Safe vs. Doomed Divisions?

Xeljanz needs to go worse than Biden.
Our leadership is more incompetent than Biden, and decisions make Biden turning over Afgan to the Taliban look mild.

Ax the entire division

The stock price disagrees with your assessment of leadership. How about we stay the course for those invested in the company.

This may be a dumb question but can someone explain to me what Bold Move 1 and 2 were as we are now working on Bold Move #3….

Really? Either this was a setup for BM jokes, which is perfectly reasonable, or an example of why half of us need to be gone in January.

Bold Moves 1: Unleash The Power of our People
2: Deliver First in Class Science
3: Transform our Go To Market Model (3.3 Transform the way we engage physicians/patients)
4. Win Digital
5. Lead the Conversation

Really? Either this was a setup for BM jokes, which is perfectly reasonable, or an example of why half of us need to be gone in January.

Bold Moves 1: Unleash The Power of our People
2: Deliver First in Class Science
3: Transform our Go To Market Model (3.3 Transform the way we engage physicians/patients)
4. Win Digital
5. Lead the Conversation

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Another Kool-aid guzzling moron.

Really? Either this was a setup for BM jokes, which is perfectly reasonable, or an example of why half of us need to be gone in January.

Bold Moves 1: Unleash The Power of our People
2: Deliver First in Class Science
3: Transform our Go To Market Model (3.3 Transform the way we engage physicians/patients)
4. Win Digital
5. Lead the Conversation
1: our people don't have any power. Everyone is told what to do and what to say
2: all we do is buy other companies, the science here is 3rd rate at best
3: that's just a fancy way of saying they are going to fire most of us and use telemarketers
4: not too hard to win digital when everything is digital these days thanks to the app store
5: the only conversation we can lead is thru a phone or video call since they won't let us go out and work. All a company has to do to kick our asses is let reps call on customers in person.

How is objective criteria possible on team 1 when we are not ranked anymore? Pfizer’s criteria on our “performance “ is almost completely subjective at this point. I don’t think it matters honestly, we will be wiped out as a division but will be told we can post for any jobs that are applicable if we wish.
The decisions are not based upon sales performance- that would be opening up big law suits- so ranking isn’t a part of it.

Really? Either this was a setup for BM jokes, which is perfectly reasonable, or an example of why half of us need to be gone in January.

Bold Moves 1: Unleash The Power of our People
2: Deliver First in Class Science
3: Transform our Go To Market Model (3.3 Transform the way we engage physicians/patients)
4. Win Digital
5. Lead the Conversation

Congratulations! Your excellent response has earned you a position in the “new” Pfizer organization. Your role will be a Virtual Call Center representative, would you like to relocate to Florida or Chicago? Your salary will be adjusted for the job position and you will be monitored by video camera while punching in and out on a time clock daily. We are excited to offer you this amazing opportunity and look forward to your continued success within Pfizer. Best wishes and great selling!

The doctors who want samples will order up a call just to get the samples. The rest will not bother reaching out unless it's a new disease state or a new product (which isn't even a blip on the horizon at this time)

Good luck to all. I've been here awhile and this deafening silence always precedes these big announcements

The previous poster was right on about the call centers. It's a $65K a year job. Reps like we have now will be scattered few and far between.

The doctors who want samples will order up a call just to get the samples. The rest will not bother reaching out unless it's a new disease state or a new product (which isn't even a blip on the horizon at this time)

Good luck to all. I've been here awhile and this deafening silence always precedes these big announcements

The previous poster was right on about the call centers. It's a $65K a year job. Reps like we have now will be scattered few and far between.

I agree. To be fair though, the only issue is if this plan works - meaning either same revenue, lower costs or worse, more revenue, lower costs - then every other company will follow our lead. No where to run, no where to hide. All of sales will change.

I agree. To be fair though, the only issue is if this plan works - meaning either same revenue, lower costs or worse, more revenue, lower costs - then every other company will follow our lead. No where to run, no where to hide. All of sales will change.
Small biotechs will have sales, specialty/rare disease and that's about it. All the primary care level therapeutics will convert over to call center/medical/fulfillment-logisics. Reps cut way down is a foregone conclusion. Odd ones out are all those KAMs. There's no way they need 8-12 KAMs per state in this business model.

Small biotechs will have sales, specialty/rare disease and that's about it. All the primary care level therapeutics will convert over to call center/medical/fulfillment-logisics. Reps cut way down is a foregone conclusion. Odd ones out are all those KAMs. There's no way they need 8-12 KAMs per state in this business model.
Just get on work it

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