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MED Layoffs

If they tell us on March 31, they still have to give us two months pay and which would keep us on the payroll until May 31…if the plan is to cut the sales team, then why pay us until the end of may when they could end it with the fiscal year. Either way, nobody on the MED side is feeling great about it…

Simply because they have to pay us two months salary. If they wait until Mar 31, they pay us until May 31. If they do it Feb 1, the pay ends with the fiscal year. Either way, nobody is feeling great about it.

Why Feb1st? Why not work us through end of year?

If they were concerned about working us through the end of year, we would have heard the trumpets blasting by know saying everybody go sell sell sell!!! Instead it’s been like a wake from leadership these first two weeks back. They’re basically telling us to go ahead and interview. It’s over, that much is clear. It’s just when?

  1. The $upreme Court has spoken, the mandate is illegal. it’s gonna get interesting if there is a rif
Yah but Takeda is a business and can do what ever the F they want as far as vaccine mandates. Was it a reaction to the government setting the BS mandate, yes. Ultimately Takeda’s decision and that part is perfectly legal. So I guess we can sue the Brandon administration, good luck with that!!

If they were concerned about working us through the end of year, we would have heard the trumpets blasting by know saying everybody go sell sell sell!!! Instead it’s been like a wake from leadership these first two weeks back. They’re basically telling us to go ahead and interview. It’s over, that much is clear. It’s just when?
No doubt February 1 and March 31 are both reasonable assumptions. Last two major Rifs where March 31. The one before that was Feb 1.
How big of a Rif is also the question…
Cut 30%, cut 50%, cut 60%, who knows.
I would think at least a skeleton crew will left.

Simply because they have to pay us two months salary. If they wait until Mar 31, they pay us until May 31. If they do it Feb 1, the pay ends with the fiscal year. Either way, nobody is feeling great about it.
I know it doesn’t seem reasonably correct but accounting can make a 3/31 rif on the books for the prior year and still pay us through may 31 and give a severance. Funky account rules

No doubt February 1 and March 31 are both reasonable assumptions. Last two major Rifs where March 31. The one before that was Feb 1.
How big of a Rif is also the question…
Cut 30%, cut 50%, cut 60%, who knows.
I would think at least a skeleton crew will left.

I think they close out the entire MED division. No new products scheduled to arrive for MED until 2025, that's 3 whole years or more of $70 to $100 million per year, I don't think that's a winner for any pharma company.

The only way your 30-50-60 skeleton scenario works would be to drop 1 MED rep into each Entyvio territory. That way you shrink Motegrity headcount by at least 50%, plus you lose all the MED DM's, RM's, and other support staff. From there you simply have the Motegrity reps report to the Entyvio DM's. Guess what? It's not gonna happen!!

Agreed. The silence from leadership is telling us everything. My prediction is they will tell us Feb 1 and pay us two months salary- until 03/31 as budgeted. Done.

Feb 1st would likely be everyone's choice, but why would they allow reps to order samples right now in the middle of Jan? To have them for 3-4 days and then cut everyone on Feb 1st? Doubt it. Unfortunately it looks like we're headed for March 31st.

I think they close out the entire MED division. No new products scheduled to arrive for MED until 2025, that's 3 whole years or more of $70 to $100 million per year, I don't think that's a winner for any pharma company.

The only way your 30-50-60 skeleton scenario works would be to drop 1 MED rep into each Entyvio territory. That way you shrink Motegrity headcount by at least 50%, plus you lose all the MED DM's, RM's, and other support staff. From there you simply have the Motegrity reps report to the Entyvio DM's. Guess what? It's not gonna happen!!
They could just report to MED DMs. 10 reps per DM. Insides sales support upped to cover increased white space. Eliminating the entire sales force isn’t going to happen…there is a size sales force that can be supported by Motegrity.

They could just report to MED DMs. 10 reps per DM. Insides sales support upped to cover increased white space. Eliminating the entire sales force isn’t going to happen…there is a size sales force that can be supported by Motegrity.

10 reps per DM? Huh? Listen, they've already cut this division (MED) once in Sep a year ago from 165 to 120. We are currently at 8 reps per DM with HUGE territories! This is as skinny as it gets! Besides, they already have a GI sales force with Entyvio that they can enlarge when the time comes.

10 reps per DM? Huh? Listen, they've already cut this division (MED) once in Sep a year ago from 165 to 120. We are currently at 8 reps per DM with HUGE territories! This is as skinny as it gets! Besides, they already have a GI sales force with Entyvio that they can enlarge when the time comes.
None of us know but Yah why not? Major cities or high volume areas. It can be more skeleton crew…

So, if you get laid off by Takeda, what does the Severance package look like? Anyone know what they gave the last layoff?
I heard:
1: 2 months on the payroll because of WARN rule. Salary + 2 months 100% bonus?

2: 8 weeks + 2 weeks severance for every year worked (is that correct?). Do they round up 14years and 3 months would be 15? 1year and 4 months would be 2 years?
Salary and 100% Bonus?

3: paid vacation days (all vacation days allocated or only earned vacation days)

Feb 1st would likely be everyone's choice, but why would they allow reps to order samples right now in the middle of Jan? To have them for 3-4 days and then cut everyone on Feb 1st? Doubt it. Unfortunately it looks like we're headed for March 31st.
It's happened in 2019; samples ordered lay-offs a month later.

It's happened in 2019; samples ordered lay-offs a month later.

You're probably right, I doubt they worry about a few samples being shipped back and forth. Most telling thing seems to be the silence or lack of whip cracking to drive sales, sure looks and feels like it could happen at any moment. Maybe Feb 1st is the day.

What else is in the Sanofi bag besides Dupixent? Also, what's the going rate on base salary for this Sanofi GI position? Is it specialty? Is Regeneron also selling Dupixent for EoE? Wonder what they are paying?

Have you done any research on your own? Have you looked at their reports to see what Dupi brings in annually? Are you familiar with all the indications it has? Do you know where they stand regarding the competition? And you ask “Is it specialty?”

Have you done any research on your own? Have you looked at their reports to see what Dupi brings in annually? Are you familiar with all the indications it has? Do you know where they stand regarding the competition? And you ask “Is it specialty?”

Everybody's got a biologic/biosimilar these days, so yes, are they paying for or calling it a specialty position? Don't be such an ass!

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