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What do you like best about working at JBI?

Okay, just came on here and waiting for the next segment. We need to know how anyone could possibly make another rep make p club, especially if the rep that is lagging is known as a "slug."
Most would say it's impossible. It's hard enough for a rep to win P club themself, how do you win it for another rep?

Well, it's not easy, but it's possible.
I have some important calls in the morning and the results of them will seal another P Club victory for me. I would love to chat back and forth with you but I need some sleep in order to close some top customers. Tomorrow night after I'm done completing my admin stuff I'll continue the story and tell you how I sent the "Slug" to heights far over the balding heads of his critics.

Okay, just came on here and waiting for the next segment. We need to know how anyone could possibly make another rep make p club, especially if the rep that is lagging is known as a "slug."
Most would say it's impossible. It's hard enough for a rep to win P club themself, how do you win it for another rep?

It's hard, but it's not impossible. I decided that in order to make "Slug's" territory a winning one, that we'd first have to get rid of the thing that was holding down the sales numbers in Slug's territory: Slug.
There's a few ways that I could have done this. I could have reported Slug's HCC violations or had a female rep complain about his "woman-down" attitude or asked that his cell phone be confiscated to see all the porn he was sending with a company paid cell phone, but I didn't.
I didn't want Slug fired. I wanted him to make P club.

At this point, could you guess what the strategy was?
You guess right, and I'll give you a great secret way to make sure you hit the numbers every quarter.

It's hard, but it's not impossible. I decided that in order to make "Slug's" territory a winning one, that we'd first have to get rid of the thing that was holding down the sales numbers in Slug's territory: Slug.
There's a few ways that I could have done this. I could have reported Slug's HCC violations or had a female rep complain about his "woman-down" attitude or asked that his cell phone be confiscated to see all the porn he was sending with a company paid cell phone, but I didn't.
I didn't want Slug fired. I wanted him to make P club.

At this point, could you guess what the strategy was?
You guess right, and I'll give you a great secret way to make sure you hit the numbers every quarter.

I want to guess. Did he go out on stress leave and leave you the opportunity to cover his territory?

I want to guess. Did he go out on stress leave and leave you the opportunity to cover his territory?

Close enough. So when he went out they asked me and a couple of other reps to cover his territory. I offered to cover the whole territory by myself. At first management was concerned that covering the "Slug's" territory the same time as my own would be too much and that it would hurt my territory. But I told them look, his territory is so bad that it's worth the risk, and I guaranteed them that my territory would continue to be successful. I was on my way to another P club and some huge bonuses and I wasn't going to risk that. Management agreed and let me take over. What they didn't know is that I had something to prove: That my time-tested sales strategy could take the worst territory and turn it around.

By the end of the year the results spoke for themselves: The rep came off of STD and made President's Club for the first time. Not only him, but most of the Slug's territory partners. I of course made it too. The managers were amazed that his territory could have climbed so far to the top of the rankings in the six months he was out, but they weren't complaining, because the managers went to P Club on his numbers (Well, mine technically.) At the POA I meeting, the Slug's DM came up to me and asked if I would mind helping out in the territory again, because with the Slug back in it the numbers had started to tank again, and so I did, and you know it, the Slug went on the trip again. I also helped out in a couple of the DM's other sluggish territories and two of the other four reps went to P Club along with the manager again. Yes, for the first time ever. The DM put me up for a couple of awards and the Regional Director poured a bunch of other rewards on me. They wanted to know my secret, but I told them that if they wanted it they would have to give me a POA meeting with one of the worst teams so I could teach them how to turn things around, and then I would have free rein to come into their territories and check on them whenever I wanted. The Director and DM were down with this but the National Sales Director felt that other teams would be upset and think it was unfair if I just helped one team, so the whole idea was turned down.
Now that the numbers for so many territories and the company are flat or down, they might want to think about that again. When they want me, I'll be here. Winning.

Nice how you stepped up for a fellow rep like that. I hope he bought you a nice round of drinks at P Club and the POA.

He did, but reluctantly. As he got drunk he started saying that when he had left the field to go out on leave it was beginning to go into an upswing, and he said that me being there was just coincidental. When someone else at the bar asked him then why did his territory start tanking again after he came back in, Slug answered that the territory had been tapped out and had no more room to grow.
Of course, when I started helping him again the territory sales numbers skyrocketed. But this is why they call him Slug to this day.

