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MED Layoffs

Are they really considering hiring just 1 Motegrity rep to join each Entyvio footprint and be managed by the Entyvio DM's? This would essentially wipe out all MED managers, all support staff, and the majority of all reps.

It does keep Motegrity alive and growing without all the overhead cost, and it keeps GI retail fully in tact. Here in the Northeast we have tons of Motegrity business, maybe they are keeping only the best reps & territories and moving them to the Entyvio footprints? Works for me!

Are they really considering hiring just 1 Motegrity rep to join each Entyvio footprint and be managed by the Entyvio DM's? This would essentially wipe out all MED managers, all support staff, and the majority of all reps.

It does keep Motegrity alive and growing without all the overhead cost, and it keeps GI retail fully in tact. Here in the Northeast we have tons of Motegrity business, maybe they are keeping only the best reps & territories and moving them to the Entyvio footprints? Works for me!

It could easily work, but Entyvio managers would hate it.

Are they really considering hiring just 1 Motegrity rep to join each Entyvio footprint and be managed by the Entyvio DM's? This would essentially wipe out all MED managers, all support staff, and the majority of all reps.

It does keep Motegrity alive and growing without all the overhead cost, and it keeps GI retail fully in tact. Here in the Northeast we have tons of Motegrity business, maybe they are keeping only the best reps & territories and moving them to the Entyvio footprints? Works for me!
That’s one scenario that would definitely work. Salvage what they can out of the situation.

They could also just keep MED intact and have reps have the same territories as the Entyvio reps 40-60 reps and 4-8 MED DSMs that have 8-10 reps. Keep 1 RBM to oversee everything or keep Glenn. I’m sure Glenn could retire if they offered it…Jim’s the bomb, but Roy has the tenure on him.

Oh jeeze, I hope not. That’s a horrible idea. The MED team would feel like the unwanted child being apart of the Entyvio team. And what happens after Motegrity is gone in 1-2yrs? Zero future. Good effort in attempting to come up with ideas, but Just give us a severance and call it what it is

Are they really considering hiring just 1 Motegrity rep to join each Entyvio footprint and be managed by the Entyvio DM's? This would essentially wipe out all MED managers, all support staff, and the majority of all reps.

It does keep Motegrity alive and growing without all the overhead cost, and it keeps GI retail fully in tact. Here in the Northeast we have tons of Motegrity business, maybe they are keeping only the best reps & territories and moving them to the Entyvio footprints? Works for me!

Great idea if you sell Motegrity, but it strays too far from traditional pharma models. Senior management will not risk damaging their careers by taking a flyer on this, the Wharton playbook says cut your losses and move on. More importantly, they don't want any distraction to the Entyvio teams $4 Billion in sales, from a $70 million punk like Motegrity. Sorry guys!

Who will buy the rights to sell Motegrity through Dec 14, 2023?
Answer = Nobody

Takeda was granted FDA Marketing Exclusivity rights for 5 years on December 14, 2018.

Safe assumptions and fair guesses :)
160 MED reps & leaders
160 X $250,000 average of all rep & leader salaries with bonuses = $40 million yr
Lunch only promotional $3,000 per rep x 120 reps = $4.3 Million yr
Print Promotional Marketing ? $1 Million yr
Speaker Program & other Marketing ? $2 Million yr
Samples ? $5 Million yr
IT - Ipads, Computers, Support ? $500 Thousand yr
Company Vehicles, Maintenance, insurance, gas? $1.5 Million yr ($800 per month for 160 employees)
Health Insurance and other benefits ? $3.8 Million yr ($2,000 per month for 160 employees)
Motegrity Annual Revenue = $75 million yr
Total cost of goods sold = $58.1 Million yr
Gross Margin = $17.1 Million yr
Other Expenses: (too many to name)
Real Estate
Executive Level Salaries
Capital Expenditures
Product Development
Raw Materials Procurement
BOTTOM LINE - It looks unlikely Motegrity sales are enough to generate a fair return for Takeda's time, money, and overall effort.

Safe assumptions and fair guesses :)
160 MED reps & leaders
160 X $250,000 average of all rep & leader salaries with bonuses = $40 million yr
Lunch only promotional $3,000 per rep x 120 reps = $4.3 Million yr
Print Promotional Marketing ? $1 Million yr
Speaker Program & other Marketing ? $2 Million yr
Samples ? $5 Million yr
IT - Ipads, Computers, Support ? $500 Thousand yr
Company Vehicles, Maintenance, insurance, gas? $1.5 Million yr ($800 per month for 160 employees)
Health Insurance and other benefits ? $3.8 Million yr ($2,000 per month for 160 employees)
Motegrity Annual Revenue = $75 million yr
Total cost of goods sold = $58.1 Million yr
Gross Margin = $17.1 Million yr
Other Expenses: (too many to name)
Real Estate
Executive Level Salaries
Capital Expenditures
Product Development
Raw Materials Procurement
BOTTOM LINE - It looks unlikely Motegrity sales are enough to generate a fair return for Takeda's time, money, and overall effort.

As is, of course not.
What about 40 reps and 20 managers and leaders. 250,000 X 60 is 15M. Chopping 35 million off that bottom line.
Still not much, but there is value in keeping some sales force. Fast ability to scale up if needed. If there is nothing…well, scaling up is a huge undertaking.

I honestly hope it’s Friday or Monday. We have been drug around for a YEAR with this team. The communication has been pathetic. Just cut ties already- please don’t waste our time for another two months!

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