IS is 100% safe for another year, but...

You missed one. Not telling either.

You don't need to, idiot. Unless you need me to help YOU get verified...just let me know. It's not frickin' rocket science. Go to the website, register, check off your hospitals, upload your credentials (after you complete them of course, don't be silly), wait to be verified. Boy these websites are designed for idiots......they even send me an email to keep reminding me what I have left to do! And God Bless Pfizer, they hired a dedicated person that I can call to help out whenever I need. Presto! I am cleared to sell in your environment.

Shouldn't you have been working instead of posting on CP too. Loser.[/QUOTE

At home studying.....mandatory study breaks from all of this difficult, hard to read scientific stuff! Man, I wish I had an IS rep here with me to help me pronounce these hard terms! Oh well, not like it matters anyways....once my drug is one hospital formulary I should be all set. Of course, without the cooperation from IS and all of their knowledge about hospital mapping, and who is in charge of what department, i'm gonna have to walk into that institution alone! It's gonna take me at least 15 minutes to find out who runs what department.

Love this quote: "Once my drug is on hospital formulary I should be all set." Just goes to show that you don't know much about how drugs are utilized in the hospital. Try studying the process that it takes to get a drug used in a hospital. It goes beyond getting it on formulary, which is no small feat itself and just the starting point.

Hospitals have told Big Pharma to screw-Game Over. Nothing left but faking it!#medicinebydropdownlist#teamobama

Accountable Care Organizations make hospitals the center of healthcare delivery and focus of priority importance. That's why you see hospitals buying up practices, or cutting them out in hardball style. It's the days of the independent physician who wants to do whatever they want and write what they want that's over. Fact.