getting Optum is good, but if you look at the letter we are to send, they say do not make it clear at all that they can't get Emgality at all, and they put Aimovig and Ajovy in there. Everyone will just switch from Emgality to Ajovy as we are making it clear as day they can use both. Why did they HAVE to put both down? They didn't. The competitors did NOT when we lost CVS. Another Amgen mess.

I don't think it's going to help much at all

Nope I don't think this will help. The letter makes it look as if Ajovy is also preferred and gives them free reign to use other products. It's not worded well at all. Emgality's push against us with CVS was far stronger as was Ajovy's. We as usual are the pu##ws@@sys.

You are SO right. Hire more people? Whose freaking idea was THAT? Really smart Amgen!!!

We are ready to fold!!!

Now we will contend with Pfizer, great! I know for a fact that in 2018 - 2019, VP Dave Marek and Ross Arno were in BD meetings pushing Amgen to buy Biohaven in the range of 2.5 - 3 billion, what a deal! Can you imagine having a full portfolio now? Apparently Ross went apeshit when the Novartis-Amgen leaders emphatically said "orals will never be more than 4% of the market". I'm not saying the deal would have gone through, the collaboration may have stopped that, but the mere leadership arrogance and lack of pipeline awareness is shocking. Pfizer will take our business, customers, and eat our lunch.

Now we will contend with Pfizer, great! I know for a fact that in 2018 - 2019, VP Dave Marek and Ross Arno were in BD meetings pushing Amgen to buy Biohaven in the range of 2.5 - 3 billion, what a deal! Can you imagine having a full portfolio now? Apparently Ross went apeshit when the Novartis-Amgen leaders emphatically said "orals will never be more than 4% of the market". I'm not saying the deal would have gone through, the collaboration may have stopped that, but the mere leadership arrogance and lack of pipeline awareness is shocking. Pfizer will take our business, customers, and eat our lunch.

exactly amgen is so arrogant. they should have bought it. the optum win is nothing like losing cvs and having no bridge doesn't help.

Now we will contend with Pfizer, great! I know for a fact that in 2018 - 2019, VP Dave Marek and Ross Arno were in BD meetings pushing Amgen to buy Biohaven in the range of 2.5 - 3 billion, what a deal! Can you imagine having a full portfolio now? Apparently Ross went apeshit when the Novartis-Amgen leaders emphatically said "orals will never be more than 4% of the market". I'm not saying the deal would have gone through, the collaboration may have stopped that, but the mere leadership arrogance and lack of pipeline awareness is shocking. Pfizer will take our business, customers, and eat our lunch.

ROSS was right. Orals are FAR more than 4% of the CGRP market. They are eating all injectable CGRP's lunch.

exactly amgen is so arrogant. they should have bought it. the optum win is nothing like losing cvs and having no bridge doesn't help.

Guaranteed he'll bail to a pre-ipo biotech this year, bank on it. He's too fast paced and believes we should follow the McKinsey 7s model. The dude hates endless red tape and redundancy. He should have known better, Amgen is big pharma on steroids.

Hard to explain how fake a show it is unless you work in it. Gone are the days you can suggest new things instead you tow the line for TN. Meanwhile, TN protects her incompetent Director KD.

getting Optum is good, but if you look at the letter we are to send, they say do not make it clear at all that they can't get Emgality at all, and they put Aimovig and Ajovy in there. Everyone will just switch from Emgality to Ajovy as we are making it clear as day they can use both. Why did they HAVE to put both down? They didn't. The competitors did NOT when we lost CVS. Another Amgen mess.

I don't think it's going to help much at all

the Optum is nothing as compared to CVS. KD thinks Optum is going to save the nubu diviision

no. can't even use ajovy until July 1. it's not preferred

IT's irrelevant. July is fast approaching. They are getting the letters and it clearly states they can also use Ajovy. They'll move from one ligand blocker to another. Ajovy will get the business

KD can dream on that this will save the day, but he's mistaken as usual

exactly amgen is so arrogant. they should have bought it. the optum win is nothing like losing cvs and having no bridge doesn't help.


I've spoken to quite a few offices, and Optum is not a big player. Some don't even take Optum. CVS is #1.

KD and the others can continue their nonsense, but it's not going to help. GET CVS BACK


half the country making bonus and 1/4 making little and 1/4 making nada

nubu going down

tiffany does not care about the field

Lookie here, most hq people have left with more on their way out. The model of hiring and bringing friends from the field to hq roles is and was a bad idea. Hiring who you know vs. who can do the job is bad news. Doing this causes a potpourri of problems ranging from ic, managed care, resources, and customer sentiment. Soooo, how do we fix things?

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