Layoffs in CV before the year ends

Have yall taken the time to watch the video from Neil in his most recent email talking about his first 3 months on the job?
It’s good news yall!! We should acknowledge that as well here on Cafe Pharma not just the stuff we are unhappy about.
They are adjusting Leqvio payout for IC3 bringing the payout cutoff down from 80% to 70%-meaning many people that received 0 payout for Leqvio will now receive a bonus. He also addressed the huge issue of pay parity for reps and others that have been here for a while and making less than new hires and a plan to correct that. I’m cautiously optimistic… let’s see what happens in reality but at least he is acknowledging these are problems and is working to fix them. Hoping for an end of the year miracle and for Novartis to finally do the right thing- we shall see!

Have yall taken the time to watch the video from Neil in his most recent email talking about his first 3 months on the job?
It’s good news yall!! We should acknowledge that as well here on Cafe Pharma not just the stuff we are unhappy about.
They are adjusting Leqvio payout for IC3 bringing the payout cutoff down from 80% to 70%-meaning many people that received 0 payout for Leqvio will now receive a bonus. He also addressed the huge issue of pay parity for reps and others that have been here for a while and making less than new hires and a plan to correct that. I’m cautiously optimistic… let’s see what happens in reality but at least he is acknowledging these are problems and is working to fix them. Hoping for an end of the year miracle and for Novartis to finally do the right thing- we shall see!

Acknowledging a problem without addressing it is empty. Novartis has a long history of gas lighting people over compensation and dangling carrots in front of people. Enough is enough.

It’s obvious Novartis is an awful place to rep. Hmmmmmm The real question is why do you cats choose to remain repping in such a toxic environment? Almost anyone can land a new rep gig within a few months. Well, apparently you defy rep logic in a bad kinda way.

Have yall taken the time to watch the video from Neil in his most recent email talking about his first 3 months on the job?
It’s good news yall!! ...

He also addressed the huge issue of pay parity for reps and others that have been here for a while and making less than new hires and a plan to correct that.

Interesting approach, they do.
Distraction and hope they offer.
Clever is the Emperor.

Fall NOT for these tricks.
Increased pay, NOT will you get.

Courage to leave, is the way of the force.
True compensation will then you get.
Be strong of mind and body, my padawans.
Depart now you must.


Acknowledging a problem without addressing it is empty. Novartis has a long history of gas lighting people over compensation and dangling carrots in front of people. Enough is enough.

Yes...Novartis "gaslighting" is real. So called "leaders" that are able to talk a good game, but don't follow through on promises and commitments. When "leaders" act this way, it completely destroys trust and turns everything into a game.

Acknowledging a problem without addressing it is empty. Novartis has a long history of gas lighting people over compensation and dangling carrots in front of people. Enough is enough.

The company has become a total fraud, a shell game. Senior leaders are tone deaf and really have no feel as to what is happening at the ground level. And, ABL’s are completely afraid to give any candid feedback about what is going on. The company has created a total mess…and now we have to live in it.

The company has become a total fraud, a shell game. Senior leaders are tone deaf and really have no feel as to what is happening at the ground level. And, ABL’s are completely afraid to give any candid feedback about what is going on. The company has created a total mess…and now we have to live in it.

The RDs f-ed up leqvio more than anyone which is really saying something given almost all of the ABLs cant get out of their own way. The CV RD's specifically have struggled to get leqvio and have been ALL OVER the place for years now. YEARS of trying to get up to speed while screwing it up, not really learning, not taking a stand, etc... Countless blunders yet still so oddly pleased with their "leadership". Arrogance and ignorance are a lethal combination for a sales org and our dipsht RD in the midwest has plenty of it. Being a wimp hasnt helped either.

The company has become a total fraud, a shell game. Senior leaders are tone deaf and really have no feel as to what is happening at the ground level. And, ABL’s are completely afraid to give any candid feedback about what is going on. The company has created a total mess…and now we have to live in it.
All true so it becomes who flinches first. Do reps foolishly continue to place their trust in this 3 ring circus hanging around until they get laid off? Or do they dust off their resume and take a proactive stance and get the hell out ASAP? Pretty obvious choice here people.

The RDs f-ed up leqvio more than anyone which is really saying something given almost all of the ABLs cant get out of their own way. The CV RD's specifically have struggled to get leqvio and have been ALL OVER the place for years now. YEARS of trying to get up to speed while screwing it up, not really learning, not taking a stand, etc... Countless blunders yet still so oddly pleased with their "leadership". Arrogance and ignorance are a lethal combination for a sales org and our dipsht RD in the midwest has plenty of it. Being a wimp hasnt helped either.
My ABL does not understand buy and bill at all. I sell almost half of the business in the area and my manager still talks down to me and endlessly “coaches” me instead of asking how I’m doing or listening when I try to explain it. Since I already carry more than my portion of the team and my numbers don’t seem to be able to win my manager’s approval anyway, I’m slacking until we get individual goals. All I’m doing at this point is making my teammates look good and driving my own baseline individual goal up.

My ABL does not understand buy and bill at all. I sell almost half of the business in the area and my manager still talks down to me and endlessly “coaches” me instead of asking how I’m doing or listening when I try to explain it. Since I already carry more than my portion of the team and my numbers don’t seem to be able to win my manager’s approval anyway, I’m slacking until we get individual goals. All I’m doing at this point is making my teammates look good and driving my own baseline individual goal up.

If you are the man with all this bizz and not happy WTF are you still giving them your studly services for? You Pharma reppies are dumb. If you are this rock star rep, other companies would be beating your door down and you would making bank away from Novartis.

Acknowledging a problem without addressing it is empty. Novartis has a long history of gas lighting people over compensation and dangling carrots in front of people. Enough is enough.

All talk, no action...just buying themselves more time. There's an old philosophy in hiring people, "Hire em smart, but not too smart." The smart ones eventually figure out what's going on and then they don't want to work, or work just enough to not be let go. Total BS.

If you are the man with all this bizz and not happy WTF are you still giving them your studly services for? You Pharma reppies are dumb. If you are this rock star rep, other companies would be beating your door down and you would making bank away from Novartis.
I really am that good. No other companies can afford me.