You haven't seen "disengaged" yet

I hope all you assholes get what you deserve !!!

There is NO "honor" in stealing !

Ever, under any circumstances !!!

And don't reply with some stupid comments on how it's owed to to you; BULL S. !!!

You will just make yourself look that much smaller !

-About to be a former "C" rep

Plus, I hope they catch you and hold back whatever severance you don't deserve and then file criminal charges against you !

Yeah, me too. So scared. Tough


Hey smart guy...
We were given a report about this post and are currently reviewing the case.

I hope for your sake it is really lost and the the last geo-location burst was not from your home.

Furthermore, be aware that every Apple device has a unchangable serial number, so if this iPad EVER connects to the Internet again we will discover its' location and then file criminal changes against you.

So this message is not for you, rather if anyone else is thinking that stealing from the company is a good idea; think again !

You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Merck FTS
Cc: Merck Security, HR and Legal

Hey guys! Hows locating that lost ipad coming along? It seems to be working perfectly now that all the merck crap has been removed. Unchangeable serial number, eh?

What a joke

So where did the the 'which one of you is mailing human poop to HQ' thread go? OP said FBI was investigating. The thread was up late Sunday (EDT) but gone on Monday morning.

Poop in the mail? Truth or fiction?

There is truth to that. Adam and Ken received UPS packages that contained human feces. The mailroom workers knew something was wrong and called the police. You stupid reps will all be let go soon and I can't wait!

There is truth to that. Adam and Ken received UPS packages that contained human feces. The mailroom workers knew something was wrong and called the police. You stupid reps will all be let go soon and I can't wait!

I call farce. Someone in the mailroom thought something was wrong with a random UPS box? Human feces? DNA lab in the mailroom, too?

Smells like a lot of shit to me!

I hope all you assholes get what you deserve !!!

There is NO "honor" in stealing !

Ever, under any circumstances !!!

And don't reply with some stupid comments on how it's owed to to you; BULL S. !!!

You will just make yourself look that much smaller !

-About to be a former "C" rep

Plus, I hope they catch you and hold back whatever severance you don't deserve and then file criminal charges against you !

I have enjoyed f--king this company over more than I can describe to you. If I'm retained, I intend to continue to f--k this P.O.S. company over until hell freezes over. I'm working a second job that renders my Merck income practically irrelevant anyhow, but I very much enjoy this brand of justice!

FU and FU Merck!!!

I hope all you assholes get what you deserve !!!

There is NO "honor" in stealing !

Ever, under any circumstances !!!

And don't reply with some stupid comments on how it's owed to to you; BULL S. !!!

You will just make yourself look that much smaller !

-About to be a former "C" rep

Plus, I hope they catch you and hold back whatever severance you don't deserve and then file criminal charges against you !

well I told you I'd still be here jack off. And I'll still be disengaged. what you think about that? At least a year or two of part time work! They just eliminated a lot of my friends and kept the ones they shouldn't have. I'll take it out on the company with that mindset Kenny boy. eat that one. disengagement to the maximus clownies!

Well good for you. Another year or two of jacking off and career disengagement. You have accomplished nothing. Only more misery at remaining at Merck. Two more years of retarding away any career growth. You must be so proud. And truly incapable of doing anything else.

thats not the way i see it jerkoff. I see it as a good paycheck for a part time job. thats right sycophant. take whatever you can. they deserve every bit of it for what they've done to others. I can do plenty else, but why pizza face? good thing going right here. ill cruise into retirement years prick. not the same for you. be sure to build that career in pharma.