This company sucks. This industry, which use to be fine, now sucks as well. My colleagues are a bunch of kiss ass wanna bees who seem to delight in being pricks to their reps. Sad
Pharma today is complete is a totalitarianism structure your opinions and ideas don't matter, they want yes people, give no respect or care about you your thoughts or your experience, you are just an employee with a number and will be removed and replaced.
Opioids! enuf said. Endo abandoned the market and we got the drug back-high expectations and we will be competing with generic Suboxone shortly. Don't think corporate has a clue-just look at the opioid market and how it has declined in the last 3 yrs alone
Company promotes its 'Diversity', its a family, we promote within philosophy. But unless u r connected to someone in upper mgmnt u don't get to move up or change depts. Its all about who is connected to make upper mgmnt happy
Horrible management; from local ( Delaware,Pa, Md) right on up through senior staff, they are just terrible. Everyone covering their own arses and passing the buck. No future....
pharma sales is just a higher paying dead end job. It's no more relevant or purposeful than working at Taco Bell. And that may be an insult to Taco Bell. I am actually kept from achieving sales goals by metrics that are completely divorced from reality. If making burritos paid as much I would do it because it would be less depressing. Pharma needs a new idea. My company needs new leadership. And about half of the reps need to re-released into the wild.
I give it a 3 only because the company is so dysfunctional and my boss is so checked out that no one knows what anyone else does all day long. I could go on a 2 week vacation and honestly do not think anyone would know I was gone. If not for this I would give it a 1.