Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promised

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

Because they love to threaten people who work for a living - we actually care. Not to mention the hope that it will drive more of us to invest in the stock market or save since, you know, we make money.

No way to scare people who just hang out and collect tax payer money. They know tax payers will always exist to subsidize them (unless they're from Detroit). Great question though!

You know they have welfare activists in Detroit, right? They just passed bills requiring welfare recipients to perform community service and denying unemployment benefits to those applicants who refuse to take a drug test.

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

You know they have welfare activists in Detroit, right? They just passed bills requiring welfare recipients to perform community service and denying unemployment benefits to those applicants who refuse to take a drug test.


Needs to be, must be....enforced nationally!

A baby step toward fiscal sanity...and lives turning around for the better!!!!


Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

You know they have welfare activists in Detroit, right? They just passed bills requiring welfare recipients to perform community service and denying unemployment benefits to those applicants who refuse to take a drug test.

I did know this. Florida does the same. What I meant was that Detroit no longer has tax payers - only tax consumers in the form of social safety net recipients. Industry left Detroit because of the sky high tax burden so only tax consumers remain.

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

Those who voted for BOzo let SKIN trump Character! Wise up!

How this truth must hurt. So ironic how it's absolutely acceptable for white or black people to support someone primarily based on their blackness without regard to their competence or character but heaven forbid someone be accused of not supporting someone for the very same reason, or supporting a person of non-color (white). Either way is equally wrong and an extremely ignorant act. Obama bleeds red just like I do. It is his policies and socialist big government philosophies that contradict our Constitution that make me dislike Obama. He seems unable to grasp that the buck stops with him. I was no fan of Bush either, but at least his veracity was never questioned as much as Obama's has been. To the extent that we still don't know the truth about who on our side was ultimately responsible for the decisions made surrounding Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans is putrid. Yes, you can dislike Obama and not be racist, much to the dismay of our so-called progressive brethren.

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

Those who voted for BOzo let SKIN trump Character! Wise up!

I have common sense and use it in decision making. My common sense tells me Obama is a bad president and bad for our country and bad for the people he supposedly will help. My common sense comes from reading Obama's book and taking into consideration his past and present behaviors and actions. He has made mediocrity a goal and standard that we should strive for and accept as desirable. That means what we usually end up with is less than mediocrity and that is bad. Common sense suggests Obama is ill-suited to his position and will be historically regarded as a poor president. I hope I may live to see the day when we have another president of color who will be able to lead our country and restore its function (not dysfunction as we now have) and respectability throughout the world. Common sense tells me Obama has severely weakened our country. To control unemployment by getting people to quit looking for work is absurd and a travesty. Our current real unemployment levels reveals how Obama's decisions have not helped and have hurt the economy. Common sense tells me things will continue to worsen until a better president is elected.

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

How dare you say Ken's pal isn't a good presodent? JayZ is gonna be looking for you.

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

Anyone with half a brain should be able to discern what a miserable failure Obama's legacy is going to be. I feel sorry for him since he seems so misplaced in office and has 3 years left. I feel sorry for the rest of us who must endure his incompetence. I hope that's his problem and he's not in reality extremely competent at being malicious toward our country.

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

Obama lied, no doubt. It's also true that our company and the industry were in bed with him from the start, with this albatross. Corporations wanted to shed their part in healthcare, and this was the perfect opportunity to do it. So now we have the ever increasing deductibles, ever increasing premiums for less care. Welcome to "Affordable" care. It's ABSOLUTELY related, but the blame can go around. We'd all be wise to max out on our FSA's...

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

I have common sense and use it in decision making. My common sense tells me Obama is a bad president and bad for our country and bad for the people he supposedly will help. My common sense comes from reading Obama's book and taking into consideration his past and present behaviors and actions. He has made mediocrity a goal and standard that we should strive for and accept as desirable. That means what we usually end up with is less than mediocrity and that is bad. Common sense suggests Obama is ill-suited to his position and will be historically regarded as a poor president. I hope I may live to see the day when we have another president of color who will be able to lead our country and restore its function (not dysfunction as we now have) and respectability throughout the world. Common sense tells me Obama has severely weakened our country. To control unemployment by getting people to quit looking for work is absurd and a travesty. Our current real unemployment levels reveals how Obama's decisions have not helped and have hurt the economy. Common sense tells me things will continue to worsen until a better president is elected.

One of the scariest things to me about the rise (and rise) of Obama, has been the similarities to Germany in the 30s and you know who...A mysterious guy with a sketchy and (made up) past, writes a book, gets elected in a Cult of Personality, and then gets his own state run propaganda/media to cover up his craziness...sound familiar??

Germany ended up in ruins...Obama is doing a terrific job destroying the USA, which is what he wants to happen...They guy simply hates America...

But all those guilty white liberals out there had to elect there one half black prez...

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

I just heard the O has spend more than twice as much as the combined total for all the preceding presidents....guess this fiasco will put icing on the cake!

What incredible ability to churn out debt.

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

If you actually work for Merck, you should stay awake during the managed care t/c's and updates. The insurance companies run the show and Merck is just going along with them like every oher major employer group. Makes not one lick of difference whether it is a republican or democratic government in place.

This post is EACTLY correct. If you paid attention, premiums have increased every year. I have been a profesional since 1992, (not all at Merck) and virtually EVERY year, health insurance premiums rise and proved less coverage. The costs and coverage that we enjoy at Merck are phenomenol. Quite complaining...if it's so bad, LEAVE. Those of us who undersatnd that health care costs have and will continue to rise. With our population aging, so quickly cost HAVE to increase, and someone has to pay. I for one am grateful that I am able to contirbute.

Re: Guess our annual insurance premiums haven't been reduced $2500 like Obama promise

This post is EACTLY correct. If you paid attention, premiums have increased every year. I have been a profesional since 1992, (not all at Merck) and virtually EVERY year, health insurance premiums rise and proved less coverage. The costs and coverage that we enjoy at Merck are phenomenol. Quite complaining...if it's so bad, LEAVE. Those of us who undersatnd that health care costs have and will continue to rise. With our population aging, so quickly cost HAVE to increase, and someone has to pay. I for one am grateful that I am able to contirbute.

Merck coverage is a rusting Cadillac - better than the rusting Yugo most companies have. But, to your point, the costs are driven by the providers, nit the insurers. Insurers get you a 'group rate' off of the straight fee but those straight fees have NO restrictions.

Obamacare missed the boat working on the insurance side but the provider side lobbyists had better perks to offer, I suppose.