IS is 100% safe for another year, but...

"Institutional Sales"
"Primary care"

Primary care doesn't admit to most hospitals. Besides, BMS has institutional channel contractually covered for Eliquis, which is why IS couldn't get a sales force buy-in.

'Nuff Said.

Are you sure?...seems that the PC group thinks that they have worked the institutions for years and know what they are doing. All the decision makers for hospital formularies are in the community anyway according to these bright bunch of superstars so formulary approvals will come with no problems when they launch.
I am sure there are a few that know what they are doing, but the majority will experience a steep learning curve.

Are you sure?...seems that the PC group thinks that they have worked the institutions for years and know what they are doing. All the decision makers for hospital formularies are in the community anyway according to these bright bunch of superstars so formulary approvals will come with no problems when they launch.
I am sure there are a few that know what they are doing, but the majority will experience a steep learning curve.

It's because PC has nothing else to do, with their 5 rep per doc model. after they effed up PC offices, now Pfizer PC wants to eff up hospitals.

I cannot wait until March when the IS leadership from Geno on down high sells IS on the canard of a mirage forth a coming acquisition being sought in the works while we choke of thirst in search of yelling water, water, water. We need water!!!

It reminds me of a direct sales rep I worked with that used to roll call sales closings every Friday meeting of great new business deals she closed that never were - all phantom. I think she is promoted up to a pharmaceutical executive now.

I cannot wait until March when the IS leadership from Geno on down high sells IS on the canard of a mirage forth a coming acquisition being sought in the works while we choke of thirst in search of yelling water, water, water. We need water!!!

It reminds me of a direct sales rep I worked with that used to roll call sales closings every Friday meeting of great new business deals she closed that never were - all phantom. I think she is promoted up to a pharmaceutical executive now.

Are you drunk again?!? Isn't there a company policy against drinking and cafe pharming?

the IS arrogance in here is stinking up this thread. If 80% of all business for Eliquis is expected to come from the hospitals, with starts on E, and formulary wins being the key to success......tell me, why was your all-knowing, all-powerful group not selected to help? Instead, the job at moving the one drug that will keep this company afloat for the next five years was left up to PC and BMS? PC has always been the driver of the majority of sales for PFE, and always will be. Like it or not, without the revenue stream from PC, you would be on the street now, as opposed to the end of the year, which is likely.

the IS arrogance in here is stinking up this thread. If 80% of all business for Eliquis is expected to come from the hospitals, with starts on E, and formulary wins being the key to success......tell me, why was your all-knowing, all-powerful group not selected to help? Instead, the job at moving the one drug that will keep this company afloat for the next five years was left up to PC and BMS? PC has always been the driver of the majority of sales for PFE, and always will be. Like it or not, without the revenue stream from PC, you would be on the street now, as opposed to the end of the year, which is likely.

Since your the one who claims to have the brains, why don't you know that in part its because BMS has their own dedicated hospital reps to promote the drug, and that IS was given Prevnar to get in the hospital and a 4th drug was considered overload for the division. Some morons actually expect that IS will be providing strategic account information to PC on this drug, but it will never happen. PC may be able call on some of the formulary decision makers, but they don't understand the formulary process which is controlled by key administraters where IS has better access/understanding of.

Since your the one who claims to have the brains, why don't you know that in part its because BMS has their own dedicated hospital reps to promote the drug, and that IS was given Prevnar to get in the hospital and a 4th drug was considered overload for the division. Some morons actually expect that IS will be providing strategic account information to PC on this drug, but it will never happen. PC may be able call on some of the formulary decision makers, but they don't understand the formulary process which is controlled by key administraters where IS has better access/understanding of.

shouldn't you be working those hospitals right now?

the IS arrogance in here is stinking up this thread. If 80% of all business for Eliquis is expected to come from the hospitals, with starts on E, and formulary wins being the key to success......tell me, why was your all-knowing, all-powerful group not selected to help? Instead, the job at moving the one drug that will keep this company afloat for the next five years was left up to PC and BMS? PC has always been the driver of the majority of sales for PFE, and always will be. Like it or not, without the revenue stream from PC, you would be on the street now, as opposed to the end of the year, which is likely.

Shouldn't you have been working instead of posting on CP too. Loser.

Shouldn't you have been working instead of posting on CP too. Loser.[/QUOTE

At home studying.....mandatory study breaks from all of this difficult, hard to read scientific stuff! Man, I wish I had an IS rep here with me to help me pronounce these hard terms! Oh well, not like it matters anyways....once my drug is one hospital formulary I should be all set. Of course, without the cooperation from IS and all of their knowledge about hospital mapping, and who is in charge of what department, i'm gonna have to walk into that institution alone! It's gonna take me at least 15 minutes to find out who runs what department.

Shouldn't you have been working instead of posting on CP too. Loser.[/QUOTE

At home studying.....mandatory study breaks from all of this difficult, hard to read scientific stuff! Man, I wish I had an IS rep here with me to help me pronounce these hard terms! Oh well, not like it matters anyways....once my drug is one hospital formulary I should be all set. Of course, without the cooperation from IS and all of their knowledge about hospital mapping, and who is in charge of what department, i'm gonna have to walk into that institution alone! It's gonna take me at least 15 minutes to find out who runs what department.

Stop, pharmacy! Are you a vendor? Where is your RepTrax? Let me escort you to the security dept. for detainment. Come with me! 2 hours later....local police show up for tresspassing charges.

So good luck with that. You're in for a real education of how things work in the hospital.

Stop, pharmacy! Are you a vendor? Where is your RepTrax? Let me escort you to the security dept. for detainment. Come with me! 2 hours later....local police show up for tresspassing charges.

So good luck with that. You're in for a real education of how things work in the hospital.

Nope. Training letter......check. consent form......check. liability insurance......check. photo uploaded.....check. hipaa.....check. paid my 229.00 on amex......check. shots up to date (reminds me, i gotta take my dog to the vet)......check. hospital policy forms.....check. background check......check.

I think I should be all set.

Nope. Training letter......check. consent form......check. liability insurance......check. photo uploaded.....check. hipaa.....check. paid my 229.00 on amex......check. shots up to date (reminds me, i gotta take my dog to the vet)......check. hospital policy forms.....check. background check......check.

I think I should be all set.

You missed one. Not telling either.