Massive layoffs planned in Pharma?

I don't know where the above posters work, but for me NVS is the best company I have worked for. I know trolls on here will naysay blah blah manager etc. But I'm a field Rep selling Entresto and things are good. Wayyyy better than the culture at Lilly was. I'm not trying to twist anything just a regular guy trying to help someone else, as I hope someone would do for me. I don't know why most ppl on here are just dicks. To answer your questions:

1. When I asked this question to a tenured they said "it's very regional" meaning there is no overbearing corp culture that defines everything. The culture in my area is far better than what I have experienced in the past.

2. Entresto has more than doubled sales since last year. The real reason I believe was that the sales force was way too small. Since the major expansion Entresto sales have very sharply increased. It is a tier 1 recommendation by the major organizations, multiple ongoing trials, it is truly a wonder drug. The idiot who said it was a dog has no clue. I have a family member on the drug and it has literally changed their life. Every doctor has a story like this. The other main reason was payer access, as any Rep knows is usually the main reason. Leadership has recognized this and changes have come and keep coming.

3. Initial training is on par with other big pharma. Home study then 2 wks at corp or offsite. Nothing out of the ordinary

4. Good

5. Ford Fusion

To the ex-Lilly rep. Thank you for your candid response. It's difficult plowing through the immense amount of garbage out here to find the real answers. That was very helpful.

Imo, Novartis isn't any better or worse then any other big pharma. I launched Entresto and it is a great drug for the right patients. The managed care hurdles were significant at launch but have improved over the past year. There are still a lot of challenges and most of lower management just parrots back what they are told by the home office, so the lack of any original thoughts is frustrating. However, I think this is an industry problem and not necessarily unique to Novartis. The real problem with most of these companies is that their selling model is 10-15 years behind the times and there will continue to be industry wide challenges until someone recognizes that the pharma model needs to change. It really comes down to who you work for. If your manager and regional are difficult, this job sucks and if they lay off and treat you like an adult (and stay out of your way) it's a tolerable job.

On paper Entresto looks like a great drug. It looks like you have everything you need to do great. Large Outcome study stopped early, AHA Guideline updated specific for Entresto truth is NVS got this whole thing entirely messed up. Looks easy on paper but it's a disaster.
Less than 4% improvement in CVdeath= not much thanks FDA for getting Entresto to market so quickly to save heart failure patients!

I had a very good time at NVS and it is a pity to see what happened to the company. Moved across the Rhine but miss the time at NVS where people felt proud of being part of it...long ago, managers used to be well-trained to be leaders - now most important is to learn politics and to save your own skin

Can't agree more. Where are all the good leaders and strong personalities? But old rule applies:
Good Leaders hire good leaders, weak leaders hire poor leaders. It is frustrating and sad to see how this once great company is going down.

It's really sad to see what's hapenning at Novartis. No signs of mature and inspiring leadership, no vision anymore, driving the company backwards. Simply incompetence at the senior leaders level. A lot of hypocrisy when it comes to claiming to be a patient and customer focused organization. Drowning in bureaucracy and focusing to please internal stakeholders. Endless meetings, complex and cumbersome processes, avoidance to make a decision. We are assessed on values and behaviors, but what about our senior management V&B? No transparency, the assholes get promoted but high-performing associates are treated like disposables. Give me a good payout for many years of hard work and I will be happily out, Novartis.

It's really sad to see what's hapenning at Novartis. No signs of mature and inspiring leadership, no vision anymore, driving the company backwards. Simply incompetence at the senior leaders level. A lot of hypocrisy when it comes to claiming to be a patient and customer focused organization. Drowning in bureaucracy and focusing to please internal stakeholders. Endless meetings, complex and cumbersome processes, avoidance to make a decision. We are assessed on values and behaviors, but what about our senior management V&B? No transparency, the assholes get promoted but high-performing associates are treated like disposables. Give me a good payout for many years of hard work and I will be happily out, Novartis.

For the people not in Basel, we witness an unbelievable scene this week in Basel at the GDO breakfast.

Badhri Srinivasan started by congratulating the teams for their great performance at Q1, and then one associate from development asked him many questions about his strategy, I think he was not expecting that we saw his shitty strategy coming, below a summary of what he said:

- He want to send a maximum of job in India, and if a job cannot be send there, he wants a strong rational for it.
- People will be fired, he will start by BIO-METRICS in May/June, but I don't think he will stop there, finance, clinical management, monitoring and al should follow in a near future, he confirmed in front of everyone, it was coming from nowhere... this guy is a moron.
- They made an audit in INDIA, and it was great, my god these 50K$ are genuis, maybe Badhri should consider offshore himself there, he would make smarter decisions...
- Now it is official, we are a CRO, CRO are the best, really they are, they are great, this is amazing, "CRO is the benchmark" he said, this dumbass will have big surprises between his cro and india strategy
- He saved already already 68 millions to the company, because he's a cowboy and that's what cowboy do, here's an idea Badhri, if you send the whole campus in India you can save shitloads of money before it crashes !!!

So, to summarize, 2 strategies: you wait for one of the biggest failure you will see in pharma history and try to survive till this piece of garbage is gone OR you leave now before blood and tears come.