Loser? Sure thing Sporto! This loser works 15 hours week making 120K+ base, 30-40K bonus, free car, vested in pension, great healthcare package, and plenty of time to run my own business. I don't give a shit what you frat boys call a winner when you are at your P-club in where? Miami? Orlando? sitting in your circle jerk for the HO crowd wondering if your nose is brown enough yet. I'd rather pay to be somewhere more exotic with people that are actually fun to be around. Of course, I can afford it. But you just keep pretending you know what real sales are and keep wearing those knee pads. If you are not already a manager or director you are on your way. Yay! These are the gravy years for me. I could've quit a couple of years ago but who pays this kind of money for a part time gig? Thanks JBI!

I'm laughing my ass off dude! Classic post! You schooled him dude! He sounds like a GI RD. Not hard to shut them down. Not too bright.

I like to think of it as educating instead of schooling. His team couldn't believe that a guy as bad of a laughing stock rep as slug was could make p club while they all sat in the audience dumfounded while he stepped up on stage. Then when he made it the next year they started coming to me and asking me to help them too. If they asked me respectfully and agreed to do what I told them to I took them on as students. The result was more of them making P club. They were amazed by the small changes I had them make, but the simple is where the details really are. I have one secret that is so simple but no one ever has figured in out, and it keeps me at the top of the rankings year after year after year. But when I show a reps how to do it they must swear that they'll never reveal it.

I like to think of it as educating instead of schooling. His team couldn't believe that a guy as bad of a laughing stock rep as slug was could make p club while they all sat in the audience dumfounded while he stepped up on stage. Then when he made it the next year they started coming to me and asking me to help them too. If they asked me respectfully and agreed to do what I told them to I took them on as students. The result was more of them making P club. They were amazed by the small changes I had them make, but the simple is where the details really are. I have one secret that is so simple but no one ever has figured in out, and it keeps me at the top of the rankings year after year after year. But when I show a reps how to do it they must swear that they'll never reveal it.

Great story. Wish I knew the secret. Sounds like Slug is a bit of a narcissist though.

I like to think of it as educating instead of schooling. His team couldn't believe that a guy as bad of a laughing stock rep as slug was could make p club while they all sat in the audience dumfounded while he stepped up on stage. Then when he made it the next year they started coming to me and asking me to help them too. If they asked me respectfully and agreed to do what I told them to I took them on as students. The result was more of them making P club. They were amazed by the small changes I had them make, but the simple is where the details really are. I have one secret that is so simple but no one ever has figured in out, and it keeps me at the top of the rankings year after year after year. But when I show a reps how to do it they must swear that they'll never reveal it.

??? Post #52 isn't about you.

Sounds to me like the slug is the one with the last laugh. Making P Circle without even having to do a lot. It works for a lot of reps around here. You pair them with a great rep and they all ride the coattails. I know because I've carried a lot of them to the trip. Still doing it and will next year.

Here's what I DON'T like about working here:


A few of the former clowns on that team are now in senior management at JBI. How could we ever trust such men?

These clowns are scattered all over JBI, Global Business Development, SCG, Corporate. It's amazing the damage they did to this company-and they knew what they were doing while they were doing it-but we let them hang around?! Haven't we let them coast long enough? Can we please cut them loose now?

Here's what I DON'T like about working here:


A few of the former clowns on that team are now in senior management at JBI. How could we ever trust such men?

These clowns are scattered all over JBI, Global Business Development, SCG, Corporate. It's amazing the damage they did to this company-and they knew what they were doing while they were doing it-but we let them hang around?! Haven't we let them coast long enough? Can we please cut them loose now?

These clowns are scattered all over JBI, Global Business Development, SCG, Corporate. It's amazing the damage they did to this company-and they knew what they were doing while they were doing it-but we let them hang around?! Haven't we let them coast long enough? Can we please cut them loose now?

Those "clowns" as you call them, are some of the best and brightest in the industry. Our NSD and RBD kicked major ass over there, and they are doing the same with Remicade here. Remicade was dead in the water until the Risperdal guys came over. And remember, they were only doing their job. You aren't in this job to tell the bosses what to do. They know the story, that's why their the bosses, dude. They say sell, and I sell like my life depended on it. And they take care of me. You should see my new ride. If your wife saw it she would leave you for me!