You haven't seen "disengaged" yet

That's pretty ugly stuff. I hope your parents/kids/church are proud of you. In times of stress, we see the true character of a person.

Ah just eat me pansy puss. quite your complaining. My parents are proud of me. My kids are proud of me. My church is proud of me. BOO-HOO someone called me a name? Tough shit

I used this week to spend my RFM money with no regard while trashing the company as best I could. Providers hated what they heard. If I'm gone, so are many of the Merck drugs that patients are on in this office. I wont' amount to much, but if it happens at many clinics, it might hurt more.

All patients on januvia will be switched to whatever competing drug is on the formulary. All patients on zetia will be taken off and titrated with the generics. This clinic told me how much they have come to hate merck at the corporate level. I commented that they probably didn't know anybody at the corporate level and they cited my current CTL and my current DCO who they have met. They hated both pricks. Keep up the good work Kenny Boy. And go eat some chicken while you're at it. You don't have to eat it on the front porch either.

Fools disengage. We are still being paid to do our job. We still have numbers to hit and max
or better SIP to make. You can screw yourself, or you can work and make plan.

I choose to work till the bitter end and make more than plan!

I thought finding a job outside of Merck would be easier, I have been looking for 4 months pretty solidly and nothing so far. I am willing to change industries but I prefer not to move out of state. I am leaving Merck. They don't even pretend to care anymore and CTLS and Directors are a bunch of yes men. I am sure they vent among each other but not one of them acknowledges how crappy we are being treated publicly or shows an ounce of push back. There is no real courage and candor here. The people with courage leave and thats what I am trying to do.

Then you have experienced the reality of just what your resume means. Pharmaceutical sales is a negative when looking for a real sales job outside pharma. They think we don't sell, which we don't. They think we spend our days working 10-2, catering lunches and just hanging out in hallways, which we do. They know we get paid very well with great benefits for doing very little and they also know that they can't match those salaries even if they wanted to which they don't. They also know we have little in the way of technical skills beyond organizing meals, talking on the phone, computer data entry and don't really influence or impact the sales cycle or revenues. They also know that we can be a huge risk and liability. We wreck our company cars, lose our computers, talk off label, break policy's, become whistle blowers, on and on. Most of us also only have some general non-specific liberal arts or generic business administration degree and aren't much more qualified for the business world than when we were rush chairmen at the frat house which is what we were doing when we found pharma.
But I'm sure there is a lot of demand in this economy for suit wearing caterers, that know how to get someone to sign ( like UPS) for something they are giving away anyway, who want to work 15 hours a week but expect six figure incomes, car, insurance, computers, lots of free trips and meetings to cool places at 5 star hotels and bonuses all for chatting up a couple of customers a day. There's got to be a huge demand in the outside world for us doesn't there. We'll find similar jobs in no time at all. And somewhere that will be nicer to us too.

Then you have experienced the reality of just what your resume means. Pharmaceutical sales is a negative when looking for a real sales job outside pharma. They think we don't sell, which we don't. They think we spend our days working 10-2, catering lunches and just hanging out in hallways, which we do. They know we get paid very well with great benefits for doing very little and they also know that they can't match those salaries even if they wanted to which they don't. They also know we have little in the way of technical skills beyond organizing meals, talking on the phone, computer data entry and don't really influence or impact the sales cycle or revenues. They also know that we can be a huge risk and liability. We wreck our company cars, lose our computers, talk off label, break policy's, become whistle blowers, on and on. Most of us also only have some general non-specific liberal arts or generic business administration degree and aren't much more qualified for the business world than when we were rush chairmen at the frat house which is what we were doing when we found pharma.
But I'm sure there is a lot of demand in this economy for suit wearing caterers, that know how to get someone to sign ( like UPS) for something they are giving away anyway, who want to
work 15 hours a week but expect six figure incomes, car, insurance, computers, lots of free trips and meetings to cool places at 5 star hotels and bonuses all for chatting up a couple of customers a day. There's got to be a huge demand in the outside world for us doesn't there. We'll find similar jobs in no time at all. And somewhere that will be nicer to us too.

