Were buying Alexion for $40 BILLION - enjoy your layoff

You answered your own question; YOU DONT KNOW!!!! They aren’t going to get rid of reps totally you dumb-ass, diabetes and respiratory had to many so they trimmed down, plus if you knew anything you were talking about the earnings report for Q-3 those franchises had single digit growth, the focus for AZ are oncology, oncology and oncology!!! Why because that is were the $$$$$ are Einstein. If you look at the pipeline and where are the R&D dollars are going its in oncology, oncology and oncology!!! Obviously you aren’t in ONCOLOGY, expansion is full speed ahead, positions are being filled and new positions are being created. Are you telling me the company doesn’t know this, hell ya they do, Merck, BMS, AZ, Novartis, Bayer, and other oncology rich companies haven’t laid off ONE person due to Covid!!! Those mentioned companies with the exception of AZ have reps falling over each other, the great thing about mid to upper management here at AZ have resisted and refused to expand currently because they came from those other companies and learned from their mistakes. How do I know, I work in oncology for AZ and have had countless interactions with management. So please take your negative ass somewhere else. I know you have tried to come over to the oncology side, but just didn’t have the expertise and talent like WE have. Sorry.............:) Peace and Love.

Typical of so many Oncology reps....they think their shit doesn't stink. Well it does! It is a known fact here in Wilmington and in Maryland that Oncology reps have worse access than any other TA. Who are you kidding the majority of your calls are waves at the window and downright lies. You think you are immune to layoffs? Well if I was you I wouldn't bet on it. Oh and Karma is a bitch my friend. You get a message to sit by the phone start shitting your pants.

Typical of so many Oncology reps....they think their shit doesn't stink. Well it does! It is a known fact here in Wilmington and in Maryland that Oncology reps have worse access than any other TA. Who are you kidding the majority of your calls are waves at the window and downright lies. You think you are immune to layoffs? Well if I was you I wouldn't bet on it. Oh and Karma is a bitch my friend. You get a message to sit by the phone start shitting your pants.

So damn true.

Typical of so many Oncology reps....they think their shit doesn't stink. Well it does! It is a known fact here in Wilmington and in Maryland that Oncology reps have worse access than any other TA. Who are you kidding the majority of your calls are waves at the window and downright lies. You think you are immune to layoffs? Well if I was you I wouldn't bet on it. Oh and Karma is a bitch my friend. You get a message to sit by the phone start shitting your pants.
WOW do you need to go to an anger management sessions? I’m truly sorry you either got passed over, or deemed NOT worthy in getting into oncology. Let me assure you my friend here at AZ our main focus now and in the future will be ONCOLOGY, and DON’T forget it. Our pipeline, R&D, franchises and tone of this company is ONCOLOGY!!!!! So please drink some warm milk, squeeze your teddy bear, hug a cop, take a hot bubble bath, or jump off the highest building, but get a grip my little anger boy and remember, smile, we love you!!!!