Holiday season layoff

Simple math. The layoffs are due to the incredibly difficult gross to net for the primary care portfolio. Farxiga is SO heavily rebated and discounted. On top of that, we buy down people’s commercial copay with cards/vouchers. I would bet we ‘make’ less than $.25 for every $1.00 sold. That is not sustainable at all. Hence, why do we need to continue paying a bloated sales force? And the majority of those reps are barely able to see any of their targets due to pandemic.

future of pharma is in higher margin disease states; specialty, oncology, etc. while primary care products won’t go away, the sales model will definitely adjust to meet the business realities.

I agree with a previous poster. If you voted for Biden for the better of mankind and because you didn’t like donald trump. Well, truth is you are not even looking out for tour fellow co workers or really even for yourself. This could be you and will be you as soon as a single health payer system takes place.

If anyone on here voted for Joe Biden and you say I’m so sorry or I wish I could help to anyone that gets laid off you are a hypocrite and need to reevaluate some things.
Voting for Biden because you don’t like Trump is like eating a dog turd because you don’t like broccoli

Voting for Biden because you don’t like Trump is like eating a dog turd because you don’t like broccoli

The last post is all fake news! This is more fall out from Trumps long list failures. He went after big pharma and now 500 people at AZ are paying the consequences. He leaves a trove of roadkill in his destructive path. Look at how many people charged criminally, indicted, lost their job, career or reputation from Dumps failures and cover ups. The list is endless. I could list all the people charged and indicted to proves my point but I feel sorry for all the republicans /Americans he conned. He was even impeached himself.
#worst President In History. Why do you think he is using Pardons for his cartel and family???? Wake up
#conn artist #incompetent #racist #the biggest loser #crybaby #lock him up #stain on history

I’m sure it will be until the end of February. Just remember you pay to use the car don’t let them take it early.
Teva told reps who were laid off on Wed morning they couldn't drive the company car as of that moment! Ridiculous! Somebody on the call asked "How am I supposed to pick up my kids?" It was treated as a rhetorical question with no answer.

The last post is all fake news! This is more fall out from Trumps long list failures. He went after big pharma and now 500 people at AZ are paying the consequences. He leaves a trove of roadkill in his destructive path. Look at how many people charged criminally, indicted, lost their job, career or reputation from Dumps failures and cover ups. The list is endless. I could list all the people charged and indicted to proves my point but I feel sorry for all the republicans /Americans he conned. He was even impeached himself.
#worst President In History. Why do you think he is using Pardons for his cartel and family???? Wake up
#conn artist #incompetent #racist #the biggest loser #crybaby #lock him up #stain on history
You’re a complete moron