You haven't seen "disengaged" yet

That's on legacy Merck Vioxx and Fosamax Sales Reps, Managers and Marketing.

Get over yourself. We inherited a shit load of CIAs in the merger from Schering. We were LATER whacked with some others but L-SP had some heavy baggage to start with.

Don't think these things didn't bake into the risk/reward cake that is ultimately undoing the salesforce holistically.

D.I.D.=Dial it down.........aka, doing less than the anyone and everyone else!

Some reps have been on their own DID duty their entire career.
Knowledge check....the biggest D.I.D.ers are known as slackers!

I wish I had been smart enough to DID. I actually worked when I was in Merck hell. What a fool I was.

I will not be working hardly at all in response to what this company will be doing to all of us and some of my long time friends. you think sales are bad now, just wait. i want to make sure that im doing all i can do to minimize the hefty bonuses the nig CEO and the board walks with this year

hey you boys at the top-and the bottom. you think were not engaged now, eh? I got news for ya'll. Nobody is working.
If you thought there was disengagement before, you ain't seen nothing yet dicklicks.

Watch sales results. You don't even have to wait-look at the most recent sales reports you bunch of ass wipes. this is the results of what happens when you treat your salesforce like shit. And you knew it because it was loud and clear in the year end surveys. You glossed over it but that doesn't change what the feedback was.

So Bobby if your reading this-good luck launching drugs with no reps. Or with reps who are younger that you can pay less money too. No relationships, no sales. And for the embarrassment at the top-KARMA will get you as well. maybe not in this life, but in the next. Maybe it will even happen to one of your own kids/grandkids.

Im doing next to nothing and so are most people i know.

This company sucks ass so bad

Good on ya mate! They've treated all their employees like crap. Feel for you!

Love reading this. It's so discouraging around here. And everywhere you turn it's more BS and bureaucracy.

I'm using all Merck time to find a job-out of this crap industry. It's finished. Even if you make the cut this time you might have a couple of years left. ACA, MC directives, etc. will guide how customers prescribe drugs and the influence of the rep is long gone. They don't need us no matter what they blow up your asses. I'm getting out now while I'm still young enough to start all over again in a real industry that can support me for my career. Waiting for the package-if it still exists-is a stupid move. By then thousands will have you beat looking and maybe even landing good jobs-which do exist out there in other areas.

Good luck to all the Merck people. This place does suck and the people who need to know it are walking around like nothing is new. Their jobs are safe because they scum-bag bottom feed off our daily activities. They add no financial value to the company. None of them.

FU Merck

hey you boys at the top-and the bottom. you think were not engaged now, eh? I got news for ya'll. Nobody is working.
If you thought there was disengagement before, you ain't seen nothing yet dicklicks.

Watch sales results. You don't even have to wait-look at the most recent sales reports you bunch of ass wipes. this is the results of what happens when you treat your salesforce like shit. And you knew it because it was loud and clear in the year end surveys. You glossed over it but that doesn't change what the feedback was.

So Bobby if your reading this-good luck launching drugs with no reps. Or with reps who are younger that you can pay less money too. No relationships, no sales. And for the embarrassment at the top-KARMA will get you as well. maybe not in this life, but in the next. Maybe it will even happen to one of your own kids/grandkids.

Im doing next to nothing and so are most people i know.

This company sucks ass so bad

Kind of funny how they take a survey, see the results, and then do something like this. Don't even waste your time on surveys-it does no good. they use PC to act like they care but all you need to do is look at their actions. You're right, this company does suck ass

Love reading this. It's so discouraging around here. And everywhere you turn it's more BS and bureaucracy.

I'm using all Merck time to find a job-out of this crap industry. It's finished. Even if you make the cut this time you might have a couple of years left. ACA, MC directives, etc. will guide how customers prescribe drugs and the influence of the rep is long gone. They don't need us no matter what they blow up your asses. I'm getting out now while I'm still young enough to start all over again in a real industry that can support me for my career. Waiting for the package-if it still exists-is a stupid move. By then thousands will have you beat looking and maybe even landing good jobs-which do exist out there in other areas.

Good luck to all the Merck people. This place does suck and the people who need to know it are walking around like nothing is new. Their jobs are safe because they scum-bag bottom feed off our daily activities. They add no financial value to the company. None of them.

FU Merck

I thought finding a job outside of Merck would be easier, I have been looking for 4 months pretty solidly and nothing so far. I am willing to change industries but I prefer not to move out of state. I am leaving Merck. They don't even pretend to care anymore and CTLS and Directors are a bunch of yes men. I am sure they vent among each other but not one of them acknowledges how crappy we are being treated publicly or shows an ounce of push back. There is no real courage and candor here. The people with courage leave and thats what I am trying to do.

I will not be working hardly at all in response to what this company will be doing to all of us and some of my long time friends. you think sales are bad now, just wait. i want to make sure that im doing all i can do to minimize the hefty bonuses the nig CEO and the board walks with this year

Where is the indignation over this racist comment?

Here's my indignation-FU! There, now so much for that.

This company sucks and so do you. Who cares about KF anyway? Don't you know he's the one who's made this decision? You do realize he'll walk with many millions of dollars at the end of the year don't you? He will even eliminate your job at some point.

So don't come in here and lecture us about racism and indignation. I'm indignant that we have someone like him running the company. If he was white, asian, or mexican I'd use another name.

How's that for indignation fairy-ass?

Here's my indignation-FU! There, now so much for that.

This company sucks and so do you. Who cares about KF anyway? Don't you know he's the one who's made this decision? You do realize he'll walk with many millions of dollars at the end of the year don't you? He will even eliminate your job at some point.

So don't come in here and lecture us about racism and indignation. I'm indignant that we have someone like him running the company. If he was white, asian, or mexican I'd use another name.

How's that for indignation fairy-ass?

He's just a rich nig.

Here's my indignation-FU! There, now so much for that.

This company sucks and so do you. Who cares about KF anyway? Don't you know he's the one who's made this decision? You do realize he'll walk with many millions of dollars at the end of the year don't you? He will even eliminate your job at some point.

So don't come in here and lecture us about racism and indignation. I'm indignant that we have someone like him running the company. If he was white, asian, or mexican I'd use another name.

How's that for indignation fairy-ass?

That's pretty ugly stuff. I hope your parents/kids/church are proud of you. In times of stress, we see the true character of a person.