Uh...the real unemployment rate for the US is not 8%. It's more in the range of 22%. You should not follow the numbers from MSM. The correct information about our economy and unemployment numbers can be found on many alternative news sites on the internet, not MSM TV, not MSM news websites. The more accurate unemployment rate for Pharma Sales sector is around 45-50%. Oh yeah, and contract sales force reps will make a base of $50-$55K, not $75K.

The jobs I have seen posted in the Dallas area are all less than 65K and there are not too many of them. With my base of 120K and over 15 years experience I guess if I get cut I am done in this industry.

To all the "older" reps who are worried. I got hired on after about 5 months on the last go around. The company I am with had a training class of about 25. I am 48, and was about in the middle age wise. Some companies are do see the benefit of seasoned reps. Keep your heads up.

To all the "older" reps who are worried. I got hired on after about 5 months on the last go around. The company I am with had a training class of about 25. I am 48, and was about in the middle age wise. Some companies are do see the benefit of seasoned reps. Keep your heads up.
Please tell me what company so I can send a resume to them also.
Are they hiring?

QUOTE: Why do you think the governemnet has to borrow so much money so Uncle Sam can pay pookie on the street his check so he can go to Micky Ds. This is the real deal so wise up because this goes beyond pharma.

Nancy Pelosi would say this is good....brings business to Micky Ds, keeping those that work there employed. Crazy liberals....

What kills me is that we are borrowing money with a deficit of 13 trillion (?)....and at the same time continuing to pledge large sums of money abroad for various causes.

We have no one to blame but ourselves for our demise. Very sad...

Im reading this blog and cannot believe what is being written. We obviously have many that are just plain uneducated about economics and globalization. This goes beyond the scope of a lack of new blockbuster meds. First, yes the government is to blame for alot of the fuckups that went on in our industry. Its not just pharmaceuticals but many industries that have been driven out because of extremely high corporte taxes. unions, regulations, and EPA issues that are worthless. Our country continues to print money and inflate the dollar until we run out of money. With all the job lose and inflation people tend to cut back and buy less expensive things SUCH AS GENERIC PRODUCTS. Econ 101. Globalization has hurt the US extremely and as more Pharma companies pull out and set up shop overseas we will see less opportunity here. MED D, medicaid, and other government programs have hurt. Don't kid yourself. All entitlement programs such as welfare for pookie has hurt our economy. Why do you think the governemnet has to borrow so much money so Uncle Sam can pay pookie on the street his check so he can go to Micky Ds. This is the real deal so wise up because this goes beyond pharma.

The job market is horrible and most jobs posted on the internet are not new jobs but existing positions that companies have to fill due to someone leaving or being fired. Most of these jobs are internally filled and companies have to post outsde for legal reasons. The under-employed and part-time workforce is what is growng and thats not good. Lets look at GNP. GDP, and economic growth. All have decline or are flat. We do not produce anything and are so dependant on the service industry that produces NOTHING.

The best bet is a total career change into something that is in demand. Nursing, PT, NP, engineering, comp sci, accounting, or actuary science. Yes this requires much more education and smarts but I believe this is the only thing that will most from having a dead end nothing career.

Thanks Ron Paul! You forgot to mention the "Gold Standard", and 9-9-9!

Im reading this blog and cannot believe what is being written. We obviously have many that are just plain uneducated about economics and globalization. This goes beyond the scope of a lack of new blockbuster meds. First, yes the government is to blame for alot of the fuckups that went on in our industry. Its not just pharmaceuticals but many industries that have been driven out because of extremely high corporte taxes. unions, regulations, and EPA issues that are worthless. Our country continues to print money and inflate the dollar until we run out of money. With all the job lose and inflation people tend to cut back and buy less expensive things SUCH AS GENERIC PRODUCTS. Econ 101. Globalization has hurt the US extremely and as more Pharma companies pull out and set up shop overseas we will see less opportunity here. MED D, medicaid, and other government programs have hurt. Don't kid yourself. All entitlement programs such as welfare for pookie has hurt our economy. Why do you think the governemnet has to borrow so much money so Uncle Sam can pay pookie on the street his check so he can go to Micky Ds. This is the real deal so wise up because this goes beyond pharma.

The job market is horrible and most jobs posted on the internet are not new jobs but existing positions that companies have to fill due to someone leaving or being fired. Most of these jobs are internally filled and companies have to post outsde for legal reasons. The under-employed and part-time workforce is what is growng and thats not good. Lets look at GNP. GDP, and economic growth. All have decline or are flat. We do not produce anything and are so dependant on the service industry that produces NOTHING.

