IS is 100% safe for another year, but...

Safe for another year? Try about 10 more months to 11/25 traditional Thanksgiving notice of pending cuts to occur before Christmas break 2013.

Time to plan your jump for a controlled exit or stay down with the Titanic iceburg about to hit!

You can tell something is about to happen when the captains of enterprise tell you in March to stay calm, don't panic. Help in the form of a white knight rescue acquisition is underway (total bullsh**t lie).

Why do you think the head of the Zyvox/Tygacil Brand, Manager left for 'lil Otsuka Hospital in Princeton. NJ about 100 minutes one way drive from Collegeville?

The ZYVOX team leader was excellent! She was innovative, smart and driven. Qualities that Pfizer just can't keep. Many are disengaged. Nobody in the field force believes in a future at Pfizer now. And its true, the "leaders" will lie..."no plans for layoffs, blah blah blah" ... In Sept (or sooner) there will be a very quiet hiring freeze... real rumors will surface November 20, or about a week before we get an emergency conference call to find out what we all already know NOW in January. Layoff calls "this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (which will be rep day)". It's laughable now.
I don't even care anymore. I have no faith in our leadership. DBM, all the way up. The only thing that keeps me here is fear.

Safe for another year? Try about 10 more months to 11/25 traditional Thanksgiving notice of pending cuts to occur before Christmas break 2013.

Time to plan your jump for a controlled exit or stay down with the Titanic iceburg about to hit!

You can tell something is about to happen when the captains of enterprise tell you in March to stay calm, don't panic. Help in the form of a white knight rescue acquisition is underway (total bullsh**t lie).

Why do you think the head of the Zyvox/Tygacil Brand, Manager left for 'lil Otsuka Hospital in Princeton. NJ about 100 minutes one way drive from Collegeville?

Although she was a pleasant person, the head of the Zyvox team left because she felt like she was going to be replaced. She couldn't run the Zosyn brand when she was given the chance, and only stayed a year before replaced. The head of the Tygacil brand (who never had the experience to run a brand prior) saw the handwriting on the wall and went to the Rheum brand team where one of his buddies is the VP of the division.

For years now, in much of the country, PFE pulled PHR/DSR reps out of the hospitals....Now, with E launching, these sales people are ALL being assigned and given quota and credit for hospitals (Yes, even the big teaching institutions). Does this scare anyone??? Your sacred, isolationist world is being invaded. In less than a year, you will have a huge salesforce that is trained, and successful not only in the primary care setting, but also with outside pharmacies AND the institution.

For years now, in much of the country, PFE pulled PHR/DSR reps out of the hospitals....Now, with E launching, these sales people are ALL being assigned and given quota and credit for hospitals (Yes, even the big teaching institutions). Does this scare anyone??? Your sacred, isolationist world is being invaded. In less than a year, you will have a huge salesforce that is trained, and successful not only in the primary care setting, but also with outside pharmacies AND the institution.

You are a moron. If you think launching an oral med in the hospital will differentiate you between other PC reps in the open market you are an idiot. Also, everyone in IS has this experience already and have been doing it for years. Most are in IS because it is a promotion, more money, and you actually have to have a strategy. I am certain the hospital formulary committee, pharmacy, and all docs will be waiting in line to see PC reps immediately in the hospital with the great experience and training PC will have.

You are a moron. If you think launching an oral med in the hospital will differentiate you between other PC reps in the open market you are an idiot. Also, everyone in IS has this experience already and have been doing it for years. Most are in IS because it is a promotion, more money, and you actually have to have a strategy. I am certain the hospital formulary committee, pharmacy, and all docs will be waiting in line to see PC reps immediately in the hospital with the great experience and training PC will have.

When is the last time anyone in the hospital waited in line to see you?? FYI, most hospital formulary commitees are made up of physicians from the communities that they serve...not hospital based docs. Another point, much of PC at PFE is made up of current DSR's, or PHR's with TSR or IHR experience, all with hospital experience as well.

Don't be naive, no hospital employee gives you any more time than any other rep.....regardless of what your title is. You don't bring any more "value" than a lowly PC rep, because we all are forced to vomit up the sames sales message as the next guy.

As for your "strategy" it is: get face time with hard to see influential people. Oooops! Sorry to let the secret out!

As for your future: Yes Mr. Animal Health DM, I believe that my years of experience working in an institutional environment has enable me to be very adept at gaining access to our top vet clinics!

When is the last time anyone in the hospital waited in line to see you?? FYI, most hospital formulary commitees are made up of physicians from the communities that they serve...not hospital based docs. Another point, much of PC at PFE is made up of current DSR's, or PHR's with TSR or IHR experience, all with hospital experience as well.

Don't be naive, no hospital employee gives you any more time than any other rep.....regardless of what your title is. You don't bring any more "value" than a lowly PC rep, because we all are forced to vomit up the sames sales message as the next guy.

As for your "strategy" it is: get face time with hard to see influential people. Oooops! Sorry to let the secret out!

As for your future: Yes Mr. Animal Health DM, I believe that my years of experience working in an institutional environment has enable me to be very adept at gaining access to our top vet clinics!

The tirade you went through is almost too stupid to respond to. Seeing influential people isn't a strategy dummy, it is a job requirement. The "value" of your sample will be taken away from you in the hospital, but let me guess, you were one of those reps that tried not sampling for a week and it worked great, or made a doc listen to your message before you would "let" them sign for their samples....that is probably the strategy you are most familiar with.
Most hospital formulary committees, at least those institutions that are large are made up of mostly hospital based (meaning they spend the majority of their time in the hospital) individuals-and if you want it used w/in the hospital walls those people that will use in the hospital will be more than likely making the decision or influencing the decision to stock or add it. IS has seen that "hospital experience" you are talking about, that experience consists of calling your local IS rep and begging for help.
Also, animal health is a good place to be...all of us would be safer there.

