Layoff info

There is approaching 500? in diabetes west. Doubt very highly that 1:3 will be displaced...based on the 160#.
Possible that #160 from TWO divisions resp and diab, or I'd guess that.
Severance? In the past it's never deviated from the AZ policy. But this time I guess you'll know tommorow.
Hopefully the ones displaced will get full severance. But then again, this time yesterday no one knew they'd be sitting at home tommorow waiting either.

So, the layoff directly impacted me, more than 15 yrs with AZ. I get it that people are upset, but for the most part, every person who has been displaced with AZ in the past....what do they post?
They post how glad , in hindsight , that they have moved on, and more importantly, found something where they are much happier.
Maybe not at this moment, but a year from now we all may be saying the same thing. This may be one of those blessings that we don't understand now, but in time we will be the lucky ones.
I don't believe for a second that this company will be better moving forward. Those that remain, esp in diabetes/respiratory. Eventually, people realistically work out of fear that they have a job only until the next email, sit by the phone scenario.

So, the layoff directly impacted me, more than 15 yrs with AZ. I get it that people are upset, but for the most part, every person who has been displaced with AZ in the past....what do they post?
They post how glad , in hindsight , that they have moved on, and more importantly, found something where they are much happier.
Maybe not at this moment, but a year from now we all may be saying the same thing. This may be one of those blessings that we don't understand now, but in time we will be the lucky ones.
I don't believe for a second that this company will be better moving forward. Those that remain, esp in diabetes/respiratory. Eventually, people realistically work out of fear that they have a job only until the next email, sit by the phone scenario.

You are correct. I won't quit, but will wait for next round of layoffs or a mutual separation if it should come to that. PC is DOA.

So, the layoff directly impacted me, more than 15 yrs with AZ. I get it that people are upset, but for the most part, every person who has been displaced with AZ in the past....what do they post?
They post how glad , in hindsight , that they have moved on, and more importantly, found something where they are much happier.
Maybe not at this moment, but a year from now we all may be saying the same thing. This may be one of those blessings that we don't understand now, but in time we will be the lucky ones.
I don't believe for a second that this company will be better moving forward. Those that remain, esp in diabetes/respiratory. Eventually, people realistically work out of fear that they have a job only until the next email, sit by the phone scenario.

A year from now, things will not be better. The Orange Man 1 Termer has set this country back 30 years due to inaction and incompetence. Covid will still be wrecking the economy and Layoffs will be in the Spring. It’s already being discussed.

A year from now, things will not be better. The Orange Man 1 Termer has set this country back 30 years due to inaction and incompetence. Covid will still be wrecking the economy and Layoffs will be in the Spring. It’s already being discussed.

You’re a dumbass. No one could have prevented what covid has done. Except, of course, the Chinese bastards that unleashed it on the world.

A year from now, things will not be better. The Orange Man 1 Termer has set this country back 30 years due to inaction and incompetence. Covid will still be wrecking the economy and Layoffs will be in the Spring. It’s already being discussed.

Wish I could be there to see your head explode when the massive fraud is exposed and old Orange Man gets a second term. Priceless.

You have a right to vent and say what you want, but I have been in the pharma industry for over 25 years and their will NEVER be a union for white collar positions. Even if you tried the companies will fight you and win. Layoffs are part of everyday life, I have been the recipient of many, including mergers, closures and being let go because they can do it. My best advice is to go through the emotions of being angry, throw things, rant and rave, then you have to get pass it and move on. I agree this is the worse time of the year to deal with this, but things will get better, you will find a much better position and learn from this. Best of luck and I mean that sincerely.

Perfectly said and sadly true. My first manager told me "never love the company because the company cannot love you back". Even more true today. Still, this kind of thing hurts like Hell on so many levels.