The best bet is a total career change into something that is in demand. Nursing, PT, NP, engineering, comp sci, accounting, or actuary science. Yes this requires much more education and smarts but I believe this is the only thing that will most from having a dead end nothing career.

Hey Ron Paul, nice rant, but if you are going to call the rest of us stupid at least have your basic facts straight. You state the GNP, GDP are flat or declined, this is simply wrong. First of GNP HAS NOT BEEN MEASURED SINCE 1991, this is when we switched to GDP. Secondly, GDP has been positive for the last three years. Geez, no wonder you are lagging in the polls. Perhaps you want to blame abortion, birth control pills, or planned parenthood instead. This makes a lot more sense.

Uh...the real unemployment rate for the US is not 8%. It's more in the range of 22%. You should not follow the numbers from MSM. The correct information about our economy and unemployment numbers can be found on many alternative news sites on the internet, not MSM TV, not MSM news websites. The more accurate unemployment rate for Pharma Sales sector is around 45-50%. Oh yeah, and contract sales force reps will make a base of $50-$55K, not $75K.

Im on a contract and I make $65. I did negotiate. Your full of shit.

Move on with your lives! There are pleanty of jobs out there, just be relentless and go get one. I have looked from the time they announced in January, and found several companies willing to hire me. It took a lot of energy, hard work, revising my resume and interviewing skills, but all very worth it. I am much more prepared than if they had called us Monday and told us to be home Wednesday. Having the 3 past few months to prepare was very generous on Novartis' part. Novartis was a strong company and will be again in the future. If you are let go tomorrow, be happy, you get severance, go work out, get some sleep, then get out there and find the next big thing for your career. Good luck all!

Move on with your lives! There are pleanty of jobs out there, just be relentless and go get one. I have looked from the time they announced in January, and found several companies willing to hire me. It took a lot of energy, hard work, revising my resume and interviewing skills, but all very worth it. I am much more prepared than if they had called us Monday and told us to be home Wednesday. Having the 3 past few months to prepare was very generous on Novartis' part. Novartis was a strong company and will be again in the future. If you are let go tomorrow, be happy, you get severance, go work out, get some sleep, then get out there and find the next big thing for your career. Good luck all!

What the heck are you smoking? "There are pleanty of jobs out there..."? Come on please; on the surface, this statement is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, being positive as great! Being oblivious, and just lying to your self is a different story. You should have just said "there are tens of thousands of unemployed drug reps, and our skills to not translate to any other industry. The competition will be very tough, but we should try as hard as possible to be one of the lucky few to re-enter the industry. For those that don't, you will have to start over at a fraction of your pay, but if you work hard, you will recover alot in a few years." Now thats realistic.

Im reading this blog and cannot believe what is being written. We obviously have many that are just plain uneducated about economics and globalization. This goes beyond the scope of a lack of new blockbuster meds. First, yes the government is to blame for alot of the fuckups that went on in our industry. Its not just pharmaceuticals but many industries that have been driven out because of extremely high corporte taxes. unions, regulations, and EPA issues that are worthless. Our country continues to print money and inflate the dollar until we run out of money. With all the job lose and inflation people tend to cut back and buy less expensive things SUCH AS GENERIC PRODUCTS. Econ 101. Globalization has hurt the US extremely and as more Pharma companies pull out and set up shop overseas we will see less opportunity here. MED D, medicaid, and other government programs have hurt. Don't kid yourself. All entitlement programs such as welfare for pookie has hurt our economy. Why do you think the governemnet has to borrow so much money so Uncle Sam can pay pookie on the street his check so he can go to Micky Ds. This is the real deal so wise up because this goes beyond pharma.

The job market is horrible and most jobs posted on the internet are not new jobs but existing positions that companies have to fill due to someone leaving or being fired. Most of these jobs are internally filled and companies have to post outsde for legal reasons. The under-employed and part-time workforce is what is growng and thats not good. Lets look at GNP. GDP, and economic growth. All have decline or are flat. We do not produce anything and are so dependant on the service industry that produces NOTHING.

The best bet is a total career change into something that is in demand. Nursing, PT, NP, engineering, comp sci, accounting, or actuary science. Yes this requires much more education and smarts but I believe this is the only thing that will most from having a dead end nothing career.

I posted the remark about blockbusters vs med D. Sorry, but my degree is in Economics so there is a chance I do know as much about it as you do. People only cut back by using generic options when there is viable generic alternative. With Zocor being generic, there is a viable generic option, and hence soon there will be no blockbuster lipid drug. Same with BP. How many viable generic BP meds are there? Aces, ARBs CCB...... That is why there is not billion dollar BP med any more.

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