This about sum up your career "15" guy? Oh, I forgot, you never work Fridays. Maybe you can rebut when you get off the golf course Monday.

Fools disengage. We are still being paid to do our job. We still have numbers to hit and max
or better SIP to make. You can screw yourself, or you can work and make plan.

I choose to work till the bitter end and make more than plan!

That's because you are among the dumbest dum bass's on the planet. Go take another drink of Kool-Aid, Dips hit.

Fools disengage. We are still being paid to do our job. We still have numbers to hit and max
or better SIP to make. You can screw yourself, or you can work and make plan.

I choose to work till the bitter end and make more than plan!

Yeah right keep working hard to exceed plan asswipe. Young punks like you just don't get it. Next thing you'll be telling us is about your "career" in pharma. Wake up dick wad

field visit coming up-milk run all ready. It took me 2 days to arrange it so my dumbass CTL will think I'm "engaged." She's a stupid as they come. they all will say the right things, and I might even have a discussion after all!

Then I'll go home and do the minimum for the next month-oh yeah, by then she'll be gone! I'm on vacation until the end of June with nothing left to do.

So take that Merck. You want to play with people like you do-good. I play back.

Karma bitch, karma

and the majority of the entire sales force is doing the same thing. go ahead and keep scheduling field visits and teleconferences. Nobody is working. But ya'll are too stupid to know it.

field visit coming up-milk run all ready. It took me 2 days to arrange it so my dumbass CTL will think I'm "engaged." She's a stupid as they come. they all will say the right things, and I might even have a discussion after all!

Then I'll go home and do the minimum for the next month-oh yeah, by then she'll be gone! I'm on vacation until the end of June with nothing left to do.

So take that Merck. You want to play with people like you do-good. I play back.

Karma bitch, karma

and the majority of the entire sales force is doing the same thing. go ahead and keep scheduling field visits and teleconferences. Nobody is working. But ya'll are too stupid to know it.

Classic!! Goes to show that when you treat employees like SH*T, you get it right back in your face…


Fools disengage. We are still being paid to do our job. We still have numbers to hit and max
or better SIP to make. You can screw yourself, or you can work and make plan.

I choose to work till the bitter end and make more than plan!

What's the
Get laid off, find another job.
Who's plan do thing that is? You probably think it yours. Go get 'em!

our "CTL" sent out a field visit calender for the month of May. Seriously? don t you have anything better to do-like look for a new job?

We all know you're gone. And so do you. Dont try to ruin everybody else's day. Nobody is working. We're all just doing time until June 23rd. Then we'll take another free week until July. Then it all starts again until this time next year.

This company deserves everything and anything bad it gets from their employees. My brother-in-law just graduated from MBA school and guess what they spent some time on? "The Fall of a Giant"-the story of Merck and how it rose to #1 and how it tumbles to #100? Or something like that. Don't think this isn't real you bunch of losers

My CTL likes go use this term all the time to throw everybody in his district under the bus. Now we get word that he is gone in June. Paybacks are a biatch foo! Now let's see how well you implement those CCS skills pansy ass

My CTL likes go use this term all the time to throw everybody in his district under the bus. Now we get word that he is gone in June. Paybacks are a biatch foo! Now let's see how well you implement those CCS skills pansy ass

Managers will move on and land on their feet! New job someplace else!

Half going!

No surprises if not him his co-manager in the district......

Prospects for laid off pharma manager worse than for a rep. Just like everyone outside the industry knows pharma reps don't really sell, so it is known that pharma managers don't really " manage" anything. A lot less positions for managers in a shrinking industry. Gonna be almost impossible to replace hi salaries and higher un- warranted bonuses.
What do you say honestly on a resume? " I baby sat 10 cry baby reps, rode around in the company car with them and watched them deliver samples? Every Friday I did non-existent paper work but really mowed my yard and played golf, which reminds me, does this job come with an office day?"