the know. Lol! Of course all of details likely haven’t been solidified. Logically it would make sense that we have to fit into the pay bands. It is very common for rare disease reps to be at an account manager level. They sure as hell aren’t going to bring us in as an ACT level 2 or 3 since Chemocentryx reps weren’t. .

So funny how you people think you are special because you sell a product most rhuematologist have never heard of or prescribe. I hope they lay most of you off and just add it to our bag.

So funny how you people think you are special because you sell a product most rhuematologist have never heard of or prescribe. I hope they lay most of you off and just add it to our bag.

That would be the cheap route- I suspect most of those reps won't be highly coveted for other jobs. Its not even a true rare disease (Krystexxa at least).

So funny how you people think you are special because you sell a product most rhuematologist have never heard of or prescribe. I hope they lay most of you off and just add it to our bag.

Why would we lay off the best and the elite reps? I know that I’m going to try to get into the rare disease business unit.

So funny how you people think you are special because you sell a product most rhuematologist have never heard of or prescribe. I hope they lay most of you off and just add it to our bag.

I can’t speak for the rest, but I don’t think I’m that special. I can tell you, though, that before I came here every rheumatologist that I called on at the time knew of the drug. Multiple suggested I not come here, though. Lol!

Sorry, but you are clearly clueless if you think that they haven’t heard of it and even more clueless to think that Amgen or any company would just add a buy and bill orphan stairs drug to your “bag”, especially one that is growing so much. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s the end all be all of drugs to sell, but that just doesn’t happen anywhere.

i will say, though, that Amgen would be stupid to keep all of the Krystexxa sales force…and probably Tepezza’s, too. They just did an unnecessary expansion in both business units. The Krystexxa business unit is also organized in the craziest way that I’ve ever seen in my 20+ years doing this job. I would pay to be a fly on the wall when Amgen leadership starts really digging in on that one,

I’m sure that most will slowly trickle out. We have rare disease experience now on our resumes and there are a lot of rare disease drugs coming out. Hell, there are 5 companies right now -from big pharmacy to small biotech - that are currently building out their commercial teams. They all want rare disease experience & are willing to pay for it. Rare disease is the new oncology. I’m not saying any of it is justified, so don’t get all crazy on me. Just telling you the facts, Jack.

I can’t speak for the rest, but I don’t think I’m that special. I can tell you, though, that before I came here every rheumatologist that I called on at the time knew of the drug. Multiple suggested I not come here, though. Lol!

Sorry, but you are clearly clueless if you think that they haven’t heard of it and even more clueless to think that Amgen or any company would just add a buy and bill orphan stairs drug to your “bag”, especially one that is growing so much. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s the end all be all of drugs to sell, but that just doesn’t happen anywhere.

i will say, though, that Amgen would be stupid to keep all of the Krystexxa sales force…and probably Tepezza’s, too. They just did an unnecessary expansion in both business units. The Krystexxa business unit is also organized in the craziest way that I’ve ever seen in my 20+ years doing this job. I would pay to be a fly on the wall when Amgen leadership starts really digging in on that one,

I’m sure that most will slowly trickle out. We have rare disease experience now on our resumes and there are a lot of rare disease drugs coming out. Hell, there are 5 companies right now -from big pharmacy to small biotech - that are currently building out their commercial teams. They all want rare disease experience & are willing to pay for it. Rare disease is the new oncology. I’m not saying any of it is justified, so don’t get all crazy on me. Just telling you the facts, Jack.

The fact is most rhuematologist don't use your drug or think anything positive about horizon reps. It's not an orphan drug and gout isn't rare disease. Sell a drug with 5,000 patients a year or less then come talk to us. No rare disease company considers gout rare disease. Facts jack.

The fact is most rhuematologist don't use your drug or think anything positive about horizon reps. It's not an orphan drug and gout isn't rare disease. Sell a drug with 5,000 patients a year or less then come talk to us. No rare disease company considers gout rare disease. Facts jack.

Correct. Gout is not Rare. Tophaceous Gout is.

Approximately 185,000 patients with refractory gout. Uncommon but not rare disease. Rare disease is less than 10,000 patients. Get over yourself. Most of your will be replaced. And you will go back to normal pharma jobs

Well, feel free to argue with the FDA about that, dumb ass.

  • Provide orphan status to drugs and biologics which are intended to treat, diagnose or prevent rare diseases that affect fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S.

  • Keep dreaming if you think they will let any of us go just to have any of you replace us. That doesn’t happen, moron. And guess what?!! We get to keep our base salaries AND our target bonus dollar amount! It’s in the transaction agreement. Feel free to jump over to our thread to get the link. So, those of us that they keep (which will be at least most of the sales force) get to keep our almost $200k bases AND our $64k target bonus. Suckas!!

