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What do you like best about working at JBI?


If I were some 45 to 47 year old hoping to make it to the magic 55 right now, I'd be worried. The pressure you feel now: It's only going to get worse. Management is going to be taking a hard look at you, and they already have a pretty good idea who is going to be let go way before that.
This is what a lot of you have to look forward to: Wrinkles, baldness, high blood pressure and heart attacks. It already shows on a lot of you. Bald before 50? Sad. Chicks don't like that, and that's a fact. Crows feet and wrinkly necks and age spots. Men don't go for that.
Hey, don't hate those of us because were beautiful.

Those "clowns" as you call them, are some of the best and brightest in the industry. Our NSD and RBD kicked major ass over there, and they are doing the same with Remicade here. Remicade was dead in the water until the Risperdal guys came over. And remember, they were only doing their job. You aren't in this job to tell the bosses what to do. They know the story, that's why their the bosses, dude. They say sell, and I sell like my life depended on it. And they take care of me. You should see my new ride. If your wife saw it she would leave you for me!

Nice try dude but you and your frat boys are a joke. We laugh at you dude. You and your compadres are the biggest joke. Dude we are playing you and if you weren't so pathetic we might feel bad. My side business is killing it dude! Those Risperdal ass clowns should be in jail dude. RA doesn't even sell Remicade anymore dude and Humira has led the market for years...about the time most legacy Centocor reps started to leave. Hmmm.

Nice try dude but you and your frat boys are a joke. We laugh at you dude. You and your compadres are the biggest joke. Dude we are playing you and if you weren't so pathetic we might feel bad. My side business is killing it dude! Those Risperdal ass clowns should be in jail dude. RA doesn't even sell Remicade anymore dude and Humira has led the market for years...about the time most legacy Centocor reps started to leave. Hmmm.

Plus legacy reps are smart. YOu hang until 55, then draw a big fat pension while your side businesses coast along. We made the big bucks when it was there to be made. One of my buds made like ten thousand rewards points one year and bought a fishing boat. Try doing that today! The other thing is to use your company time to stay in shape. If you divide your hours between the job and the gym you'll do okay.

Plus legacy reps are smart. YOu hang until 55, then draw a big fat pension while your side businesses coast along. We made the big bucks when it was there to be made. One of my buds made like ten thousand rewards points one year and bought a fishing boat. Try doing that today! The other thing is to use your company time to stay in shape. If you divide your hours between the job and the gym you'll do okay.


I sure as hell hope these threads are a joke. That is to say, you are bored and passing time by stirring the pot. It would be very sad to think that this is your profession and that you choose this avenue to express your thoughts. Isn't it much like relieving yourself in public? You are shaming yourself, you have no honor, no self respect. Post what you want, but you should know that for every post here you degrade yourself that much more. Very sad.

I sure as hell hope these threads are a joke. That is to say, you are bored and passing time by stirring the pot. It would be very sad to think that this is your profession and that you choose this avenue to express your thoughts. Isn't it much like relieving yourself in public? You are shaming yourself, you have no honor, no self respect. Post what you want, but you should know that for every post here you degrade yourself that much more. Very sad.

The joke is what this company has become. We are so big pharma with foolish clowns for managers and directors. I laugh because these jokers actually believe the drivel that spews from their mouths. Not much longer, almost gone.

I sure as hell hope these threads are a joke. That is to say, you are bored and passing time by stirring the pot. It would be very sad to think that this is your profession and that you choose this avenue to express your thoughts. Isn't it much like relieving yourself in public? You are shaming yourself, you have no honor, no self respect. Post what you want, but you should know that for every post here you degrade yourself that much more. Very sad.

Right?! Are all reps this jaded? I have a second interview on Tuesday and this board is making me reconsider.

This was once a great company to work for, but little by little management was taken over by morons as good people were pushed out. Right now there is an exodus of top talent that started a couple of years ago and is now going full steam, leaving behind a fleet of reps that are either mediocre with no prospects and a bunch of ass kissers who use politics to keep their jobs. The good news is that almost every one of them is miserable.

The reason for so many openings is that smart reps know there is a better world for them out there and they do the smart thing.

Not only that, you are unqualified to do anything else. It is not considered a sales job. I don't know what it is but pretend you are a dog on a leash and it gets tighter and tighter.

Counting down days to retire/leave like everyone else. Facts.

Please leave as soon as you can. THe rest of us, the BEST of us, are staying here and moving this company on to greatness. MH sees this and knows who the best are, and she will be happy to show you the door. Losers can't play with the Winners.

I like how senior management trusts us and just leaves us to do our jobs. The lack of micro-managing is great. I work hard, although access is very limited these days, but management understands this and doesn't hold me to some unreasonable call quota. I am treated like a true professional. My iam team all supports each other and we encourage each other to be the best we can be. Every day I wake up and I ask myself: What am I going to do to team with my great company to make the world a better place?
My company has my back. And I have my company's back. JBI is the best!

I like how senior management trusts us and just leaves us to do our jobs. The lack of micro-managing is great. I work hard, although access is very limited these days, but management understands this and doesn't hold me to some unreasonable call quota. I am treated like a true professional. My iam team all supports each other and we encourage each other to be the best we can be. Every day I wake up and I ask myself: What am I going to do to team with my great company to make the world a better place?
My company has my back. And I have my company's back. JBI is the best!

Is this say the opposite of reality day?