Is I&I safe or doomed now?

Trixie and Dick have no idea what we do and are to new to cut us. Lotz is in over his head and would be screwed when we all leave if he starts cutting us. Sit tight. We are ok for a few years.

Where to start..... Eucrisa is finally gaining some traction. This is no thanks to marketing. The launch was terribly executed by them. Horrible forecasting. The tube is way too big. 30, 60, 100 gram. Still single digit weekly Rx’s per PC territory don’t support a 5 billion dollar investment. Even in primary care 8 calls a day doesn't Happen in Truth. Reality should drive standards, not standards trying to create reality.

Seriously! 350 reps for 140million a year in year 4.
Pfizer hardly kept drugs doing less than 500mil let alone 350 reps.
Agree with marketing and worse launch ever. Who was head VP of marketing at launch?

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