  • Keep dreaming if you think they will let any of us go just to have any of you replace us. That doesn’t happen, moron. And guess what?!! We get to keep our base salaries AND our target bonus dollar amount! It’s in the transaction agreement. Feel free to jump over to our thread to get the link. So, those of us that they keep (which will be at least most of the sales force) get to keep our almost $200k bases AND our $64k target bonus. Suckas!!

I couldn’t make heads or tails of what you were talking about. Here is the section of the transaction agreement I think you referring to

Employment and Benefit Matters.
(a) From the date of Completion through the first anniversary of the Effective Time (or, if shorter, the period of employment of the relevant Continuing Employee) (the “Benefits Continuation Period”), Parent shall provide or shall cause Acquirer Sub to provide, to (i) each Continuing Employee a base salary or hourly rate that is no less favorable than the base salary or hourly rate provided to such Continuing Employee immediately prior to the Effective Time, (ii) each Continuing Employee target annual or quarterly cash bonus, incentive compensation (excluding any special, retention or one-time award opportunities) and commissions opportunities (as applicable) that are no less favorable than the target annual or quarterly cash bonus, incentive compensation (excluding any special, retention or one-time award opportunities) and commissions opportunities provided to such Continuing Employee immediately prior to the Effective Time, and (iii) to the Continuing Employees as a group, employee benefits that are, in the aggregate, no less favorable than the employee benefits provided to similarly-situated employees of Parent and its Subsidiaries; provided that for purposes of determining whether such employee benefits are no less favorable in the aggregate, any equity, defined benefit pension plan benefits, nonqualified deferred compensation, retiree health or welfare benefits, post-termination health or welfare benefits, and retention or change in control payments or awards shall not be taken into account.

Well, feel free to argue with the FDA about that, dumb ass.

  • Provide orphan status to drugs and biologics which are intended to treat, diagnose or prevent rare diseases that affect fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S.

  • Keep dreaming if you think they will let any of us go just to have any of you replace us. That doesn’t happen, moron. And guess what?!! We get to keep our base salaries AND our target bonus dollar amount! It’s in the transaction agreement. Feel free to jump over to our thread to get the link. So, those of us that they keep (which will be at least most of the sales force) get to keep our almost $200k bases AND our $64k target bonus. Suckas!!

No rare disease company- like say Biomarin will consider a Horizon sales rep. Facts.

No rare disease company- like say Biomarin will consider a Horizon sales rep. Facts.

Sorry, but you don’t get to change the actual facts. Feel free to take it up with the FDA, moron. Also, funny that you mention Biomarin who hired one of our reps in NY last year. Good try. Now go away and pretend that you know anything about rare disease elsewhere.

I couldn’t make heads or tails of what you were talking about. Here is the section of the transaction agreement I think you referring to

Employment and Benefit Matters.
(a) From the date of Completion through the first anniversary of the Effective Time (or, if shorter, the period of employment of the relevant Continuing Employee) (the “Benefits Continuation Period”), Parent shall provide or shall cause Acquirer Sub to provide, to (i) each Continuing Employee a base salary or hourly rate that is no less favorable than the base salary or hourly rate provided to such Continuing Employee immediately prior to the Effective Time, (ii) each Continuing Employee target annual or quarterly cash bonus, incentive compensation (excluding any special, retention or one-time award opportunities) and commissions opportunities (as applicable) that are no less favorable than the target annual or quarterly cash bonus, incentive compensation (excluding any special, retention or one-time award opportunities) and commissions opportunities provided to such Continuing Employee immediately prior to the Effective Time, and (iii) to the Continuing Employees as a group, employee benefits that are, in the aggregate, no less favorable than the employee benefits provided to similarly-situated employees of Parent and its Subsidiaries; provided that for purposes of determining whether such employee benefits are no less favorable in the aggregate, any equity, defined benefit pension plan benefits, nonqualified deferred compensation, retiree health or welfare benefits, post-termination health or welfare benefits, and retention or change in control payments or awards shall not be taken into account.

Bingo. We have at least a year after the deal closes of maintaining our base & target IC…ya, know, for those of us that get retained.

Sorry, but you don’t get to change the actual facts. Feel free to take it up with the FDA, moron. Also, funny that you mention Biomarin who hired one of our reps in NY last year. Good try. Now go away and pretend that you know anything about rare disease elsewhere.

You'll be understanding facts better once you are unemployed. Sucker. You started on third base but think you hit a triple.

You'll be understanding facts better once you are unemployed. Sucker. You started on third base but think you hit a triple.

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