Perfectly said and sadly true. My first manager told me "never love the company because the company cannot love you back". Even more true today. Still, this kind of thing hurts like Hell on so many levels.

it is funny. I tell myself that all they time. You are just a number and as hard as it is to is not personal.

good luck! I have been amazed at how cold and hateful people have been on here..even for cafe pharma

So, the layoff directly impacted me, more than 15 yrs with AZ. I get it that people are upset, but for the most part, every person who has been displaced with AZ in the past....what do they post?
They post how glad , in hindsight , that they have moved on, and more importantly, found something where they are much happier.
Maybe not at this moment, but a year from now we all may be saying the same thing. This may be one of those blessings that we don't understand now, but in time we will be the lucky ones.
I don't believe for a second that this company will be better moving forward. Those that remain, esp in diabetes/respiratory. Eventually, people realistically work out of fear that they have a job only until the next email, sit by the phone scenario.
Yes - correct - I already don't miss all the BS! And I will never have to suffer through another "talk show" with Giggles! Or deal with the myriad of IT issues compounded by the clueless HelpDesk. I could go on, but I am happier already.....

So, the layoff directly impacted me, more than 15 yrs with AZ. I get it that people are upset, but for the most part, every person who has been displaced with AZ in the past....what do they post?
They post how glad , in hindsight , that they have moved on, and more importantly, found something where they are much happier.
Maybe not at this moment, but a year from now we all may be saying the same thing. This may be one of those blessings that we don't understand now, but in time we will be the lucky ones.
I don't believe for a second that this company will be better moving forward. Those that remain, esp in diabetes/respiratory. Eventually, people realistically work out of fear that they have a job only until the next email, sit by the phone scenario.

FIRST, to some that I address as children, there is nothing wrong with someone mature enough to know it isn't what happens to you, it's how you respond.

SECOND, to the arrogant ones who made it this far, the blood is only delayed a bit. There will be more cutbacks in the next 2-3 years. You bought that much time. Gloat. But I won't cause I am empathetic to all those affected by the pandemic, job loss, family challenges, etc.

Life is a gift; yet as you know or may come to know, often difficult.

Grace is knowing that what you have today is all you may have period. And what do you value as priceless? It certainly isn't a bullshit big pharma JOB. It's family, friends, the seasons, a smile, a kind encouraging word to someone knocked down. It's hope. No one should take that away from another.

FIRST, to some that I address as children, there is nothing wrong with someone mature enough to know it isn't what happens to you, it's how you respond.

SECOND, to the arrogant ones who made it this far, the blood is only delayed a bit. There will be more cutbacks in the next 2-3 years. You bought that much time. Gloat. But I won't cause I am empathetic to all those affected by the pandemic, job loss, family challenges, etc.

Life is a gift; yet as you know or may come to know, often difficult.

Grace is knowing that what you have today is all you may have period. And what do you value as priceless? It certainly isn't a bullshit big pharma JOB. It's family, friends, the seasons, a smile, a kind encouraging word to someone knocked down. It's hope. No one should take that away from another.
My friend VERY well said!!! I wish their were more decent people like you!! Where is the compassion, caring, understanding, and just decent humanity in this world. People are dying, hungry, homeless and one huge shit-show. Having it happen this time a year, really sucks, and it’s better to be humble, and walk with your head lowered. To those who think this is a game or a joke, one day karma will bite you in the ass, but people like us won’t tell you we told you so, or rub salt into your wound.............:)

FIRST, to some that I address as children, there is nothing wrong with someone mature enough to know it isn't what happens to you, it's how you respond.

SECOND, to the arrogant ones who made it this far, the blood is only delayed a bit. There will be more cutbacks in the next 2-3 years. You bought that much time. Gloat. But I won't cause I am empathetic to all those affected by the pandemic, job loss, family challenges, etc.

Life is a gift; yet as you know or may come to know, often difficult.

Grace is knowing that what you have today is all you may have period. And what do you value as priceless? It certainly isn't a bullshit big pharma JOB. It's family, friends, the seasons, a smile, a kind encouraging word to someone knocked down. It's hope. No one should take that away from another.
OMG!! Take your silly counsel and stick it where the sun don't shine. You are a pompous fool.

OMG!! Take your silly counsel and stick it where the sun don't shine. You are a pompous fool.
See it’s ass-wipes like you that give US a bad name, its dick-wads like you that really piss ME off. It is my wish that one day, I could meet you and confront you, but as we all know you would be a wussy, and deny, or even better yet say nothing, because you don’t have the balls to do so. A gutless, and spineless fool.