Safe vs. Doomed Divisions?

Folks on team one know that it’s looking a little dicey at this point. Odds are something will happen to T1to be completed before the end of the year… the why behind this is to take the write off in 2021, and set up the financials to show earnings per share growth in 22. That means announcement before Oct for T1 to provide 60 day WARN; it’ll probably happen before Sept. Having said that, I don’t think anyone in any division should be too comfy as the bold moves will impact all sales divisions, you just won’t t know til January.

Folks on team one know that it’s looking a little dicey at this point. Odds are something will happen to T1to be completed before the end of the year… the why behind this is to take the write off in 2021, and set up the financials to show earnings per share growth in 22. That means announcement before Oct for T1 to provide 60 day WARN; it’ll probably happen before Sept. Having said that, I don’t think anyone in any division should be too comfy as the bold moves will impact all sales divisions, you just won’t t know til January.

I am T1 and agree with all of this except I believe we will be notified Sept 17th, just a guesstimate.

So all you folks in team 1 who are pretty sure you’re toast, I’m hoping your resume is up to date and you’re connecting with recruiters? It doesn’t feel like there’s gonna be a place to slide over to this time. I think every division will be affected at some level. Good luck. I guess I find out in January since I&I hasn’t said boo.

There’s likely going to be a lot of talent hitting the streets here shortly. Wonder how many will seek to stay in pharma vs. taking career a different direction.

Different direction as well, why go to another company and deal with the exact same situation in another year or less? Give me my package and I will use my expertise and experience outside of pharma

I’m basically in the “end zone” of my career. Well I’m happy to be where I’m at there’s a part of me that wishes I would’ve got cut about 12 to 15 years ago when all this shit started coming down. I was very concerned then about my ability to go out and find a different career although now in retrospect I’m confident that I could have found a different path that I would’ve enjoyed more in the last decade plus. Best of luck to everyone, it’s a big world out there

I have interviewed w a few mid size companies already. No one is doing this. When I tell them what we are doing they are like “WTF?”. They are genuinely interested in how this works possibly work. Mind you none of the companies I interviewed with were pulled out of the field either.

I have interviewed w a few mid size companies already. No one is doing this. When I tell them what we are doing they are like “WTF?”. They are genuinely interested in how this works possibly work. Mind you none of the companies I interviewed with were pulled out of the field either.

so true! I've spoken with folks from 3 diff pharma companies in the last week and they just can't believe what Pfizer is doing. Jackasses

Pfizer field force needs a “hard reset” and mold moves is a way to do this… basically pfire everyone, let the damn thing flounder, then rehire and rebuild in 2 years. It’s a way to show EPS growth for a year or so, just like VACANT seems to do so well for awhile.

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