The tirade you went through is almost too stupid to respond to. Seeing influential people isn't a strategy dummy, it is a job requirement. The "value" of your sample will be taken away from you in the hospital, but let me guess, you were one of those reps that tried not sampling for a week and it worked great, or made a doc listen to your message before you would "let" them sign for their samples....that is probably the strategy you are most familiar with.
Most hospital formulary committees, at least those institutions that are large are made up of mostly hospital based (meaning they spend the majority of their time in the hospital) individuals-and if you want it used w/in the hospital walls those people that will use in the hospital will be more than likely making the decision or influencing the decision to stock or add it. IS has seen that "hospital experience" you are talking about, that experience consists of calling your local IS rep and begging for help.
Also, animal health is a good place to be...all of us would be safer there.

FYI, can't speak for all, buy i have been selling as an IHR/TSR and DSR for 10 years. More often than not in environments without needing a sig either. I don't have a local IS rep, and have been doing your job for quite some time. In areas of the country that are more rural, without dozens of mega hospitals, your job is not necessary, and reps like me are doing it.

Let me know how that animal health job works out....70K base and all. If you'll excuse me, I have some training to catch up on!

FYI, can't speak for all, buy i have been selling as an IHR/TSR and DSR for 10 years. More often than not in environments without needing a sig either. I don't have a local IS rep, and have been doing your job for quite some time. In areas of the country that are more rural, without dozens of mega hospitals, your job is not necessary, and reps like me are doing it.

Let me know how that animal health job works out....70K base and all. If you'll excuse me, I have some training to catch up on!

Potty training that aren't doing anyone's job.

Ok PC people, as much as you think you are doing the job of an IS just aren't and most can't. Unfortunately you don't know what you don't know. Many PC reps don't want to come to IS because they as wise enough to know they can't do the job. Those that do come over, for most it is a very steep learning curve. And let's be honest here, probably neither division is safe right now.

Safe for another year? Try about 10 more months to 11/25 traditional Thanksgiving notice of pending cuts to occur before Christmas break 2013.

Time to plan your jump for a controlled exit or stay down with the Titanic iceburg about to hit!

You can tell something is about to happen when the captains of enterprise tell you in March to stay calm, don't panic. Help in the form of a white knight rescue acquisition is underway (total bullsh**t lie).

Why do you think the head of the Zyvox/Tygacil Brand, Manager left for 'lil Otsuka Hospital in Princeton. NJ about 100 minutes one way drive from Collegeville?

Maybe the Zyvox/Tygacil Brand, Managers didn't have a choice and have been upgraded! You are conspiracy theory run amok.

I don't think IS reps need to be in competition with PC need to be in competition with each other. When it comes time for layoffs, the criteria used will put you against your fellow IS counterparts for that given territory. 2013 will not be easy. By the end of the year, Cluster 1 will be hammered, along with IS. There will be very few, if any, PC jobs for you to be "demoted" to, since those PC reps with decent capabilities scores in rep heavy areas will be able to jump into.

You can spend all the time you want comparing peni$ size to those in PC, but the truth is, if you are not in good ranking for 2011 and 2012, get ready.

They have told that "they" are working very hard to get some more products and why would they not believe this? News flash....there are no products coming and there will be cuts. They need to occur right now.

Sounds like you think "they" should give up working hard? If you believe that, you are a loser. Winners never stop trying. Losers quit.

For years now, in much of the country, PFE pulled PHR/DSR reps out of the hospitals....Now, with E launching, these sales people are ALL being assigned and given quota and credit for hospitals (Yes, even the big teaching institutions). Does this scare anyone??? Your sacred, isolationist world is being invaded. In less than a year, you will have a huge salesforce that is trained, and successful not only in the primary care setting, but also with outside pharmacies AND the institution.

Where have you been, IS has known about this BS since the beginning of 2012. Problem is that hospital customers will be pissed when another Pfizer reps. tries to push their way around the hospital. The IS reps. will get plenty of compaint calls from customers. Fires will have to be put out all over the place, and the PC reps. will try to pressure IS reps. for strategic information about hospital accounts that have taken them years of relationships to uncover. Anyone who has any type of institutional experience knows you cannot become competent in a year. If PC thinks that IS is going to put up with the problems PC will be creating, they have another thing coming.

Where have you been, IS has known about this BS since the beginning of 2012. Problem is that hospital customers will be pissed when another Pfizer reps. tries to push their way around the hospital. The IS reps. will get plenty of compaint calls from customers. Fires will have to be put out all over the place, and the PC reps. will try to pressure IS reps. for strategic information about hospital accounts that have taken them years of relationships to uncover. Anyone who has any type of institutional experience knows you cannot become competent in a year. If PC thinks that IS is going to put up with the problems PC will be creating, they have another thing coming.

Well better have your people call my people. You're not going to "put up with problems"? If a hospital is put on a PC reps target list, then what choice do they have? The real issue will be for you by the end of this year. Don't worry about PC....worry about your own ratings and performance.

"Institutional Sales"
"Primary care"

Primary care doesn't admit to most hospitals. Besides, BMS has institutional channel contractually covered for Eliquis, which is why IS couldn't get a sales force buy-in.

'Nuff Said.

Well better have your people call my people. You're not going to "put up with problems"? If a hospital is put on a PC reps target list, then what choice do they have? The real issue will be for you by the end of this year. Don't worry about PC....worry about your own ratings and performance.

IS could care less about PC. They won't have anything to do with them, esp. when they call for information about a hospital.