You haven't seen "disengaged" yet

As I travel my territory I'm staying at the best places possible. When asked why it's so expensive, sorry! All the cheap places were booked! And I'm staying in some very cool cities.

The thing I cant understand is this:

They had to know once they announced there would be a layoff on June 23rd that many Rep's would just sit back and do nothing until that fateful day. Who can blame Rep's for doing just that? So why did they make the announcement? Can it be that they just don't care what the Reps do during the waiting period?

Our teams have meetings and busy work with due dates! We're being told we're under the microscope till the big announcement day!

Drill down and find how we can get gold.......or else!!!!!
What is this?
Feels like the middle ages and the rack treatment! Then they make you walk the plank!

Our teams have meetings and busy work with due dates! We're being told we're under the microscope till the big announcement day!

Drill down and find how we can get gold.......or else!!!!!
What is this?
Feels like the middle ages and the rack treatment! Then they make you walk the plank!

You have a pinhead manager who is so drunk on the kool aid that they are convinced Merck needs them and will certainly retain them indefinitely. They want to be able to say "see, we kept the faith."
This person is obviously completely out-of-touch.

You have a pinhead manager who is so drunk on the kool aid that they are convinced Merck needs them and will certainly retain them indefinitely. They want to be able to say "see, we kept the faith."
This person is obviously completely out-of-touch.

I think the list of names of who will be laid off was made up a long time ago.

Nobody's going to convince me they don't already know. There's absolutely no way they are in the process of compiling a list names NOW...

I think the list of names of who will be laid off was made up a long time ago.

Nobody's going to convince me they don't already know. There's absolutely no way they are in the process of compiling a list names NOW...

The target list hasn't changed much in five years. Yes, the five-year plans are always in place.

I went to a small town where I have 2 providers today. Took in lunch
but worked a deal with the local restaurant to get cash and promptly went for a massage. Thank you Merck. I'll be doing a lot of this until June 23.

FU merck

No they don't care. Neither does anyone else in the field. They think once they get rid of the poor performers everyone will feel balls out and make up for the lack of results. It won't happen but that's how they think. This company is one of the worst managed companies in America. And nobody cares.

So why should the reps care? I know I don't. As long as they want to pay my bloated salary for doing nonsense I'll stay. The nig at the top needs to go. So foes the entire board of dir if they can't see what's going on

it's funny, goofs like this almost make me have sympathy for KF, even though I think he has been horrible!

I think the list of names of who will be laid off was made up a long time ago.

Nobody's going to convince me they don't already know. There's absolutely no way they are in the process of compiling a list names NOW...

You're probably right. I think its all about the bucks, plain and simple. After the obvious cut groups like newbies, contracts and low's about the cha-ching.

Mary makes big money but produces the same as pittance Paul.
Who makes the cut? I say Paul.

Isn't ROI still a fact of life?

No they don't care. Neither does anyone else in the field. They think once they get rid of the poor performers everyone will feel balls out and make up for the lack of results. It won't happen but that's how they think. This company is one of the worst managed companies in America. And nobody cares.

So why should the reps care? I know I don't. As long as they want to pay my bloated salary for doing nonsense I'll stay. The nig at the top needs to go. So foes the entire board of dir if they can't see what's going on

Gad zooks! A bloated salary?

You hit the jackpot!!!!

So many of us wish we could be thrown a measly few percent on our salary!

I intend to be calling on Merck customers from 11-1:30 today. And I won't even be discussing my Merck products during lunch. Although still a Merck rep, I've already moved on with a better product line. Thank you for the free RFM $, paycheck and company car, though!

I intend to be calling on Merck customers from 11-1:30 today. And I won't even be discussing my Merck products during lunch. Although still a Merck rep, I've already moved on with a better product line. Thank you for the free RFM $, paycheck and company car, though!

Proof that not all of the smart ones are gone.

It's 10:00am. I'm going to leave home now. I'll get a few sigs, take a free lunch to a friend's office, have an interview/meeting this afternoon, then come home by 3:30. My goal today is to not mention any Merck products to anyone except the receptionists at my sample drops. I may also admit to my friend at lunch that I believe Merck is purposely delaying the lipid trials because everyone knows that Zetia is a complete fraud of a drug.

FU Merck

I like it. I'll be doing the same thing. I'm not engaged at all. Matter of fact, I'll try to sell some lipitor and crestor. I'll throw the company and my manager under the bus-which is a very easy thing to do anyway because everyone hates him so much. Fatass

I might take in an afternoon movie for the next week. Have merck pay for it. Yeah, that sounds good.

I'll also look around for the most expensive gasoline to fill the car with. Not just premium, but the most expensive premium. Too bad

I've been selling more and more SGLT's lately. It's easy to do with their free coupons getting longer and longer. They make it easy and cheap to use it. I'll help them along. No more Januvia for me. If I make the cut, well then I'll worry about that later.