You haven't seen "disengaged" yet


Hey smart guy...
We were given a report about this post and are currently reviewing the case.

I hope for your sake it is really lost and the the last geo-location burst was not from your home.

Furthermore, be aware that every Apple device has a unchangable serial number, so if this iPad EVER connects to the Internet again we will discover its' location and then file criminal changes against you.

So this message is not for you, rather if anyone else is thinking that stealing from the company is a good idea; think again !

You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Merck FTS
Cc: Merck Security, HR and Legal

At this very moment My, I mean Merck's IPAD is on its way to China. You can send detective Deputy Dick to retrieve it for you.

I just scored a new ipad!!!!!!
turned off location services and shut down all communication with my ipad today.
called helpline and told them i lost ipad.
they had me go onto to find.
guess what?
I can't find it?
and neither can they
Now the company can buy me a new one while I strip the current one with any merck shit on it.
Its now mine

too bad.
more tricks to come
Imagine if 500 reps did this? Too bad Kenny Boy. how'd you work your way out of the cotton fields?
Oh thats right-on the back of Vioxx

If this is an example of how you spend your time and energies, you have much bigger life problems than a lost IPAD.


Hey smart guy...
We were given a report about this post and are currently reviewing the case.

I hope for your sake it is really lost and the the last geo-location burst was not from your home.

Furthermore, be aware that every Apple device has a unchangable serial number, so if this iPad EVER connects to the Internet again we will discover its' location and then file criminal changes against you.

So this message is not for you, rather if anyone else is thinking that stealing from the company is a good idea; think again !

You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Merck FTS
Cc: Merck Security, HR and Legal

You're right, stealing from the company is not a good thing. You should start your investigation with the Executive Committee and work your way down from there. Good luck.

Its kind of funny. I can't seem to read the serial number anymore. Seems like it's been scratched off! Imagine that!

The only thing g more incredible than the hate and nastiness on this board is the sheer stupidity.

You do know the previous post is talking about the digital, unchangeable serial number (called the Apple ID) that is broadcast from the device and not the etched number on the shell. The IT guy is not talking about keeping his eye on eBay and Craigslist in the event you try to sell it. Wow is really all I can say.

Sure thing know it all. That's already been taken care of. Some people know more about these things than the IT department

I'm not a know it all - I just know more than you (and apparently the IT guy if I take your post as gospel). Neither are nothing to brag about.

When will the pink slips hit and save us all from more posts like 'steal your iPad, just say it's lost!'

I'm not a know it all - I just know more than you (and apparently the IT guy if I take your post as gospel). Neither are nothing to brag about.

When will the pink slips hit and save us all from more posts like 'steal your iPad, just say it's lost!'

You some kind of regard or what? You don't get it. This person is obviously gone and is making it hurt merck as much as he/she can. The animous in the company is HUGE. For those that remain it will prove to be worse. Less coverage for drugs=less sales=more micro management=more pressure/desperation=more PIP's=more lay offs

Stick it to em. Make em feel it I say

Say what you want about disengaged reps. This whole thing starts at the top. Incompetent leadership is the cause of all this. Read the other boards from pharma and they are nothing like the Merck boards. What an awful place to work. And the management doesn't care.

I've got 3 huge catering lunches that I ordered for this upcoming week. I'll be taking it all home to have parties with neighbors. I'm going out in style. Too bad. Much deserved. I hope others will do the same. This place sucks ass so bad. I'm leaving in lavishness-the very thing this lame-ass company tries to avoid.

I've got 3 huge catering lunches that I ordered for this upcoming week. I'll be taking it all home to have parties with neighbors. I'm going out in style. Too bad. Much deserved. I hope others will do the same. This place sucks ass so bad. I'm leaving in lavishness-the very thing this lame-ass company tries to avoid.

Nice, I've been stockpiling for a month. Sodas, chips, non perishables, etc. This is in preparation for my 4th of July blowout. FU

I hope all you assholes get what you deserve !!!

There is NO "honor" in stealing !

Ever, under any circumstances !!!

And don't reply with some stupid comments on how it's owed to to you; BULL S. !!!

You will just make yourself look that much smaller !

-About to be a former "C" rep

Plus, I hope they catch you and hold back whatever severance you don't deserve and then file criminal charges against you !

So where did the the 'which one of you is mailing human poop to HQ' thread go? OP said FBI was investigating. The thread was up late Sunday (EDT) but gone on Monday morning.

Poop in the mail? Truth or fiction?

I hope all you assholes get what you deserve !!!

There is NO "honor" in stealing !

Ever, under any circumstances !!!

And don't reply with some stupid comments on how it's owed to to you; BULL S. !!!

You will just make yourself look that much smaller !

-About to be a former "C" rep

Plus, I hope they catch you and hold back whatever severance you don't deserve and then file criminal charges against you !

I'm sooooo scared.